Showing 73 results for Saadat
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
The beet cyst nematode (BCN) (Heterodera schachtii), and beet curly top virus-severe (BCTV-Svr) (Curtovirus betae) are two important pathogens of sugar beet fields worldwide. Therefore, the reaction of 14 genotypes was separately assessed, using Jolgeh and Sanetta cultivars as susceptible and resistant controls, respectively, in completely randomized design experiments for BCN and BCTV-Svr. Reactions were based on the cyst and egg counts and symptoms severity index. Experiments were performed in the greenhouse of Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, and were repeated twice independently. Based on the results of initial experiments, the S1-960090, S1-940324, S1-960294, and S1-960284 genotypes resistant to the BCN were selected for further investigation. Furthermore, the reaction of the four selected genotypes to BCN, BCTV-Svr, and the combination (mixture) of the two pathogens was evaluated by analyzing their growth, physiological, and biochemical characteristics, and virus accumulation. Resistant genotypes showed higher levels of defense-related enzymes such as catalase, guaiacol peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase, whereas susceptible genotypes exhibited significant reductions in photosynthesis, greenness, and chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoid content compared to non-inoculated and resistant plants. This is the first study conducted to search for dual-resistance sources against two devastating pathogens that frequently occur in the sugar beet-growing regions of Iran. Based on the results of this experiment, genotypes S1-960090 and S1-940324 were identified as resistant to both pathogens and are recommended for breeding purposes.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2010)
Introduction: Measles virus (MV) belongs to the morbilivirus genus of paramyxoviridae family, and has single stranded, negative polarity, non segmented RNA genome.
Method: In this research, the total RNA was extracted of measles virus (AIK-C) vaccine strain. The extracted RNA was immediately used in reverse transcription reaction to generate cDNA. The 1st strand cDNA was used to amplify the F gene by specific primers in a reaction PCR. The PCR product with the expected size of 1662 bp was cloned into expression plasmids pET-22b(+) and pET-28a(+).
The recombinant plasmids were transformed into competent E.coli DH5α cells and clonies were screened with direct PCR. The recombinant plasmids were extracted by Alkaline lysis and were compared with non- recombinant plasmids in molecular weight.
Results: Recombinant plasmids were digested with Nde I and Hind III restriction enzymes. The DNA band with an approximate size of 1662 bp was detected on 1.5% agarose gel. The recombinant plasmid pET-28a(+) was sequenced, comparison of this sequence with the coding sequence F protein of measles virus (AIK-C) in Genbank (AF266286) was revealed high degree of homology and showed that F gene is highly conserved.
Conclusion: It was showed that F gene is highly conserved. Thus F gene is important for studing in order to produce recombinant vaccine.
Volume 3, Issue 10 (Summer 2010)
In historical studies, period is a regulative concept. It helps historians of arts and sciences classify historical information. In most literary histories, periodization is the most essential basis of division. Periodization also was applied in literary studies like rhetorics. For example, Shawqi Zaif has divided the history of Islamic-Arabic rhetorics into periods. In this article, we are to propose a schema for periodization of history of Persian rhetorics. System of Persian rhetorics was originally derived from Arabic rhetorics but the quality and quantity of adaptation in different periods wasn’t the same. In some cases, Persian rhetoricians came up with important innovations in periodization and sometimes they made use of rhetorics of the other civilizations for instance Indian rhetorics in order to study aesthetical aspects of Persian literature. Base on the historical era they were living in and the similarities of their approaches, we can distinguish four different periods: 1. Localization Period: This period, as the first period of Persian rhetorics, includes the most important books of Persian rhetorics: Tarjoman al-balaqa, Hadaeq al-sehr, and Al-mo’jam fi ma’air ash’ar al-ajam; 2. Interpretation and Imitation Period: Most of rhetoric books in this period are interpretations of previous period; 3. Pseudo- Indian Period: In this period, a few rhetoricians try to apply Indian rhetorics to Persian literature; 4. Scholastic Period: The last period is a contemporary one and includes new rhetorical textbooks.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)
Research subject: The rubber Springs with spong structure must have acceptable tear resistance in addition to desirable compression set. Usually enhancing each of these properties leads to the weakening of the other property.
Research approach: Simultaneously providing the optimum value of these two properties in the rubber spring compound requires consideration of the effective factors by performing several tests. Therefore, in this study, a test plan based on the Taguchi statistical analysis technique was presented to design the optimal formulation in exchange for reducing the number of tests required. Thus, the impact of four factors: weight percent of Natural rubber (NR), concentration of zinc oxide (ZnO), dicumyl peroxide (DCP) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) on the ratio of tear resistance to compression set (design criterion, Q) was determined.
Main results: Data given of ANOVA showed that the amount of DCP with 66.93% has the highest influence on the design of the rubber spring compound. In addition, it was revealed that the curing system is a solution for the simultaneous optimization to maximum tear energy and minimum compression set of the compound. Statistical analysis predicted that the optimal formulation contained 60 weight percent of NR and 1, 4 and 2 phr of DCP, ZnO and EDMA, respectively. Experimental test results confirmed the predicted Q value for optimal conditions.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (Fall 2020)
Research subject: The sensitivity of electrical conductivity of rubber/conductive filler composites against swelling strains is a phenomenon that can lead to the creation of sensors to detect the type or leakage of hydrocarbon liquids. In the swollen conductive composites, the variation of filler network structure reduces the Statistical frequency of the tunneling and interconnection of conductive particles. This behavior can be a sign for a solvent or hydrocarbon fuel detector system in a flexible sensors.
Research approach: In this study, nitrile rubber/graphite composite samples with several concentrations (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80phr) of graphite particles were prepared and their electrical characteristics were measured. The changes in the electrical resistance of nitrile rubber /graphite samples were investigated based on increasing the content of graphite particles, immerse to toluene, and repeating the period of the swelling/recovery process for each sample.
Main results: The sensitivity of composites with higher concentrations than the percolation threshold (53.5phr of graphite particles) to the conductivity changes due to the swelling phenomenon is appropriate for use in the sensor. Also, incremental changes in the electrical resistance of the samples immersed in the toluene solvent were measured and it was observed that all the samples were eventually converted to electrical insulation. In order to study the repeatability performance of sensor, samples with 60, 70 and 80phr of filler were swelled and recovered for three periods, which is less than the conductivity of the sample before the second and third swelling process compared to the conductivity before the first one. This difference is very small in the sample containing 80phr of graphite particles. The trend of change in electrical resistance is significantly different in the second swelling process compared to the primary swelling. But there is little difference between the third swelling process and the second one. This phenomenon has occurred for all three samples, which can be observed to be similar to Mullins effect.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2017)
Aim: Every year, a huge number of incidents of irreparable damage to personnel and industries occur, most of which are predictable with identifying hazards as well as risk assessment and control. Therefore, in order to prevent occupational accidents, the automotive industry is one of the top priorities for evaluating and identifying the hazards.
Methods: The purpose of this study is to identify, control and rank the hazards of actions and processes in the hazardous automotive industry. This descriptive-analytical study was carried out in 2017 in one unit of Iran Khodro Company by using FMEA method. Also to accurately assess the health risks and make decisions for corrective actions to prioritize hazard risks, Wiliam Fine and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) methods were used, respectively.
Findings: In this research, a list of 301 risks in 7 units including cutting line, assembly line, prototyping and modification, manufacturing, packaging, quality control, laboratory, and repair and maintenance were provided. The results of FMEA method indicated that the highest risk priority number (RPN) is related to the risks of particle swirling in grinding operations (336). Moreover, based on the results of William Fine method, the exposure to noise in the Kissing & Wessich Sersim Strandbauft operation was rated at 540 and 500, respectively, with the highest risk of evaluation. The risk of exposure to noise (Kicking operation) with a relative weight of 0/1904 was ranked the first.
Conclusion: The results of the hazard analysis showed that the effect of noise pollution that leads to hearing impairment in the staff is very high.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (Winter 2021)
Research subject: Low solubility of pharmaceutical compounds leads to increasing the required drug dosage and their side effects as well as reducing their therapeutic efficiency. Producing pharmaceutical micro/nanoparticles with homogenous morphology and narrow size distribution is one of the confirmed approaches for their solubility enhancement. So, selection and designing an appropriate method for this purpose is one of the most important research fields of pharmaceutical industries. Over the past three decades, supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-CO2) based methods as a clean and green technologies have been received much attention in various fields of pharmaceutical industries. However, in order to design and development of these methods for producing micro/nanoparticles, determination of the compounds solubility in sc-CO2 is essential.
Research approach: In this research, well known empirical models (Adachi and Lu, Ch and Madras, Hozahzbr et al., Bian et al., Mendez-Santiago-Teja), as well as the artificial neural network model were applied for prediction the solubility of six anticancer drugs (Aprepitant, 5-Fluorouracil, Imatinib mesylate, Capecitabine, Letrozole, Docetaxel) in sc-CO2.
In order to evaluate the accuracy of these models, a comparison was made between the calculated solubility values and the available experimental data, based on several statistical criteria, such as the average absolute relative deviation (AARD%), adjusted correlation coefficient (Radj) and F-value.
Main results: According to obtained results, Adachi and Lu model with AARD% value of 12.12% and Radj value of 0.97 provided acceptable results for solubility of mentioned drugs in sc-CO2. Also, in comparison between empirical and artificial neural network models, the latter one with AARD% value of 1.65% and Radj value of 0.9960 was appointed as the most appropriate model for correlation of drugs solubility data.
Volume 5, Issue 15 (7-2017)
اجداد هندیان و ایرانیان به دو گروه از خدایان (اهورا و دیوای اوستایی) اعتقاد داشتند. در ایران دیوها از مقام خدایی به ضد خدایی تنزل مرتبه مییابند و اهوراها در مقام خدایی باقی میمانند و در هند عکس آن اتفاق میافتد. با توجه به سیر بسیار کند تغییر در اعتقادات و نگرشها، آیا ممکن است قومی که در گذشته اعتقاد به خدایی دیوان داشته، چنان تغییر عقیده داده باشد که هیچ قرینهای بر خدایی دیوان نتوان یافت؟ شواهدی وجود دارد که نشان میدهد دیوها برای قرنها توسط اجداد ما پرستش میشدهاند. به منظور آشکار کردن یکی از این شواهد به بررسی نام محلهای جغرافیایی پرداخته شد. انسانها برای محل زیست و عوارض طبیعی پیرامونشان نامی بر میگزینند. این نامگذاریها تصادفی نبودهاند (وجه تسمیهای داشتهاند)، گرچند با گذر زمان وجه تسمیه به دست فراموشی سپرده میشود. «دیو» به صورت پیشوند و یا پسوند در ساختار نام تعدادی از روستاها، شهرها و عوارض طبیعی ایران وجود دارد. از 130 مورد نام جغرافیایی یافت شده که دیو در ساختار آنها حضور دارد، 34 مورد مربوط به دو استان گیلان و مازندران است و 96 مورد دیگر در سایر نقاط کشور پراکنده شده است. این تفاوت از نظر آماری معنادار است یعنی نامهای یافت شده به طور غیر تصادفی در دو استان شمالی کشور قرار گرفتهاند (2=27.19, df=1, P<0.001). یافته پژوهش حاضر که نشان دهنده حضور بسیار معنیدار و غیر تصادفی واژه «دیو» در نام محلهای جغرافیایی مازندران و گیلان است، شایان اهمیت است و بررسیهای بیشتری میطلبد.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)
Aims: Infectious diseases are among the most serious diseases that may lead to death in many parts of the world. This study was conducted to investigate the main causes of mortality among patients hospitalized in the infectious ward and respiratory ICU of Sina hospital in Hamadan.
Materials & Methods: The medical records of patients hospitalized from March 2012 to March 2017 in the infectious ward and respiratory ICU were investigated, those not surviving during the hospitalization.
Findings: A total of 593 medical records of patients were reviewed, of which 534 cases were enrolled in this study. Among which, 426 (79.8 %) and 108 (20.2%)cases were related to patients hospitalized in the respiratory ICU and infectious ward, respectively The mortality rate during 2012 to 2016 was calculated as follows: 4.69% in 2012, 6.31% in 2013, 4.68% in 2014, 5.2% in 2015, and 5.8% in 2016. This study results showed that the most common causes of mortality were sepsis (44.4%) in the respiratory ICU and pneumonia (25.3%) in the infectious ward. The highest rates of case fatality were related to sepsis (237cases, 48.2%) and pulmonary embolism (15 cases, 44.1%).
Conclusions: The present study findings showed that sepsis and pneumonia were the most common causes of death among patients hospitalized in the infectious diseases ward and respiratory ICU; also, sepsis and pulmonary embolism accounted for the highest case fatality rates.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer 2022)
Research subject: In the present study, titanium dioxide/silver nanocomposites (TiO2/Ag) were synthesized by sol-gel method and their performance for photocatalytic removal of metribuzin was compared with commercial TiO2 catalysts P25 Degussa.
Research approach: The synthesized nanocomposites were evaluated using X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The effect of operating parameters including reaction time (0-240 minutes), pH (9-4), catalyst dose (0.005-0.015 g), temperature (10-60 ºC), visible light and UV light radiation, concentration Initial metribuzin (10-25 mg/L), the catalyst effect in the dark, and the amount of silver in TiO2/Ag nanocomposites (0.10-7% by weight) were investigated on the photocatalytic removal of metribuzin from artificial and real aqueous solutions.
Main results: Laboratory investigations showed that TiO2/Ag nanocomposite containing 10% by weight of silver, reaction time of 120 minutes, pH equal to 6, catalyst mass of 0.013 g, and initial concentration of 10 mg/L metribuzin are the best properties to maximize the removal of metribuzin in the presence of UV light. The obtained results showed that the synthesized TiO2/Ag nanocomposite has a higher potential in the degradation of herbicides compared to the commercial TiO2 nano-catalyst. In addition, the proposed method was used to remove metribuzin injected into the water of the Karun and Zohreh rivers and the wastewater of the sugarcane factory under optimal conditions, and successful results were obtained. Also, the results of using and regenerating the titanium dioxide/silver catalyst three times to remove metribuzin show the high efficiency of this photocatalyst in removing metribuzin from water samples. Comparing the methods available in the literature for the removal of metribuzin with the present method showed that the proposed method is better or comparable to the reported methods.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2017)
Pertussis toxin (PT), the main virulence factor of Bordetella pertussis is a protein-based AB5-type exotoxin. Methods of pertussis toxin purification are not available exactly because of economic considerations by vaccine companies. The aim of this study was to setup and modify an in-house method for the PT purification based on affinity chromatography to develop acellular pertussis vaccine in future. B. pertussis and CHO cells were provided from Razi Institute (Karaj, Iran). The bacteria were grown in a 300L fermenter (44 h, 35o c, in B2 medium). The fermentation broth was clarified and concentrated by 0.45 µm membrane filter and 10 KDa molecular weight cut-off membrane respectively. Isolation of pertussis toxin was performed based on affinity chromatography by Fetuin Sepharose column. Immune dot blot test showed significant amounts of pertussis toxin qualitatively. The clustering of CHO- cells mono-layer were observed after first hour of applying the purified pertussis toxin and stopped after the twelfth hour. The average amount of extracted PT was 2.53 IU/ml± 0.43. Among the production procedure of whole cell pertussis vaccine, culture broth is discarded, whereas, results showed it was a suitable source for extraction of pertussis toxin. Finally examine other strains and bacterial culture methods to obtain desired pertussis toxin are recommended.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)
Backgrounds: Plasmodium vivax is one of the leading causes of malaria as a severe and death disease. Malaria has always been a major challenge for human health. The study of the genetic diversity of genes in malaria-causing agents has always been a concern for researchers. One of these genes is SERA, which plays a key role in parasite escape from the immune system.
Materials & Methods: DNA was extracted from 40 blood samples taken from symptomatic malaria patients infected with P. vivax in southern and southwestern Iran using a DNA extraction kit. Then PCR was performed with specific primers, and the data were analyzed by sequencing and recording genes.
Findings: In this study, 14 different isolates were identified among all samples, which were recorded in the World Gene Bank. The number of haplotypes among the 14 samples was 12. Also, there were 25 polymorphic nucleotide positions out of about 400 nucleotide sites. The ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous mutations (1.87094) and the amount of Tajima’s D (-0.57671) indicated the positive effect of natural selection on the genetic diversity of C-terminal region in the SERA5 gene.
Conclusions: Considering the safety and relative immunogenicity of vaccines, in addition to performing clinical trials, a regional vaccine should be developed to overcome genetic variation and antigenic changes in proteins.
Volume 9, Issue 0 (بهار 85- 2010)
Introduction and aim: Diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection in children must be done before renal damage. So, in many countries the screening programs are done in the schools. There are a few reports on the prevalence of this disease among children in different parts of Iran. This study aims to investigate the prevalence of this infection in the seven years old children of Birjand city and determine the worth of recommending a screening program for the UTI before attendance to school ,this study was performed .
Methods: 278 Students (148 boys and 130 girls) Were selected by multi stage cluster sampling. After filling the questionnaire ,urine culture was done. In those who had colony count above or equal 104 per ml and below 105, U/C was repeated. children with 105 colony count per ml had documented as UTI.
Results: The prevalence of UTI was 1.1% in all students. The prevalence of UTI was 1.4% in boys and 0.8% in girls. There was not any significant difference in the prevalance of UTI between two sexex (P.Value =1). 68.9 % of the boys (102 persons) were circumcised. The prevalance of UTI was 1% in circumcised boys and 2.2% in uncircumcised ones. There was not any significant difference in UTI between these two groups (Pvalue = 0.53). the most common age of doing circumcision was six years old. We had only Ecoli in the results of all documented UTI.
Conclusion: Regavding to a few information about the prevalance of UTI among children in different parts of Iran, it is better to conduct more studies to determine the worth of recommending a screening programs for UTI in pre-school age .We recommend giving more information and education to people about the best age for circum cision.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)
Intertextuality examines the relationships between texts. Because in every text there are references to earlier works. It can be said that there is no new and original text. In intertextuality, two texts are compared: a text below and a rough text. Genette divides intertextuality into three categories, which can be examined in the form of the explicit, implicit, and implicit presence of one text in another. In this article, the authors first explore the roots of Rumichr's mystical anecdotes and thoughts in the first book of Masnavi in mystical, fictional, interpretive works, Davin poetry, and Arabic historical books. Then he divides these anecdotes into three categories based on Genetchr's theory of intertextuality. At this stage, the following text of Masnavi is specified. This text below should have both chronological and historical precedence over other texts and should be most similar to Masnavi's narration. This study shows that Rumi had read many Arabic historical, interpretive, fiction, and mystical books before him and brought them to the margins of Masnavi. However, in all the cases studied, he has changed mystical thoughts and previous anecdotes to achieve his mystical, theological, and moral goals. Meanwhile, Ibn al-Farid and al-Thalabi are more present in the first book of Masnavi than others in the field of mystical theories and anecdotes.
Keywords: intertextuality, intertextual reading, Rumichr's Masnavi, Arabic works.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
Aims: With age, a person faces many threats, such as developing chronic diseases. Health literacy plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of these diseases. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the relationship between health literacy and multi-infection based on gender differences in the elderly.
Instrument & Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on the elderly population over 60 years in Comprehensive Health Center and Health Post at Malekan City, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran, in 2018. Four hundred eighty-seven people were sampled by the stratified random sampling method. Demographic and standard health literacy questionnaires were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using an independent t-test, chi-square, and linear regression model by SPSS 26 software.
Findings: The mean participants’ age was 64.9±6.5 years. The health literacy level of 63.86% of the participants was insufficient, and only 1.23% of the subjects had excellent health literacy. The rate of multi-infection in women was significantly higher than in men.
Conclusion: The level of health literacy and multi-infection rate in women is higher than in men.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
Aims: During the outbreak of COVID-19, the Militaries are still fighting against the virus alongside health care workers, so knowing the mental status of the military leads to identify their real needs and increase the performance of militaries. Therefore, the present study aimed to compare COVID-19 anxiety, health anxiety, and cognitive emotion regulation strategies between militaries and civilians during the outbreak of COVID-19.
Instrument & Methods: This descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study was conducted on military and civilian men living in Malayer, Hamedan, on September 1-6, 2020, coinciding with the prevalence of COVID-19. The researcher-made demographic information questionnaire, COVID-19 anxiety, health anxiety questionnaires, and cognitive emotion regulation strategies were completed by 204 people (102 militaries, 102 civilians). In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the convenience sampling method and internet implementation were used. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and chi-square using SPSS 24 software.
Findings: The results showed that civilians had a longer history of infection to Covid-19 and history of Covid-19 in their relatives than militaries and there was no significant difference between militaries and civilians in terms of having suspicious symptoms and history of close contact with individuals with Covid-19 disease (p>0.05). Also, there was a significant and strong relationship between the job and COVID-19 anxiety (χ2=90.7; p=0.0001) and type of job and health anxiety (χ2=79.4; p=0.0001), and the militaries in term of COVID-19 and health anxiety were in a more inappropriate state. About half of the militaries (41.2%) had severe COVID-19 anxiety, and one-third of them (31.4%) had severe health anxiety. The militaries had a lower average than civilians in all aspects of adaptive and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The level of health anxiety and anxiety of COVID-19 in the militaries is higher than in the normal population.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (winter 2020)
Aims Today, the overwhelming consumption of energy has become one of the most critical concerns of human life. The implementation of solutions to reduce energy consumption in buildings is becoming increasingly important. One of the most important factors determining the amount of energy received by a building is the general form of a building and the amount of its porosity. Considering the self-shading as an efficient passive cooling solution in hot and humid regions, the present study investigates the effect of porosity on self-shading and heat absorption amount.
Instruments & Methods The research method of this study is descriptive-analytical, and simulations are conducted by Ecotect 2011 to explore self-shading potential and the amount of received solar energy.
Findings Investigations indicated that the modification of terrace depth does not influence the amount of received solar energy significantly. A comparative study of the porous models revealed that the U-RL models have the best and R-RL models have the worst performance from the viewpoint of self-shading and solar heat absorption.
Conclusion The implementation of porosity into the solid models does not always improve the shading potential. Optimization of building self-shading depends on the comprehensive study and essential simulations that subsequence the design period.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Summer 2020)
Aims: The central courtyard can play an important role in reducing energy consumption, increasing shading, enhancing the flow of passage and creating evaporative cooling in windphil buildings. This paper seeks to examine the role of central courtyard proportions in the amount of shading, radiant energy received, cooling load and natural ventilation potential.
Methods: The research method in this research is a descriptive-analytical one in which the software of Design builder, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and Ecotect 2011 were applied to investigate the effect of central yard width change on wind flow pattern, shading pattern and the amount of radiant energy received and the calculation cooling load of windphil architecture.
Findings: Comparing U-shaped quadruple buildings with a central courtyard with a fixed volume-to surface ratio, the 4-meter-wide courtyard building model is the best option. Changing the width of central courtyard from 4 to 10 meters resulted in a %13 increase in cooling load and a %10 decrease in shaded areas. However, increasing the width of the courtyard from 4 to 6 meters resulted in a speed reduction of 18.75% and a change of width from 6 to 10 meters lead to a 6% increase in flow rate.
Conclusion: Increasing the width of the central courtyard degrades the passive cooling potential of the building. As a result, a courtyard would perform as an efficient passive cooling system when its proportions are approximately 1: 2.5.
Volume 10, Issue 6 (Vol. 10, No. 6 (Tome 54), (Articles in Persian) 2019)
Intercultural competence plays a significant role in learning French language because language and culture are correlative like the two sides of the same coin. In other words, learning a language is not merely concerned with learning its structure and vocabulary, yet in order to communicate, the language learner should study the culture of the target country well and respect it. Thus, teaching culture in the process of learning French language seems to be a crucial task.

French literature is considered one of the richest resources that one can use to get familiar with French culture and the instructors can teach the culture to language learners, using some literary texts in their classes. Teaching a language with the help of literature is not merely intended for higher-level classes but one may take advantage of literary texts to teach the introduction to culture in lower-level classes. In this article, the authors attempt to introduce thirteen cultural elements of Gililian Lazar's theory after examining the impact of cultural education through literary texts and apply them in three literary texts in
The French Literature Progressive (
Littérature Progressive du Français); beginner-level literary texts also contain cultural elements and can help the teacher to teach culture. Then, some assignments are proposed to present the points in the class. These activities include personalization, providing explanations, asking students to infer cultural information, making cultural comparisons, making association, providing cultural background information as reading or listening comprehension and extention activities. In fact, doing these exercises improves individual and social capacities.
Our objective in this study is to transform the course of French literature at the beginner level to develop the linguistic and individual capacities of the students and allow them to better understand themselves through other cognitions. To reach this goal, the question will be answered: How does literature improve intercultural competence? And finally, we recommend French language instructors include literary texts in the process of teaching and stimulate students’ curiosity to know cultural issues.
Volume 11, Issue 0 (بهار و تابستان 87- 2008)
Objective: Molecular epidemiology of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is currently used widely for different objectives such as vector incrimination studies.
Materials and Methods: In this study three different loci including kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), ribosomal DNA (rDNA), and Cystein protease B (CPB) of Leishmania parasite genome were used for detection and identification of natural infection of sand flies of Germi district of Ardebil province, the most important VL or Kala-azar foci in Iran.
Results: The results showed that the three loci of kDNA, rDNA and CPBs are respectively more appropriate for leptomonad infection/initial screening, identification of the L.donovani complex, and discrimination of the species complex. It was also verified that both members of the complex,
L. donovani and L. infantum, are present in the study area and are transmitted to the hosts by