Showing 55 results for Shabani
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present case study had as its aim to uncover the diagnostic and instructional potential of dynamic assessment (DA) in the context of L2 writing during asynchronous computer-mediated communication (ACMC). More precisely, the study investigated the role of ACMC-based DA through e-mail in diagnosing and promoting low-proficiency L2 learners’ writing abilities in an Iranian EFL context. To this end, a case study design was adopted and three low-proficiency students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) were selected to participate for a time span of ten weeks. The error analysis of learners’ performances in the pretest and posttest sessions led to the detection of a number of writing problems including the content, structural organization, grammatical accuracy, lexical appropriateness, and mechanics. A posterior examination of computer-mediated offline interactions led to the detection of a number of mediational strategies namely ask to revise, identify a problem area, specify the problem area, clarify the error kind, offer a choice and provide an explicit explanation as well as reciprocity patterns including unresponsive, growing autonomy and full autonomy which together helped diagnose the students' writing problems and trace their developmental trajectories. On implication side, it is argued that the ACMC-based DA serves as a strong diagnostic tool that makes a genuine understanding of L2 learners' writing abilities.
Keywords: dynamic assessment, sociocultural theory, asynchronous computer-mediated communication, writing
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Autumn 2017)
In this research,nanocomposite coatings based on epoxy containing pristine graphene oxide and starch-modified graphene oxide are prepared and characterized by Fourier transfer infrared spectroscopy, andtheir crosslinking behavior is studied using nonisothermal differential scanning calorimetry.These nanocomposites, because of having platelet-like nanomaterials inside and their organic origin, can be applied as coating on metal surface in diverse industries.The reason behind using starch was its natural basis and abundance of hydroxyl groups in its structure which can take part in crosslinking reaction with epoxide. Neat epoxy systems having amine curing agent, and nanocomposites containing epoxy, amine curing agent, andpristine or starch-modified graphene oxide nanosheets were cure at different heating rates to assess their curing behavior. Change in hearing rate of test caused change in onset and peak temperature of the exotherm curves and consequently heat of reaction changed. It was observed that the presence of the graphene oxide nanosheets hindered the crosslinking reactions, while surface modification of them with starch natural polymer compensated for such a hindrance via catalytic role of starch, and increased crosslink density of system.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2015)
The effects of mucal proteins of sea anemone, Stichodactylahaddoni,on different stages of embryonic development of zebra fish (D. rerio) were examined. The sea anemone samples were collected from the intertidal areas of the Hormuz Island (Persian Gulf), and were frozen at -160 °C. Protein and peptide components were extracted by 100% methanol. Following the total protein assessment by ELISA, three concentrations (2.1, 3.7 and 7.4 mg/ml distil water) were prepared. From each concentration, 2 ml was added to the microplates containing 150 zebra fish eggs each, with 2 replications; microplates with normal aquarium water was also used as control group. The eggs were incubated for 72 hrs and the process of embryonic development was observed every 6 to 12 hours. Results showed that the embryonic development was normal in the control group, while the eggs treated with 3.7 and 7.4 mg/ml ofmucal proteins degenerated and blackened in less than 12 hours. Also a delay in the phase of growth in embryonic development was observed in the group with 1.2 mg/ml of protein. Our results showed that the mucal proteins from this sea anemone can affect embryonic development rapidly, causing delayed growth at low concentration, and cell lysis and embryonic degeneration at high concentrations.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)
The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts. The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical , social and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic (competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model.
Volume 4, Issue 11 (1-2016)
Proverbs are the mirror of the culture of a community. The examination of proverbs on women can, therefore, help us better understand beliefs and attitudes of the speakers of a community towards women and the socio-cultural values of the same community. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze the representation of women in Gilaki (Eshkevarat variety) proverbs. The data have been collected via a structured interview with sixty native speakers (both men and women) who were over forty five years old and barely influenced by standard Persian. Since the method of this research is descriptive-analytic, the collected data were, first, categorized and described. It is worth nothing that the proverbs were semantically classified into eighteen categories encompassed by three different representations of women which are as follows in order of frequency: a. negative representation, b. positive representation, and c. neutral representation. The distribution of theses representations were analyzed within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Feminist studies. One of the important findings is that in Gilaki (Eshkevarat variety) speaking community, gender is perceived as an ideological structure. According to the rigid hierarchical relationships of dominance and inferiority, the social group of women is considered inferior and disadvantageous that counts for nothing.
Volume 5, Issue 14 (6-2017)
In animal metaphors, different characteristics of human beings are described either abusively or affectionately in different morho- syntactic structures. This article aims to investigate the use of animal names in Gilaki (Eshkevarat variety) in addressing people both abusively and affectionately within the framework of cognitive approach. A researcher- made questionnaire was used to collect the data. One hundred native speakers were selected as the sample based on cluster random sampling regardless of age and gender. Structured interview was employed since the sample was not educated enough to fill out the questionnaire. In this structured interview, questions such as the use or the lack of the use of the animal name in addressing people (males or females), abusive or affectionate use, and describing the situation by providing an example were raised about 58 animal names. Comparing the results of this study with the results of those carried out on animal metaphors in other languages indicate some similarities and differences. The similarities are the result of a universal motivation which can be explained within the framework of Embodiment theory. Also, context awareness, physical environment, and cultural context can be regarded as the main the reasons for the special use of animal metaphors in Gilaki.Human addressing and animal metaphors in Gilaki.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (No.2 (Tome 23), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
This research aims to account for Right Node Raising (RNR) in Persian. Three kinds of analysis have been put forward in the related literature: a) RNR as Across-The-Board (ATB) movement, b) RNR as PF-deletion, and c) RNR as Multiple Dominance. Arguments like non-constituents as RNR target, island insensitivity, violation of the Right-Roof Constraint (RRC), and immobile elements display that Persian RNR does not involve ATB movement. The findings of the research also show that Persian RNR is not a homogenous construction, and it can be divided into distinct subtypes. Therefore, accounting for it demands more than one approach. Arguments like cumulative agreement, internal reading of relational adjectives, and the quantifier each show that one subtype of Persian RNR is a result of Multiple Dominance. On the other hand, arguments such as non-constituents as RNR target, agreement in some cases, some types of control structures, and nonparallel conjuncts in terms of polarity display that the other subtype of Persian RNR involves PF-deletion.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)
Aim: One of the influential factors in maintaining health is nutritional status. As a meal that is prepared quickly and easily and sold in restaurants and eateries, fast food has been popular in many communities. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of health education on the knowledge, attitude, and practice of fast food consumption among primary students in Tehran.
Materials and Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 120 primary school students were selected by simple random sampling method during 2015-2016 academic year in Tehran and they were randomly allocated to intervention and control groups. The data were collected from schools in district 6, Tehran, using a valid and reliable questionnaire before and after the intervention in the areas of knowledge, attitude, practice, and demographic variables. The data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software, using descriptive statistics and independent & paired t-tests, Chi-square, and Mann-Whitney tests.
Findings: Regarding the knowledge, attitude, and practice scores, there were no significant differences between the two groups (intervention and control) before the intervention, but during ``3 months after education``, a significant difference in knowledge, attitude, and practice scores was seen (p<0.01). In the intervention group, the mean score for knowledge, attitude, and practice, 3 months after intervention was increased by 7.13, 12.96 and 0.87 scores, respectively (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Increasing the awareness of educational health in terms of knowledge, attitude, and practice is effectivein the reduction of fast food consumption in primary students.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
Achieve to high performance is a concern for corporate executives. Manufacturing companies with investments in research and development tries to use research-based innovations and their impact on the company's success in the market. The balance between market orientations and to have it (passive and active marketing) and its impact on corporate performance, questions are many managers in these firms. What is important in a lot of research on market orientation and firm performance is the role of innovation ambidexterity in this regard that the study tries to fill this gap. In this study, the effect of market orientation on firm performance by taking innovation ambidexterity mediator variables, has been investigated by using structural equation modeling. The instrument used to collect data is questionnaire that is completed by senior managers of 79 companies in Rasht. The findings showed that market orientation has a positive impact on innovation ambidexterity and Innovation ambidexterity have a positive impact on performance too. On the other hand, the direct role of marketing was not accepted in the company's performance but the role of innovation ambidexterity was confirmed as a mediator.
Volume 7, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 34), Fall Special, (Articles in Persian) 2016)
The present article aims to explore VP ellipsis as well as modal and main verb (Those that take a clause as their complement) complement ellipses in Persian. This research therefore addresses the question: what is the account of modal and main verb (Those that take a clause as their complement) complement ellipses, which are superficially similar to VP ellipsis, in Persian? The proposed hypothesis is that by definition, Persian lacks VP ellipsis; however, modal and main verb complement ellipses exist in this language which both are regarded as a single structure and an example of v-stranding VP ellipsis.
Having critically reviewed the previous studies done on the structure under discussion, modal and main verb complement ellipses are explored in detail. Unlike English, Persian disallows VP ellipsis (according to the most accepted definition in Generative Linguistics) in the sense that it is impossible to delete the verb phrase of a sentence and strand the tense. But, in a similar structure, it is possible to delete the complements of modals except ‘bayad’ meaning ‘should’ and main verbs if the conditions on ellipsis are met. Persian modals are morpho-syntactically main verbs and they appear in the same syntactic positions as main verbs. For this reason, the complement ellipses of both are regarded as a single structure. Extracting a constituent like an object out of the ellipsis site, Missing Antecedent Phenomenon, and finally strict and sloppy readings are the major syntactic properties of this structure which all back up the ellipsis analysis of the structure under investigation.
The results of this research suggest that E-feature resides on v. When the verb raises to v and as soon as the uninterpretable features are checked via Agreement, the complement of v is deleted but v itself is stranded. Since indirect objects and adverbs occupying positions higher than CP undergo ellipsis as well, it can be argued that the VP, which is situated higher than CP, is deleted. This structure is, therefore, regarded as an instantiation of v- stranding VP ellipsis.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)
Aims: Regarding the language deficiency in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and delay in their development of social activities, providing intervention and training to improve these skills is of great importance. The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of children's educational poems on the development of social activities and language skills in autistic children.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted with a pre-test and post-test and a control group. The statistical population included all children with ASD (age range: 10-12 years) referring to the Welfare Organization, Exceptional Children's Schools, and healthcare centers and clinics in Ardabil, Iran in the time period between March and September 2019. A total of 30 individuals were selected through voluntary sampling and randomly assigned to experimental (n= 15) and control (n= 15) groups, and answered the Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS) and the Test of Language Development (TOLD) questionnaires. The children’s educational poems were practiced with the experimental group for 16 sessions (60 minutes; 2 sessions per week). Then, at the end of the interventions, both experimental and control groups were evaluated again by study instruments. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA).
Findings: Children's educational poetry significantly improved social activities (p<0.01) and language skills (p<0.01) in children with ASD.
Conclusion: Poetry therapy was effective in increasing the use of language skills and improving appropriate social skills. Also, teaching such skills can be used as an effective intervention method in schools, medical centers, and speech therapy centers.
Volume 8, Issue 36 (12-2020)
Language usage is one of the most prominent social distinctions among men and women, which is often manifested in speech. In terms of “social norms”, linguistic politeness is regarded as a completely standard behavior in society. Each culture has its own behavioral norms, and the behavior that conforms to rules is politeness. Some of the social norms can be found in folklore and oral literature, including proverbs. Therefore, by choosing Taleshi language, spoken in Minaabad region of Ardabil city, the researcher tried to study the linguistic politeness and different types of face threatening acts to answer the following research question: is there any relationship between the gender of speakers and the usage of different kinds of politeness in the proverbs of Taleshi language. For this purpose, the researcher first interviewed the old and middle-aged men and women, and then collected 180 proverbs and examined them based on the existence of politeness and verbal violence. The data were analyzed by Log-linear analysis in SPSS software. The results of the statistical analysis indicated that there is a significant relationship in the usage of different kinds of politeness and verbal violence in the proverbs of different genders in Taleshi language, which, due to the community expectations, has also led to a difference in their social behavior.
Research background
Locher and Bousfield (2008, p. 3) describe impoliteness as the “behavior that is face-aggravating in a particular context”. Women and men have different roles and functions in specific areas according to the social expectations. There have been many studies on the change of social behavior which, in turn, affects the linguistic behavior. Brown and Levinson (1987) conducted a study on the language of men and women in a Mayan community in Mexico to evaluate the hypothesis that women show more politeness than men. They believed that the level of politeness in a spoken interaction depends on the social relationship between the speaker and the listener, and that the signs of being polite showed social relationships. According to Leech (2014, p. 139), apart from being manifested in the content of conversation, politeness is also seen in the way the conversation as a whole is structured and managed by its participants. This means that the conversational behavior itself can be interpreted as being polite or impolite.
Fasold (1984) studied the gender differences in doing compliment. He called the phenomenon of compliments a bilingual phenomenon in which discourses 1 and 2 relate to social, communicative, and temporal situations.
In the field of combinatorics on words, many studies have focused on English. For example, Lakoof (1973) found that women use politer words, but most men do not use such words in their daily speech. She also believed that women use more adjectives with adorable, seductive, sweet, sacred, and beautiful meanings compared to men.
Goals, questions, and assumptions
Various researchers such as Goffman (1967), Brown and Levinson (1987), Bousfield (2007), Culpeper (1996), and Culpeper et al. (2003) have investigated the category of politeness and impoliteness in language studies. While the positive face represents the need to be connected, the negative face represents the need to be independent (Yule, 2010).
Although this theory has been the basis of much research in different parts of the world, it has not been explored widely in different dialects spoken in cities of Iran. So, the researcher, according to the Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987), and Goffman’s face-threatening acts (1967) attempts to answer the question of whether there is a difference in the types of politeness and violence used in the language spoken by male and female Taleshi speakers. Other sub-questions to be addressed include:
1. Is there a meaningful relationship between the proverbs used by men and women in terms of the level of politeness and gender of the speakers?
2. Is there a significant relationship between the proverbs used by men and women in terms of level of violence and gender of the speakers?
3. What kind of politeness is most evident in the proverbs used by men and women?
4. What kind of violence is most evident in the proverbs used by men and women?
Discussion and conclusion
Based on the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in terms of the proverbs used by men and women based on the variables of politeness and violence. In this study, which compared the content of the proverbs used by men and women to test the original hypothesis, it was significantly proven that there is a close relationship between gender and the usage of politeness and violence in the proverbs. These results are in line with those reported by Lakoof (1973) and Tannen (1990), but are inconsistent with the results of Spender (1980). Factors contributing to the development and continuation of these linguistic conditions include the violence resulting from the geopolitical situation of the region due to cultural and historical deprivations in the political and security terms that have influenced the manner of speaking and violent speech, since language is significantly a reflection of the culture and historical situation of the speakers.
Log-linear test was also used to test the secondary sub-hypotheses of the study. Confirming the first sub-hypothesis of the research using the Fi test, the findings showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of politeness and gender of the speaker, so the gender of the speaker influenced the politeness level of the proverbs used. The results of this study are in line with those of Brown and Levinson (1987). Among the factors that should be noted in relation to the emergence and continuation of this linguistic feature in this particular region and in this particular sub-dialect is the naturalization and acceptance of this linguistic status by the women of the community and the indirect efforts to promote and disseminate it. The influence of neighboring cultures and other ethnicities in Iran, where this situation is also widespread and prevalent, may be some of the other contributing factors.
By confirming the second sub-hypothesis of the study, it was found that the frequency of the types of violence used in men's proverbs varied. The results of this study are in line with those of Mohammadi (2016) and Mohammadkhani et al. (2006). Factors that indicate exclusively the emergence and in particular the persistence of this linguistic violence in this particular region can be traced to the long-standing traditional-patriarchal family system and its continuation up to the modern times.
By examining the third sub-hypothesis of the study, it was shown that in terms of proverbs used by men and women, the percentage of politeness used by women was higher than men. On the other hand, the informal politeness used by women was more than the other types of politeness. Also, the percentage of proverbs used by men was higher than that of the women, while the use of words by men was higher than women. The results of this study are in line with those of Jannejad (2001), and Hamidi and Ameri (2015). The reasons for the emergence and continuation of these conditions include the fact that from a socio-linguistic point of view, women of high social class refuse to use impolite terms and expressions because they are always concerned with preserving their prestige and social status in the community.
In general, it can be said that men and women have different roles and functions in specific areas depending on the social expectations. This not only does make a difference in their social behavior, but also affects their linguistic behavior. Men of all ages use more slang terms when talking to males and females. While women try to use interactive strategies in their daily interactions and conversations, they do not want to feel superior to one another. In their conversations, women try to minimize differences of opinion in order to reach an agreement, and this agreement improves and guarantees their relationship, even if they are not fully satisfied with the final decision. Thus, it can be concluded that gender is one of the components of individual and social identities, and therefore, the relation of language and gender is a subset of the relation of language and identity. As a result, in the studies of gender related linguistics, language and linguistic behavior are considered as the symbolic capital of the expression of sexual identities.
Bousfield, D. (2007).
Impoliteness in interaction. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Brown, P., & Levinson, S. C. (1987).
Politeness, some universals in language usage. Cambridge University Press.
Culpeper, J. (1996). Towards an anatomy of impoliteness
. Journal of Pragmatics, 25, 349-67.
Culpeper, J., Derek, B., & Anne, W. (2003). Impoliteness revisited: with special reference to dynamic and prosodic aspects.
Journal of Pragmatics, 35, 545-79.
Fasold, R. (1984).
The sociolinguistics of society. Basil Blackwell.
Goffman, E. (1967).
Stigma notes on management of spoiled identity (translated into Farsi by Masood Kyanpour). Markaz Publication.
Hamidi, F., & Ameri, P. (2015). Creativity and modernism in the deconstruction of mystical and conversational languages.
Women in Culture and Art, 7(3), 389-404.
Jannejad, M. (2001).
Language and gender; social linguistic research in linguistic differences between Iranian male and female speakers in conversational interaction. PhD Thesis, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Lakoof, R. (1973).
The logic of politeness; or minding your p's and q's. In papers from the ninth regional meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago Linguistic society. 292-305.
Leech, G. (2014).
The pragmatics of politeness. Oxford University Press.
Locher, M. A., & Bousfield, D. (2008).
Impoliteness in interaction. John Benjamins.
MohammadKhani, P., RezaeiDougah, A., Mohammadi, M., & AzadMehr, H. (2006). Prevalence of domestic violence patterns, its experiential commitment in men of weights.
Social Welfare Quarterly, 21, 225-205.
Mohammadi, M. (2016).
Violation of courtesy in Farsi-speaking social networks. Master's Degree in Public Linguistics, Hamedan: Bu Ali Sina University.The Power of Talks Who Gets Heard and Why, Harward Business Review, September.
Yule, G. (2010).
The study of language (4th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Habibollah Salami, Zohreh Shabani, Kazen Sadr,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)
The lack of statistics has hampered attempts to estimate fixed capital for the agricultural sub-sectors of Iran. Giving a non anonymous agreement on the depreciation rate of capital in machineries and constructions, an indirect method of estimation is employed using capital consumption statistics in different sub-sectors of input-output tables. In this study, capital stock is estimated in agricultural sub-sectors of Iran using the perpetual inventory method.
According to the results of this paper, the capital stock in 2006 is estimated to be 53374.9 billion rials in cropping and horticulture, 24334.6 billion rials in animal husbandry, 4982 billion rials in forestry and rangelands and 16374.2 billion rials in fishery sub-sectors at constant 1997 prices, respectively.
The findings based on the five year development plans of the country revealed that over the third development plan, the total agricultural capital stock, both in machinery and equipment and constructions, experienced the highest growth while during the second development plan, the machinery and equipment capital stock experienced the lowest growth. Moreover, during the first development plan and over the eight year war, the construction capital stock experienced the lowest growth.
Nematollah Akbari, Rahman Khoshakhlagh, Zahra Dehghan Shabani,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2011)
This paper is aimed at analyzing population density, population division and economic distance on regional economic growth, using Panel Data models for 28 provinces of Iran over the period 2001-2006. The results show that religious and ethnic divisions and economic distance have negative effect and population density has positive effect on regional economic growth in Iran.
Volume 11, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)
Aims: This study assessed the knowledge, attitude, and practice of general dentists in Rasht City, Iran, regarding oral cancer.
Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 129 randomly selected general dentists practicing in Rasht City, Iran in 2022. A researcher-designed questionnaire with four sections of demographics, knowledge (nine questions), attitude (seven questions), and practice (eight questions) was used for data collection after confirming its validity and reliability. Data were analyzed by the Chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (alpha=0.05).
Findings: The mean knowledge score of the participants was 5.39±1.96 (out of nine). Most subjects (48.1%) had a moderate knowledge level. Knowledge level had a significant inverse correlation with age, time passed since graduation, and the attending university. The mean attitude score of the participants was 26.4±2.72 (out of 35) and most of them (65.9%) had a positive attitude in this regard. Attitude had no significant correlation with any sociodemographic variable. The mean practice score of the participants was 18.18±2.53 (out of 24), and the majority of them (63.6%) had a moderate practice regarding oral cancer. The practice had a significant correlation only with participation in continuing education courses (p<0.05). Practice and knowledge, and also attitude and knowledge had a significant positive correlation with each other.
Conclusions: The knowledge and practice of the majority of general dentists in Rasht were moderate regarding oral cancer, which is alarming and calls for improvement in the quality of instruction and continuing education courses.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (October & November 2021 2021)
Speeches of the presidents at the United Nations General Assembly is of great importance with respect to ideology. The present study aims to compare the ideology in speeches of Iranian presidents in recent years including Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hasan Ruhani. The data of this descriptive research are gathered out of texts of the speeches in 2001, 2005, 2007, 2013, and 2018. Then, the data were analyzed within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by Fairclough. This framework includes three stages namely Description, Interpretation and Explanation. At the first stage, the linguistic strategies utilized in the speeches are explored. In Interpretation stage, Situational, Intertextual and Pragmatic contexts are analyzed. In Explanation stage, the first two stages are expanded into the society level. The results of the study show that there are some similarities and discrepancies among the speeches. The similarity lies in the ideology of defending rights of Iran and oppressed nations. Mohammad Khatami attempted to integrate all countries to work in same direction in order to settle the disagreements. Meanwhile, due to Situational contexts and political, financial and regional conditions, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hasan Ruhani made their effort to mobilize nations to stay against oppressing nations.
1. Introduction
Critical discourse analysis is a common field among many disciplines, including linguistics, literature, political science, etc., which examines the linguistic patterns in the text and measures the relationship between language, society, and culture. This field could be applied to analyze texts with a wide range of topics. Fairclough (1995, p. 132) considers critical discourse analysis to be the study of ambiguous relationships between a) speech methods, events, and texts, and b) broad social and cultural structures. The ideological relations in the text are one of the most important issues related to critical discourse analysis. Fairclough's emphasis on the hidden ideology of texts in Language and Power (2001) shows the importance of this issue in discourse studies. The speech of the presidents of the countries in the United Nations is a rich source of ideological information and policies of the countries due to the use of different strategies.
The issue of this research is also how ideology is represented in their speeches. The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences in the representation of ideology and language strategies used in the speeches of Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani.
1. What are the similarities and differences between the representation of ideology in the speeches of Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani?
2. What linguistic strategies have been utilized to represent ideological differences?
2. Literature Review
One of the most important and fundamental works published in the field of critical discourse analysis is the book Language and Power by Fairclough (2001). In this book, he examines the three stages of description, interpretation and explanation. These three stages are also described in Fairclough (2006). Another book published by Fairclough (1995) is Media Discourse, which examines the mass media from various linguistic and social dimensions. Morover, several scientific articles have been published in the field of critical discourse analysis of the speeches of political officials in the world. Alami et al (2017), Carreon and Svetanant (2017), Afkhami et al (2018) and Ziyaie et al (2013) are amongst the most significant ones.
3. Methodology
This research is qualitative and the method of data analysis is descriptive-analytical. The data of the present article are collected from the text of the speeches of the Presidents of Iran in the past years in the UN meetings. Out of a total of 15 speeches delivered at the United Nations, two speeches from each president were randomly selected. Then, the collected data were described and analyzed in order to examine the ideological relations and hidden power and angles in the framework of Fairclough (2006) critical discourse analysis.
Lectures are examined at three levels of description, interpretation, and explanation, according to Fairclough's (ibid) approach. Examining each of these three levels includes vocabulary and grammar. At the descriptive level, the data have been studied in terms of formal and visual characteristics, at the level of interpretation in terms of two levels, high and low, and at the level of discourse explanation according to social conditions.
4. Results
Using data analysis, it was shown that the speeches of the United Nations Mohammad Khatami, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani have similarities and differences in terms of different aspects of discourse and power relations. This set of data presented in different sections of the research proves the first hypothesis of the present article. The speeches have similarities in terms of trying to defend the rights of Iran and the oppressed countries, and all three presidents have tried to defend the rights of the Iranian people and the oppressed countries, but there are differences between them in terms of representing ideology using different linguistic forms. And this proves the second hypothesis of the research. The final results of the present study show that Mohammad Khatami is trying to integrate and show solidarity with all countries in the world in terms of political behavior, while Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani are trying to mobilize countries against world oppressors such as the United States, Britain and others. It seems that this difference was due to various reasons such as the context of the situation and the political, economic and regional conditions during the presidency of each of the presidents of Iran.
Volume 12, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2010)
Accurate and nondestructive methods to determine individual leaf areas of plants are
useful tools in physiological and agronomic research. A determination of the individual
leaf area (LA) of such species in Brassicaceae family as red cabbage (Brassica oleracea
var. cappitata L. f. Rabra), cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. cappitata L. F. Alba) and
broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica L.) involves measurements of leaf parameters
including leaf length (L) and width (W), or some combination of these parameters. This
research was carried out during 2008 (on eight cabbage, six broccoli, and three red
cabbage genotypes) under open field conditions, to see whether an equation could be
developed to estimate leaf area of cabbage and broccoli across their genotypes. Regression
analysis of LA vs. L and W revealed several equations that could be used for estimating
the area of individual cabbage and broccoli leaves. A linear equation having W as the
independent variable provided the most accurate estimate of red cabbage as well as
ordinary cabbage LA. The linear equation (LA= a+b W2) exhibited a high accuracy and
precision in estimating red cabbage and non-red cabbage LA. For broccoli a linear
equation having LW as the independent variable provided the most accurate estimate of
LA, but required twice the time needed for leaf area measurement.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2009)
The Parthian and Sasanid sites of Valiran are situated in the suburbs of Damavand, a city in the east of Tehran. The discovery of burials along with the cereal and animal remains have made the situation apt for investigation of the pale diet.
This research aimed at investigating the nutritional condition of the ancient inhabitants of Valiran site in Parthian period in order to understand the ancient geographical situation in the mentioned region.
XRF method was used to analyz the archaeological skeletons.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (7-2013)
In this paper, mass flow rate and location of leakage in natural gas pipeline has been estimated simultaneously using inverse analysis. For doing so, at first natural gas transient flow in pipeline has been simulated numerically; this simulation is named direct problem. In the direct problem, it is assumed that the mass flow rate and location of leakage is definite and the governing equations are inhomogeneous well-known Euler equations. In these equations, the leakage effect has been considered as a source term. Steger–Warming flux splitting method has been used for numerical analysis of these equations. Then the location and mass flow rate of gas leakage of pipeline have been estimated simultaneously using Levenberg-Marquardt method for parameter estimation. This method is an iterative algorithm and based on minimizing the sum of the squares of the errors which are difference between pressures computed by the direct problem and pressures measured by pressure gauges. The results of the direct problem have good agreement with Mac–Cormack method and characteristics method of specified time intervals. The results of the inverse analysis demonstrate that Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is stable and efficient enough to estimate simultaneously the mass flow rate and location of leakage in natural gas pipeline.
Volume 13, Issue 6 (January & February 2023 2022)
A significant issue in L2 context is the role of class participation structure in the occurrence of incidental form-focused instruction (FFI) for teaching grammar (Lehrer & Palincsar, 2004; Nassaji, 2010 & 2013). This study aimed at investigating the occurrence of FFI in different teacher-student classroom participation structures and its efficacy in the students' learning of the past tense of regular/irregular verbs during dictogloss tasks. To this end, 32 pre-intermediate students from a total of 70 participants ranging in age from 15 to 20 were recruited and subdivided into three groups (i.e., whole class, small group, and individual). Dictogloss tasks were used as the classroom activity. The interactions between teachers and learners lasting for two and a half months were observed, audio-recorded, and coded. Finally, an individualized posttest was employed one week after each classroom observation. The focus on form episode (FFE) was utilized as the unit of analysis. The results indicated that EFE occurrences were not equal across classroom participation structures and that the majority of FFEs took place in individual interactions, which were predominantly teacher-initiated. The group-independence Chi-square showed a significant relationship between the type of participation structure and the occurrence of FFEs. Further analysis indicated that although the majority of FFEs took place in individual interactions, the small-group participation structure benefitted the most and the reactive FFEs and preemptive FFEs were found mostly effective in the small-group and whole class participation structures, respectively.
1. Introduction
Surfing the literature on L2 instruction, Long (1998) has identified three main options for teaching the grammar namely: focus on formS, focus on meaning, and FonF. Focus on formS was a traditional approach in which the teachers draw students’ attention to the grammatical forms and linguistic forms. Focus on meaning emphasized the pure meaning-based activities with no attention to form. But, as the last movement, Focus on form or FonF overtly draws students’ attention to linguistic elements as they arose incidentally in lessons whose overriding focus was on meaning or communication. The present study was prompted to investigate the role of different types of student–teacher participation structure (i.e., whole class, small group, individual) in the effectiveness of incidental FonF instruction on the acquisition of regular and irregular past tense during dictogloss tasks.
Research Question(s)
To address the main concerns of the study, the following research questions were raised:
1. How often does incidental FonF occur in Iranian pre-intermediate EFL classes?
2. Does the occurrence of incidental FonF vary according to the type of student teacher participation structure (i.e., whole class, small group and individual) in the performance of dictogloss tasks in Iranian pre-intermediate EFL classes?
3. Does the effectiveness of incidental FonF on Iranian pre-intermediate EFL classes in using regular and irregular past tense forms vary according to the type of student–teacher participation structure in the performance of dictogloss tasks?
2. Literature Review
Nassaji (2013) examined the relationship between participation structure (i.e., whole class, small group, and individual) and incidental FonF in adult ESL classrooms at three levels of language proficiency, that is, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The interaction between teacher and students were audio-and video-recorded. The results indicated that both the occurrence and effectiveness of incidental FonF varied according to the three different types of participation structure. Following the model suggested by Nassaji (2013), in this study the researchers intended to know whether the occurrence of incidental FonF varies according to the types of student–teacher participation structure (i.e., whole class, small group and individual) in the performance of dictogloss tasks. In addition, the study investigated the effectiveness of incidental FonF across contexts in using regular and irregular past tense forms.
3. Methodology
A qualitative-quantitative descriptive research design was used to provide answers to the research questions. There were three types of teacher-student participation structure: whole class, small group (three), and individual. The interactions between teachers and students in all three classes were audio-recorded, transcribed, categorized and compared. Finally, an individualized posttest based on each FFE was employed to each student one week after each classroom observation and the target structure was the regular and irregular past tense forms.
4. Results
A total of 1,529 FFEs were identified and coded during the observations. Generally, the reactive FFEs were more frequent than the preemptive FFEs.
Table 1
Frequency and percentage of types of FFEs across participation structures
Types of participation structure |
FonF |
Types of preemptive FFEs |
Reactive |
Preemptive |
Teacher-initiated |
Student-initiated |
Individual (n= 910) |
552 (60.7%) |
358 (39.3%) |
254 (70.9%) |
104 (29.1%) |
Small-group (n= 443) |
278 (62.8%) |
165 (37.2%) |
119 (72.1%) |
46 (27.9%) |
Whole class (n= 176) |
90 (51.1%) |
86 (48.9%) |
61 (70.9%) |
25 (29.1%) |
Total (n= 1,529) |
920 (60.2%) |
609 (39.8%) |
434 (71.3%) |
175 (28.7%) |
A group-independence Chi-square test was run to see if the occurrence of incidental FonF varied according to the type of student–teacher participation structure (i.e., individual, small-group, and whole class). The results were statistically significant regarding the occurrence of reactive and preemptive FFEs (X2= 7.31, df= 2, p= .026), with an effect size of w= .069, which is a rather small effect size.
To examine the effectiveness of FonF, the individualized posttests were analyzed. A group-independence Chi-square test was run to see if the effectiveness of incidental FonF varied according to the type of student–teacher participation structure.
Table 2.
Chi-square results comparing the correct test scores on individualized posttests across participation structures
Groups |
Pearson Chi-Square |
Continuity Correction |
Likelihood Ratio |
Phi |
Val. |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Val. |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Val. |
Sig.(2-tailed) |
Correct answer |
Individual/small-group |
25.29 |
.000 |
24.67 |
.000 |
25.28 |
.000 |
-.153 |
Individual/whole class |
.159 |
.690 |
.115 |
.735 |
.159 |
.690 |
.012 |
Small-group/whole class |
35.28 |
.000 |
34.61 |
.000 |
35.52 |
.000 |
.165 |
The results were statistically significant between the individual and small-group interaction regarding the number of the correct answers brought by FFEs (X2= 24.67, df= 1, p= .000), with an effect size of phi= -.153, which is a rather small effect size. The results were also statistically significant between the small-group and whole-class interactions regarding the number of the correct answers brought by FFEs (X2= 34.61, df= 1, p= .000), with an effect size of phi= .165, which is a rather small effect size. The results, however, were not statistically significant between the individual and whole-class interactions regarding the number of the correct answers brought by FFEs (X2= .115, df= 1, p= .735), with an effect size of phi= .012, which is a very small effect size
5. Discussion
The first research question dealt with the frequency of types of incidental FFEs in Iranian EFL pre-intermediate classes. The results of the study confirmed that incidental FonF took place quite frequently in all the three participation structure. The second research question dealt with the relationship between the frequency of types of incidental FFEs and participation structure in using dictogloss tasks. The results showed that the majority of incidental FFEs occurred in individual interactions. The final research question dealt with the relationship between participation structures and the effectiveness of incidental FonF dealing with dictogloss tasks. The target feature was regular and irregular past tense forms. The findings indicated that incidental FonF helps students develop their grammatical accuracy.
6. Conclusion
The study showd that incidental FonF and student–teacher participation structures had a significant effect on students’ use of regular and irregular past tense forms during the performance of dictogloss tasks. The results demonstrated that the majority of FFEs took place in individual interactions and the proportions of different types of incidental FonF were not equal across student-teacher participation structures. Moreover, the findings indicated that the effectiveness of incidental FonF would vary across classroom participation structures in terms of students’ use of regular and irregular past tense during dictogloss tasks. Although the majority of FFEs took place in individual interactions, students responded correctly to the higher rate of individualized posttest items that occurred in small-group interaction. In sum, a relationship was found between incidental FonF and different types of student-teacher participation structures in using dictogloss tasks in Iranian pre-intermediate EFL classes.