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Showing 145 results for Shahbazi

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2014)

The language of Qur'an is a multi-layer and faceted one which is considered as one of its marvels. Based on some quotes, the Holy Qur'an encompasses seven and on some other, seventy layers of meaning. This has long derived the Qur'an scholars and investigators to strive to figure out these layers of meaning. Multiple meaning words carry with them more than one meaning and since there is always the possibility of the presence of multiple meanings in a single context, due attention and care plays a significant role in figuring out the right meaning and message of Qur'anic verses and correctly translating them. Following a descriptive-analytical methodology, this study investigated the translation of some multiple meaning words. This implies the incongruences in picking up the Farsi equivalent of the same word by different translators. Taking the semantic and pragmatic context of the verses into account, considering the etymological aspects of the words and analyzing interpretative texts are among the most important solutions to the translation of multiple- meaning words.    

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)

In the Magnetically Assisted Chemical Separation (MACS) process, tiny ferromagnetic particles coated with solvent extractant are used to selectively separate radionuclides and hazardous metals from aqueous waste streams. The contaminant-loaded particles are then recovered from the waste solutions using a magnetic field. In the present study, Cyanex272 or C272 (bis (2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid) coated magnetic particles are being evaluated for the possible application in the extraction of Uranium (VI) from nuclear waste streams. The uptake behaviour of U(VI) from nitric acid solutions was investigated by batch studies.
Adsorption of uranium (VI) from aqueous solution onto adsorbent was investigated in a batch system. Adsorption isotherm and adsorption kinetic studies of uranium (VI) onto nanoparticles coated Cyanex272 were carried out in a batch system. The factors influencing uranium (VI) adsorption were investigated and described in detail, as a function of the parameters such as initial pH value, contact time, adsorbent mass, and initial uranium (VI) concentration. Magnetically Assisted Chemical Separation (MACS) process adsorbent showed best results for the fast adsorption of U (VI) from aqueous solution at aqueous phase acidity value of 0.5 molar. In addition, more than 80% of U (VI) was removed within the first 2 hours, and the time required to achieve the adsorption equilibrium was only 140 minutes. Langmuir and Frendlich adsorption models were used for the mathematical description of the adsorption equilibrium. Equilibrium data agreed very well with the Langmuir model, with a maximum adsorption capacity of 48 mg.g-1. Adsorption kinetics data were tested using pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and intra-particle diffusion models. Kinetic studies showed that the adsorption followed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model, indicating that the chemical adsorption was the rate-limiting step.

Volume 2, Issue 6 (Summer 2021)

The present study aimed to prioritize the factors of cultural development of sports in the country from the perspective of experts. This applied research was a descriptive survey conducted by a mixed (quantitative-qualitative) method. The statistical population is in the qualitative section, staff managers, professors of sports management and university researcher who have related research work. Sampling in the qualitative part was done in the form of snowballs until the theoretical saturation was reached with experts. In the quantitative part, the samples were composed of managers and sports specialists, university professors with teaching experience in the socio-cultural field of sports, and researchers who had conducted research studies in this field 49 researcher-made questionnaires were Targeted and distributed online and in the field. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics were used for demographic characteristics, and inferential statistics were used by Expert choice statistical analysis software version 11 to weigh and prioritize the factors of cultural development of the sport. The results showed that the factors of cultural development of sports in the country are family priority and educational sports (0.408), responsibility and moral conscience (0.273), avoidance of moral vices in sports (0.173), and cultural customs in sports, respectively. (0.080), and cultural communications and exchanges (0.043) and cultural activities in sports (0.022). In general, it can be said that the spread of culture in the family and educational sports can directly reduce the root of moral and behavioral disorders.

Volume 2, Issue 6 (Summer 2021)

The present research aims to model the structural equations of green marketing and the desire to buy customers through the mediation of social responsibility. The research method is a descriptive correlation, which has been done in field experiments. For this purpose, 384 customers of Tehran's sporting goods stores were randomly selected using the Monroe method as a statistical sample. Data were gathered by green marketing awareness and willingness to purchase Habibi Saravi (2016) (α=0.92), social responsibility of Park & et al. (2017) (α=0.73) with a Likert scale of 5 Became for data normalization, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test the research hypotheses. Structural equation modelling, including confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis using AMOS software and statistical software SPSS22, were used at the significance level of P≤0.05. Inferential results showed a relationship between the marketing of green and the desire to buy sports products from customers with the mediating role of social responsibility of vendors. Also, the communication model between the three meters has adequate fitness.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2015)

Aim: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the main contributor to disability and the leading cause of death in Iran and worldwide. This study was done to determine the effect of education on behaviors related to CVDs among Yazd city restaurants` chefs.
Method: In an experimental study, the intervention factor for case group was education through lectures, pamphlets, and videos. All the restaurant and hotel chefs of Yazd were divided into two groups: intervention and control (each group 39). Data were gathered through a researcher-made questionnaire with confirmed validity and reliability. All registered data were transformed to the SPSS program and analyzed under Mann-Whitney's U, Wilcoxon's, McNemar's, Marginal homogeneity, Spearman's correlation, and Chi-square tests.
Findings: Before training, the average scores of knowledge, attitude and practice had no significant differences between the case and control groups (p≥0/05), but this difference was significant immediately and three months after education (p>0/05). Significant differences were observed in the scores of the knowledge and attitude of the intervention group between prior and immediately and three months after education (p>0/05). Also three months after the intervention, the mean score of practice was increased in the intervention group. The main information source of the subjects was media (63.5%) with physicians being their preferred source (62.2%).
Conclusion: According to the average knowledge of chefs before the intervention and significant role of chefs on cardiovascular health, improving their information through regular training programs (in consultation and health education centers), posters, pamphlets, and media is suggested.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2001)

The harvested walnut has a relatively high moisture content of 30% compared with the safe storage moisture content of 8%. One of the common means of reducing the moisture content is by drying. For design of drying and other aeration systems for agricultural products including walnuts, the relationship between the drop in pressure and airflow velocity must be known. An airflow resistance apparatus was designed and manufatured to measure the airflow resistance of walnuts. This apparatus consisted of an air compressor, a rotameter, a cylindrical bin and an inclined U-tube manometer. The pressure, drops at airflow velocities of 0.085 to 0.55 (m3/s)/m2, were measured at a constant depth of the nuts. Airflow resistance equations were fitted to the measured data. The results showed that, by increasing airflow rates, an increased drop in pressure was achieved through out walnut column. To study the effect of walnut moisture content on airflow resistance, the drop in pressure was measured at different moisture contents levels of 8.6%, 15.5%, 21.3% and 27%. Results indicated that the drop in pressure decreased with increasing moisture content, especially for high airflow rates.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (winter 2022)

Aims: How to design spaces in cities can have different effects on citizens. The objectives of this study can be to examine the impact of biophilic urban space on the stress of people.
Methods: The research method is quasi-experimental. The statistical population of the study consists of 20 bachelor and master students in the field of architecture and urban planning at Tabriz University of Islamic Arts in the academic year 1400. First, students' health was identified using a call announcement and a demographic questionnaire, and these individuals were quantified for stress with the help of a smart wristband while viewing images of biophilic and non-biophilic urban spaces with the help of virtual reality glasses.
Findings: Analysis of the results shows that the average change in stress of individuals while viewing non-biophilic images was approximately 5/2 units higher than biophilic ones in the second minute. p-Value is significant between individuals with education in biophilic state and rest in 1 minute and non-biophilic in 2 minutes. The difference between stress number in non-biophilic state and biophilic in 2 minutes is significant (p-value = 023/0) and shows the positive effect of biophilic approach on reducing stress that this efficiency can be considered in the design of future urban spaces.
Conclusion: Special attention of urban designers on the structure of spaces and the use of extraction measures from the biophilic model in different scales cause the design or organization of spaces that significantly reduce the stress of people living in cities

Volume 3, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2014)

Tomato is an important vegetable crop in Iran. Recently symptoms associated with phytoplasma disease were observed in tomato cultivars in Karaj vicinity. The phytoplasmas were detected and characterized using single-tube nested PCR and RFLP. The universal primer pairs amplified the target DNA with expected sizes from symptomatic samples in direct PCR and single-tube nested PCR. The patterns of RFLP analysis obtained from plants with symptoms of yellowing and showing a bushy aspect corresponded to the profile of tomato big bud phytoplasma–subgroup 16SrI, and those detected from plants with symptoms of shoot proliferation and swollen and virescent buds belonged to tomato big bud phytoplasma–subgroup 16SrVI. Mobeen was the most susceptible cultivar with 23% natural infection, and Alex, Raha, Sadeen 21, and Sadeen 95 cultivars showed no symptoms of disease. Lack of symptoms in the latter cultivars might be due to inefficient transmission of phytoplasma by vectors or their resistance or tolerance to disease.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-2012)

Before the Islamic Revolution in Iran, different groups and parties strived to overthrow the Pahlavi regime. To realign the people and elites in the society with them, they had to present their rationale behind thetheircertainaty about rom he objective conditions. Regime, however, rejection of the existing regime and the desirable condition following that as well as to show the way to achieve that promised society. Each active group or party at the time drew on their contemporary schools and theories for offering the reason of the rejection of the existent condition and the way to achieve the ideal one. Among them were some parties, who put their analysis of the socio-political conditions on the basis of Marxist ideology or campaigned against the Pahlavi regime building on this ideology. Such parties included the Tudeh Party, FadaeeKhalgh guerrillas and Mujahedeen-e-Khalgh guerrillas. The Tudeh Party labeled this regime as totalitarian and based on the American imperialism. Consequently, it requested the replacement of this regime with a national one. This party regarded revolution as the best way to overthrow the regime; however, they believed that preparing the population’s mentality for revolution required political and cultural actions. The Fadaee guerrillas used this same argument against the Pahlavi regime but they believed that the alternative government must be established under the leadership of a leading Labor Party. The Fadaee guerrillas too saw revolution as the only way to the ideal condition but, unlike the Tudeh Party, they believed in guerrilla war as a way to prepare the people. The Mujahedeen-e-Khalgh developed the same argument to oppose the Pahlavi regime but, unlike the two other they regarded the mindset as already prepared for revolution apart from their certainty about the objective conditions.  According to the Mujahedeen organization, the only reason behind the defeat of the campaign was lack of organization to lead the populations, a vacuum that must be filled by the parties. For Mujahedeen, the ideal society was a classless and monotheist one.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2015)

A survey was carried out in citrus nurseries in Mazandaran and Kerman provinces as the major citrus growing regions of Iran. Different varieties of orange and tangerine with abnormal symptoms were examined for the occurrence of Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticus, Spiroplasma citri and phytoplasma as the most important vascular limited pathogens in citrus. By visual inspection and molecular examination of 360 samples for the presence of fastidious prokaryotes only an occasional occurrence of phytoplasma and Spiroplasma citri were detected, using phytoplasma universal primer pairs P1/P7 and fU5/rU3 (in single tube nested PCR assay) and Spiroplasma specific primers P89-r/f and P58-6f/4r. PCR products of phytoplasmas were digested with MseI, AluI, BamHI and TaqI restriction enzymes and the digestion results showed phytoplasma related to aster yellows phytoplasma group. No amplicon was obtained for Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticus. The findings suggest when pathogen’s titer is low; symptoms of vascular limited diseases are almost confused with disorder and deficiency signs. So for sanitary selection and certification program, use of sensitive detection methods is recommended. Multiplex PCR assay used in this study successfully detected Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, Spiroplasma citri and phytoplasma in one reaction and is suggested for health certification programs.  

Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2018)

   This study is aimed to explore the fauna of grasshoppers and locusts (Orthoptera) within the county of Dasht-e Azadegan (Khuzestan Province), where is placed a vast plain with geographical coordinates of 47°42′ to 48°28′ E and 31°24′ to 32°57′ N. Sampling carried out since March 2015 until end of August 2016 using insect sweeping net and also light torch at eleven selected sites and continued for the duration of all seasons of each year every one month. The collecting sites were selected to cover the whole area in terms of climate, sea level, and vegetation. Referring to morphological identification keys and comparing the result with the type of material deposited at Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum, out of 1770 specimens, four Families, 11 Subfamilies, 21 genera and 25 species enlisted. Out of which, one genus, and two species were discovered to be new to the fauna of Iran. Based on the yielded statistics, Aiolopus thalassinus is candidates as the most frequent species in the area.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Pertussis is an important vaccine preventable disease. It is still a major cause of infant morbidity and mortality in the world. Although the incidence of pertussis was successfully reduced after vaccination, the resurgence of pertussis has been reported in many countries even with high vaccination coverage. Genetic variation in virulence factors is one of the important causes for pertussis reemergence. We investigated genetic characteristics and allele types of 3 important virulence associated genes, including ptxC, tcfA, and fhaB in clinical B. pertussis isolates collected from different provinces of Iran and vaccine strains.
Materials & Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted and ptxC, tcfA, and fhaB gene regions were amplified, using specific PCR primer. DNA sequencing was performed and data were analyzed.
Findings: ptxC2, tcfA2, and fhaB1 were the dominant alleles with 87.5%, 97.5%, and 97.5% frequencies, respectively. Vaccine strains B. pertussis 134 and B. pertussis 509 contain the genotypes ptxC2- tcfA2-fhaB1 and ptxC2- tcfA2-fhaB1.
Conclusion: Results for dominant alleles in ptxC2, tcfA2, and fhaB1 genes in Iran are consistent with dominant alleles of other countries such as Netherland, Finland, and Italy. It seems that ptxC2, tcfA2, and fhaB1 are the dominant circulating alleles in many countries after vaccination period, while vaccine strains have different alleles occasionally. More reported cases in recent years despite high coverage vaccination in Iran and genetic distances between clinical and vaccine strains suggest that antigenic changes in virulence factors possibly have an important role in the survival and evolution of the bacteria.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Helicobacter pylori is a pathogen that can be colonized in the stomach. Most laboratories only use IgG and not IgA antibody to diagnose infection. The aim of this study was to compare both IgG and IgA-antibodies level for the detection H. pylori.
Materials & Methods: The presence of IgG and IgA antibodies in the sera of the 517 patients suspected to H. pylori infection was evaluated by Enzyme-Linked Immunoadsordent Assays (ELISA) method.
Findings: The positive cases of infection on the basis of IgG and IgA titers were 68% and 27%, respectively. Also, 7% of the patients with IgG negative were IgA positive.
Conclusion: The comparison of antibody responses in our patients indicate that the sensitivity of IgA level is lower than IgG ELISA and both antibody titers must be evaluated for the identification of infection. In some cases, patients with IgG negative may have IgA positive assays; therefore, in the serological diagnostic process and without endoscopy, IgG results in association with IgA against H. pylori will be completed.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

 Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infections worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between ESBLs genes and quinolone resistance in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from patients with urinary tract infection .
Materials & Methods
A total of 150 E. coli isolates were collected from patients with urinary tract infection referring to Firouzgar Hospital in Tehran, Iran. Antimicrobial susceptibility of isolates were determined by disk diffusion method. Double-disk diffusion test was performed for phenotypic identification of extended-spectrum β-lactamase- (ESBL) producing isolates. PCR was used for the detection of ESBL-encoding genes in addition to quinolone (qnr) resistance genes.


 There was a high resistance rate to most of the studied antimicrobial agents. Phenotypically, 75% of the isolates produced an ESBL enzyme and were resistant to different antimicrobial classes. In overall, 83% of the isolates carried ESBL genes, especially blaTEM and blaCTX-M  . 75% were positive for the quinolone resistance genes including qnrA , qnrB ,qnrS and qepA. These results indicate the association between the presence of various ESBLs genes and quinolone resistance in uropathogenic E. coli.


Resistance patterns show the increased incidence of antibacterial resistance in E. coli. Results of the current study indicate the high prevalence of ESBL-producing isolates and quinolone resistance genes. Simultaneous presence of genes responsible for antibacterial resistance has made the treatment of UTI more challenging than ever before.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (spring 2024)

Objectives: During the last century, the spread of epidemics such as Sars, Ebola, and especially Corona, have fueled many crises in the world arena. In dealing with such urban crises, dealing with the category of resilience of cities against epidemics can be helpful. For this purpose, the aim of this research is to know the urban epidemiological dimension, its components and indicators and its relationship with urban resilience based on the ecological triangle model in urban environments.
Methods: Using the library method, this research examines different dimensions of meaning, approach, capacity, determining factors and characteristics in the field of resilience to the intersection of this category with pandemic crises.
Findings: The research findings indicate that disease-causing factors can be activated or deactivated under the influence of the environment and urbanization process. With regard to the capacities of resilient cities, it is possible to plan and design city-building physical measures based on the attitude of prevention, containment and control in such a way that cities can survive these crises with the least amount face dysfunction and be able to return to their desired state in the shortest possible time.
Results: Based on the results, physical activity, diet, mental health, health care systems, social distancing, infection control, and promotion of urban patrimony are criteria that can affect epidemiological resilience under the influence of the city's body.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)

Objectives: Bordetella pertussis is a Gram-negative coccobacillus bacterium which is the causative agent of whooping cough. In recent years, the number of whooping cough cases has been rised. This bacterium has important virulence factors such as fimbriae and pertactin. In this study, polymorphism of Serotype 2 and 3 fimbriae genes and 2 Regions of pertactin gene were surveyed.
Materials & Methods: Totally, 20 B. pertussis clinical isolates were tested. DNA was extracted using the kit. Serotypes 2 and 3 fimbriae genes and pertactin Region 1 and 2 were identified using PCR method; finally, 13 samples were randomly sequenced.
Findings: No mutation was observed in the pertactin Region 2. In relation to the region1 of pertactin, 77% and 23% of the strains had prn2 and prn1 alleles, respectively. In relation to fim2 gene, 70% and 30% of the strains had fim2-2 and fim2-1 alleles, respectively. Also, in relation to fim3 gene, 70% and 30% of the strains carried fim3B and fim3A alleles, respectively.
Conclusion: In general, the present study results were similar to those of the previous studies conducted in Iran, but there were some differences in fim2 gene polymorphism so that the dominant allele changed from fim2-1 to fim2-2. Considering the fact that vaccine strains of Bp134 and Bp509 carry fim3A allele, which is different from the dominant circulating allele (fim3B), it is suggested that strains more similar to the dominant circulating strains should be used in designing vaccines.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2016)

This study was undertaken to find out the optimum physicochemical parameters of fermentation, i.e. pH, incubation temperature and incubation time for the cellulase enzyme production of Trichoderma harzianum. The extracellular protein content was estimated by the dye binding method of Bradford. Endo-glucanase (EG), exoglucanase (or Cellobiohydrolase; CBH), β-glucosidase and total cellulase activity were investigated. The molecular weight of cellulase enzymes was studied using SDS-PAGE. To identify the predominant catalytic components in optimum conditions of enzyme production, cellulases were separated by an adapted two-dimensional electrophoresis technique. Estimated optimum conditions for cellulase enzyme were found as: pH 6.5, incubation temperature 28°C and incubation time 72 h. The SDS-PAGE profiles showed several enzyme bonds such as CBHs, EGs and BGLs. The T. harzianumhad both enzyme bonds of Cel7A (CBHI) and Cel7B (EG). Finally, the results of the 2D PAGE analysis showed that the profile of protein in optimium conditions of enzyme production had several enzymes such as CBHs, EGs and the high values of cellulose activity due to synergism that occurred between the CBH and EG.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2001)

Godarz Eftekhar Jahromi Professor of Law, Shahid beheshti University Mohammad Issaei Tafreshi Assistant Professor of Law, Tarbiat Modares University Morteza Shahbazinia Ph.D. Student of Private Law, Tarbiat Modares University This article discusses the developments of legal regime of International Bank Guarantees, according to the Rules published by International Chamber of Commerce. This research shows that the main source of rules, governing this instrument, is usage and practice of international trade and attempts of ICC for applying of traditional legal rules inattention to international practice has been failed. Subsequently the chamber published "Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees" (Publication No.458) in 1992. This new rules are mainly based on commercial usage and practice, and embraced the basic practical characters of bank guarantees as they are used in international trade; characters such as independence of guarntee and the effects of it. Also, the 458 Rules recognized issuance of simple demand guarantees and provide some practical resolves for other legal issues of bank guarantees such as providing of clear methods of ascertaining the applicable law and resolving disputes, limiting of bank duty to a formal compliance and accepting the documentary of bank guarantees.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)

Aim: One of the influential factors in maintaining health is nutritional status. As a meal that is prepared quickly and easily and sold in restaurants and eateries, fast food has been popular in many communities. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of health education on the knowledge, attitude, and practice of fast food consumption among primary students in Tehran.
Materials and Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 120 primary school students were selected by simple random sampling method during 2015-2016 academic year in Tehran and they were randomly allocated to intervention and control groups. The data were collected from schools in district 6, Tehran, using a valid and reliable questionnaire before and after the intervention in the areas of knowledge, attitude, practice, and demographic variables. The data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software, using descriptive statistics and independent & paired t-tests, Chi-square, and Mann-Whitney tests.
Findings: Regarding the knowledge, attitude, and practice scores, there were no significant differences between the two groups (intervention and control) before the intervention, but during ``3 months after education``, a significant difference in knowledge, attitude, and practice scores was seen (p<0.01). In the intervention group, the mean score for knowledge, attitude, and practice, 3 months after intervention was increased by 7.13, 12.96 and 0.87 scores, respectively (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Increasing the awareness of educational health in terms of knowledge, attitude, and practice is effectivein the reduction of fast food consumption in primary students.

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