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Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)

The present study was conducted to identify the empowerment dimensions of female-headed households in rural areas and their effects on food security in Iran country. Statistical population was including 495 women based on the data collected from Statistical Center of Iran. 216 women were selected by using Cochran’s formula. A questionnaire was designed by researchers and its validity and reliability was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach method, respectively. Structural equation modeling was used to compare associations. The results confirmed that grouping work and communication skills, creativity and solving problem, commitment and responsibility, information and specific knowledge, technical skills and operational work, psychological factors, social factors, political factors, economic factors, managerial factors and educational factors had significant effects on food security. Commitment and responsibility, economic factors and grouping work had highest effects on food security, respectively. Job empowerment predicted 75.00% of variance of food security and it is suggested considering job empowerment of female-headed households in rural areas for decreasing food insecurity

Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)

Climate change (CC) is one of the major challenges of our time that impacts rangelands regionally and globally. The rising vulnerability among pastoralists highlights the need to prioritize resilience thinking. Pastoralists' resilience refers to the ability of rangeland businesses to endure, adapt to, and remain flexible in the face of threats or challenges. This research was conducted with the primary goal of analyzing the factors that influence resilience from the perspective of pastoralists in Tehran province under CC conditions. This research was both goal-oriented and exploratory in methodology. The study sample consisted of 317 pastoralists selected through stratified random sampling. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Software SmartPLS was used for data analysis. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed using the average variance extracted, while its reliability was established by calculating composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha. Data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling technique with Smart PLS software. The structural equation modeling indicated that economic, institutional, ecological, physical, social, educational and extensional and individual factors had the greatest impact on Pastoralists' Resilience under Climate Change (PRCC) conditions. These factors explained 75.5% of the PRCC conditions.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Aim: Hypertension is a chronic and asymptomatic disease leading to death of at least 45% of patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Self-care is important to minimize the risks and complications caused by hypertension.
This aim of the present study was to determine the predictive power of constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM) in self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension.
Methods: This was a descriptive-analytic study of cross-sectional type carried out on 125 patients over 30 years old with hypertension who referred to the rural health centers in Rasht city. Sampling was done in multi-stage form, and the patients were selected randomly. To collect data, a valid and reliable questionnaire containing demographic information and questions of constructs of the HBM and self-care behaviors was used.
Findings: Based on Pearson’s correlation analysis, a significant and negative relationship was observed between self-care behaviors and construct of perceived barriers. Also there was a significant and positive relationship between self-care behaviors and the construct of cues to action. Based on linear regression analysis, the HBM could predict 19% of variance of self-care behaviors by two constructs of perceived barriers (B=0.22, SE=0.04, P=0.01) and cues to action (B=0.19, SE=0.06, P=0.02).
Conclusion: According to the predictive power of the HBM and the role of constructs of perceived barriers and cues to action in self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension, it is needed to focus on educational interventions based on this model to reduce the perceived barriers and influencing the cues to action.

Volume 6, Issue 7 (No.7 (Tome 28), (Articles in Persian) 2015)

Semiotics of discourse is a new approach in literary criticism. In this approach the processes of signification are, dynamic and multidimensional variants which are manifested through controlling a system called ‘’discourse process’’. in this study ,in order to answer the question that how discourse has revealed the sense of competition as a valuable action during the life of personalities of the story, the process of shaping affective  discourse  in the story of ‘’Kha’lae’’ written by Najib Mahfouz  , holder of literary Noble prize in 1988 ,will be investigated . In fact the purpose of this study is to show the role of affective process in altering the situations of discourse evolution and its effect on the style of passionate subject.  Findings reveal that in the   affective process of story, the occurrence of two incidents in the life of passionate subject will evolved the axiological system of discourse by affecting the believes and altering emotions.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2006)

The stability of ten winter safflower cultivars and lines was evaluated in three different environmental conditions in Karaj, Isfahan and Darab in Iran, a randomized complete block design with 4 replications over three years (1995, 1996 and 1997). Simple analysis of variances of grain and oil yields from each experiment showed significant differences among the genotypes. After conducting a homogeneity test for error variances, combined analysis of variance was performed. An F. test of different sources of variation revealed that the effect of genotype  year  location interactions was significant (P<1%). Analysis of the grain and oil yields using the Eberhart and Russel method showed significant dif-ference for the main effects of genotype and genotype  environment (linear) interactions and non-significant difference for deviation from regression. According to the classifica-tion of genotypes based on the mean of grain and oil yields, coefficient of regression and deviation from regression, the new line L.R.V.51.51 with its high grain and oil yields and stability was selected as a desirable genotype.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)

Aims: The MusculoCutaneous Nerve (MCN) is a branch that originates from the lateral cord and descends along the lateral side of the distal part of the axillary artery. Since the MCN is the only nerve for the innervation of the anterior compartment muscles of the arm, any variation in this nerve may be clinically important. Case presentation: During a routine dissection of the upper limb of a 48-year-old male cadaver in the Department of Anatomical Sciences at Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, a unilateral absence of the MCN was observed.
Conclusion: In compensation, the anterior compartment muscles of the arm receive a supplementary branch from the Median Nerve (MN). Clinically, if this surrogate nerve's origin is injured, it could lead to palsy in the coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, and brachialis muscles. Consequently, the individual may experience difficulty flexing the arm and lose skin sensation. Therefore, the absence of the MCN is vital information to consider during arm surgeries.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (Number 3 - 2008)

Discovering the effective factors in agricultural students’ academic success was the aim of this study. The statistical population consisted of all 194 junior agriculture students at the University of Tehran. The study is of a correlation type with the information being gathered through questionnaires as well as through a study of students’ academic files. There was a positive significant correlation observed (P= 0.01) between academic success, on the one hand, and high school grade point average (GPA), study hours, planning for study, motivation, and emotional atmosphere of educational environment, on the other hand. The level of confidence between academic success, on one hand, and the family’s attitude towards studies and years of experience in teaching, on the other, being also significant (p= 0.05). Female students were found to be more successful than males. There was no significant difference observed between the academic success of students in residences and those who lived with their parents. Students with agronomy majors were shown to have a higher academic success as compared to students majoring in other eleven majors within the agricultural faculty. The results of regression analysis also demonstrated that 63.5 percent of the variations in the dependent variable academic success were expressed through high school grade point average (GPA), motivation, method of learning, father’s level of education, and the emotional atmosphere of the educational environment.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (12-2022)

In the present study, the goldfish kisspeptin peptide was synthesized using the solid phase synthesis method according to the nucleotide sequence of the goldfish (Carassius auratus) kiss1 gene. Next, an acetyl group was added to the amino group of Tyr1 to increase the biological activity. The synthesized peptide (referred to as ACKiss1) was purified by RP-HPLC and its structure was confirmed using electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry. To determine the biological activity, ACKiss1, native Kiss1 and commercial GnRH hormone were injected to goldfish, some important parameters of the reproductive physiology were studied. Kiss1 and ACKiss1 were injected with a dosage of 100 μg/kg fish body weight and GnRH was injected with dosages of 100 and 200 μg/kg body weight. 6 hours after injection, blood was taken from the caudal vein and sex hormones were measured in plasma. 24 hours after injection, reproductive indices were measured in a series of fish. In another series of fish, 24 hours after injection, ovarian and brain tissues were separated for histological studies and expression of the reproductive-related genes (cyp19b, gpr54a, and kiss1). The results revealed that significant changes in biochemical parameters and gene expression were recorded in both brain tissue samples and ovarian tissue in ACKISS1 treatment. It was also found in ovarian histology that under the influence of kisspeptin and GnRH, the number of mature oocytes increased significantly.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2012)

The remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils is one of the known challenges of researches in many industrial countries. The use of EDTA (Na2EDTA.2H2O) is one of the common soil-washing methods. In spite of several research conducted on this subject, the optimization of the use of EDTA for heavy metal removal from contaminated soils, specifically soils with relatively high surface area, are not well addressed in the literature.  The main objective of this research is to evaluate the optimization of the use of EDTA in remediation of Pb-contaminated bentonite. To achieve the above mentioned objective, bentonite samples were laboratory contaminated with different concentrations of lead nitrate. Lead nitrate at concentrations of 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.5 and 0.7 mol/l (1, 5, 10, 50 and 70 cmol/kg-soil) was used to laboratory contaminate bentonite. After drying the contaminated samples, they were exposed to different concentrations of EDTA. EDTA at concentrations of 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 mol/l (1, 5, 10, 50, and 100 cmol/kg-soil) was used in 1:10 soil:electrolyte ratio in accordance to EPA. For sample preparation, 20 ml of EDTA at the required concentration was added to 2 grams of a dried contaminated bentonite. Samples were shaken for 2 hours on a horizontal shaker. Then, they were kept for 96 hours to reach equilibrium. In these 96 hours of equilibrium, soil samples in centrifuge tubes were shaken 2 hours in each 24 hours. Finally, samples were centrifuged with 4000 rpm to separate the solid and electrolyte. Then, the efficiency of Pb removal from samples was measured by analyzing the electrolyte. It should be emphasized that to prevent precipitation of lead ions in electrolyte, nitric acid was added to electrolyte to keep the pH less than 2. The achieved results show that the quantity of removed Pb ions by the application of EDTA is relatively equal to the concentration of applied EDTA. In other words, as the 1 , the quantity of lead removal by EDTA is equal to EDTA concentration. This quantity of lead removal is neither a function of lead concentration nor to the number of soil washing by EDTA. In addition, since the quantity of removed Pb is only a function of EDTA/Pb ratio, therefore such a removal is not dependent to the pH variations caused by different concentrations of Pb or EDTA. This approves that the high buffering capacity of bentonite in comparison to other variables of environment has the minimum impact on the interaction process of EDTA and heavy metal contaminated bentonite.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (Fall 2008)

The performance of criminal justice, which is the aim of each criminal proceedings, will not have any chance to be appeared without holding a fair trial, in which the rights and freedoms of the accused, victim and other individuals engaged in the criminal process are respectably recognized. The public trail occurs in a situation, in which the hearings charging to the accused are held and managed without any obstacles for the attendance of the ordinary persons and the public media. This situation is considered nowadays as one of the main elements of fair trials and a right of human rights in the criminal actions. Any departure from the principle of the public trial shall be deemed and considered as the breach of the conditions of fair trials and ignorance of the primary rights of individuals, except in the cases specified and contained in the law, which are applied just in the democratic conditions and as a result of the balance of interest and contradictory values. In spite of some early conceptions that generally recognize the elements of a fair trial as the defender of the rights of the accused, the public trail guarantee some advantages and interests for the society. Thus, the individual right of the accused together with the public interest of society should be defined and explained in the frame of the principles of the public trial. This paper describes the subjective principles of the public trial after introducing and presenting the initial problems.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (4-2023)

The present study was conducted with the aim to analysis neuro-cognitive self-development of leaders from the perspective of academic leaders and neuro-cognitive specialists. The research method was qualitative and for this purpose semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The study population was academic leaders and neuro-cognitive specialists of public universities in Tehran, 15 of whom were selected by snowball sampling method as a sample based on the theoretical saturation rule. Findings led to the identification of seven dimensions and 44 components. The first dimension is neurological self-development competencies and the second dimension is cognitive self-development competencies that academic leaders are expected to develop. The third dimension is the cognitive profile and the fourth dimension is the brain network, which is considered to be the basis of cognitive and neural competencies. The fifth dimension is the new strategies and the sixth dimension is the classical strategies of neuro-cognitive self-development with the help of which leaders can engage in neuro-cognitive self-development. Finally, the seventh dimension includes the neuro-cognitive context that will provide a suitable basis for the neuro-cognitive self-development of academic leaders.

Volume 14, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Box-columns are suitable members for structures with moment frames in two directions but performing the internal continuity plate in them causes some practical troubles. Details of the new proposal to alleviate this problem in box-columns is CONXL connection. This connection includes a set of Collar Flange Top (CFT), Collar Flange Bottom (CFB), Collar Corner Top (CCT), Collar Corner Bottom (CCB) and when the depth of the beams is more than 460 mm, Collar Corner Middle (CCM), Collar Web Extension (CWX) (only in the face of beam to column connection) and also a set of diagonal pre-tensioned high strength bolts (45 degrees angle), which collectively make up CONXL node. The bolts and collars performance make up a rigid diaphragm around the column. All collar flanges top and bottom are connected to the beam by means of groove welding with complete joint penetration, and the connection of collar web extension to the beams and that of collars corner to the column walls is made by fillet weld; collar corners are connected to each other through groove weld in factory and the pieces are just assembled in worksite. The objectives of presenting these details are industrializing, removing weld in workplace, removing continuity plate, enhancing quality, speeding up the construction, and simplifying the inspection. Through the distribution of force among collar systems, forces are transmitted from beams to the columns. The aim of this study is to numerically study the seismic behavior of CONXL connection without filler concrete of columns and to reduce the number of collar bolts with different arrangements. In order to reach this purpose, the numerical results of specimens; RBS and Kaiser bolted bracket (KBB) connection are compared to experimental results to verify the modeling and analyzing and good agreement is observed between numerical and experimental data. Afterward nine specimens of CONXL moment connections in box-columns not filled with concrete whit axial force in single, planer and bi-axial loading conditions with different arrangement of bolts are studied and their performances are evaluated. Results showed that seismic behavior of specimens with beam section depths equal or less than W30 series under cyclic loading, even with reducing the number of bolts to 16 numbers, is suitable in the over 0.04 radian rotations. Also, use of 16 numbers of bolts in connections with W30 series of beams, when it would be appropriate that use for corner connections (Single sided loading), and the specifications of ASTM-A36 for beams material to be used. Also, whatever the position of bolts to be outer than in collar flanges, axial strain in the bolts shank is bigger and its slip is less. The optimal position of the bolts is near the middle of the collar flanges. The results also showed that seismic behavior of all specimens with columns without concrete filling is appropriate and the column will remain without any remarkable local buckling in over 0.04 radian inter-story drift angle.

Volume 16, Issue 6 (8-2016)

When a cylindrical shell subject to a compressive load, because of various imperfections happened during processes as manufacturing, handling, assembling and machining, buckling occurs in loads lower than corresponding static failure load. Still many of cylindrical shell structures are designed against buckling based on experimental data introduced by NASA SP-8007 as conservative lower bound curves. In the manuscript, non-linear methods of Modified Linear Buckling Modeshape Imperfections (M-LBMI) and Simple Perturbation Load Imperfections (SPLI) for composite cylindrical shell with and without cutout are investigated. In order to evaluate the numerical results composite cylinder with stacking sequence of [90/+23/-23/90] are manufactured by using filament winding method and buckling tests are performed under axial loading. Non-linear numerical results in cylinder with and without cutout are close together and have good agreement with experimental data. . It was concluded that buckling load predicted by SPLI and modified LBMI method on cylinder with cutout is close to result of case without apply geometric imperfections. In summary, it was concluded that cutout on the cylinder body act as an imperfection to trigger buckling of the structures so there is no need to apply geometrical imperfections.

Volume 17, Issue 4 (1-2014)

Nowadays, reverse logistics is one of the major activities of supply chain management that are included all of physical activities related to returned products (e.g., collection, recovery and recycle). So that, designing and implementing of appropriate reverse logistics, not only lead to increase customer loyalty, but also it will be reduce the inventory and transportation costs. This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model for the network design of forward and reverse logistics, which minimizes the costs consisting of the fixed cost, material cost and construction of the potential center cost. To validate this model, a number of test problems are generated, and then its parameters are determined. The presented model is solved by the Lingo software and the associated computational results along with the sensitivity analysis are illustrated. Additionally, the returned products with different demands for one and two products are illustrated. Finally, the remarkable conclusion is presented.

Volume 17, Issue 100 (june 2020)

The aim of this study was to extract and identify the volatile constituents of the essential oils of two species of citrus named Clementine and Mandarin and to investigate their antioxidant and antimicrobial potential. The compounds of the essential oils prepared by steam distillation were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The antioxidant abilities of the essential oils were evaluated by ABTS and DPPH assays. The antimicrobial activities of the essential oils were investigated using the disc diffusion method against three Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus ceruse, and Bacillus subtilis) and two Gram-negative (Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi) bacteria, a yeast (Candida albicans) and a fungus (Aspergillus niger) in comparison with the synthetic antibiotics.
The GC/MS results revealed that both essential oils were rich in hydrogenated monoterpens and limonene was the main compound in both essential oils. The highest percentage of DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging was shown about 34.38% and 48.44%, respectively for Clementine essential oil and for Mandarin essential oil was 67.53% and 96.44%, respectively, at 900 ppm. The results showed that both essential oils inhibited the growth of the studied microorganisms and increasing the essential oil concentration, increased the zone of inhibition. The highest diameter of inhibition zone was observed in Candida albicans in both essential oils. The lowest inhibition zone for Clementine and Mandarin essential oils was also observed in Escherichia coli and Aspergillus niger, respectively. In general, the antifungal effect of both essential oils was more than their antibacterial effect. In conclusion, citrus peel essential oil could be suggested as a natural antioxidant and antimicrobial substance for use in food products.
Dr Bagher Darvishi, Dr Mahdi Omidi, Bahareh Jani,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring 2018 2018)

Poverty decomposition provides useful information about the factors affecting poverty and helps the politicians to choose suitable poverty reduction policies. In this context, sectoral decomposition (Ravallion-Huppi, 1991) and growth–­equality decomposition (Datte- Ravallion, 1992) are the most widely used methods for poverty decomposition. But the ambiguous elements (such as residual and interaction terms) existing in these methods resulted in developing a new decomposition method by Fujii (2014). His decomposition method is residual-free and has some desirable properties including time-reversion consistency, and sub-period additivity. In the present study, following Fujii (2014) and using Iran’s rural and urban household expenditure and income data, the poverty is decomposed into six components: population shift (PS), within-region redistribution (WR), between-region redistribution (BR), nominal growth (NG), inflation (IF), and methodological change (MC). The results show that population shift (PS), within-region redistribution (WR) and inflation components explain the highest portion of the poverty changes in the urban and rural areas. Based on the results, the pro-poor growth policies and immigration-reducing policies are recommended for reducing rural poverty, while the growth-oriented policies with redistribution are recommended for decreasing urban areas.  In all periods, inflation is the main poverty-increasing factor in both urban and rural areas; therefore, controlling inflation can reduce poverty rates.

Volume 18, Issue 5 (11-2018)

In this study, the impact strength multi-layer slabs reinforced by steel and nylon fibers, as well as the combination of these two fibers under the influence high velocity projectile, was investigated. To achieve this goal, 30 slabs one layer and three layers with dimensions 40 *40 * 7.5 cm were reinforced by 1% of the fiber, 30 slabs made 10 different models , each with 3 models Sample was made. A non-fiber model, as a control sample, and other slabs all have a constant volume 1 percent fiber, the difference being in the type and composition the fibers in different layers the slabs. The slabs were made with Kalashnikov , PK Kalashnikov and Dragunov guns at a distance 50 meters tested. In the test the projectile's encounter, three parameters penetration depth, area the damaged front and rear area and the volume damaged area in the samples were calculated and compared. Based on the results obtained, steel fibers can increase the resistance concrete slabs against the impact the projectile and reduce the surface area and volume the damaged area and significantly reduce the penetration depth. Steel fibers at best reduced the penetration depth 64 % in the kalashinkov gun and reduced the area and volume the damaged area in the dragunov weapon by 88 % and 98 % respectively. Also, steel fibers can prevent crack expansion by increasing the bond strength, provided that the fibers the nylon have a much lower impact than steel fibers. the nylon fiber could reduce the penetration depth and demolition area the sample in kalashnikov weapon by 37 % and 59 %, respectively, and reduce the volume damaged area in the dragunov weapon by 84 %, respectively. In addition, in this research, 12 samples cubic pressure were placed on the side 10 cm, 12 cylindrical tensile samples 10 × 20 cm and 12 small flexion beams with dimensions 32 *8 *6 cm and tested. It was observed that steel and nylon fibers cannot have a significant effect on the compressive strength, As a result the addition one percent the steel fiber, nylon and a combination these, this increase is 7.7, 2.6 and 6.4 % , which can be neglected. but steel fibers can significantly increase the tensile and flexural strength the concrete. addition one percent the steel fiber could create a 2.5 – fold increase in tensile strengths and increase the resistance 2 - fold in bending specimens. This is the nylon fibers do not have a significant impact on the tensile and flexural strength. Adding one percent the nylon fibers in the tensile and flexural samples could increase the resistance these specimens by 16 % and 24 % respectively. It was observed in the bending test of beams that steel and nylon fibers can be bent by bending in the cracks to increase the shape the weld so that the change in the maximum area the beam with the addition one percent steel fiber from about 4 mm in the control sample increase to about 25 mm.

Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)

The effect of coriander seed essential oil on pH, moisture content, color indices (L*, a*, b*) and sensory characteristics (appearance, odor, and overall acceptability) of ground lamb mutton inoculated with Listeria innocua at various temperatures (4, 10, 25 and 37 °C) during 8 days storage were investigated. The effect of simultaneous day and temperature on the pH and moisture content of the samples was statistically significant (P<0.05). The highest and the lowest pH were observed on the 8th day and 37 °C in the sample containing essential oil (8.50±0.01) and 10 °C (5.85±0.01), respectively. In addition, the highest moisture content was recorded in the control sample on the first day (80.42±1.03%) and the lowest moisture content was observed in the sample containing essential oil on the 8th day at 37 °C (74.68±0.14%). The lightness (L) of the samples decreased during storage days and various temperatures and the highest lightness was on the first day and 4 °C (39.88±0.33) and the lowest brightness was observed to the control sample on the 8th day and 37 °C (8.70±0.06). The redness (a*) of the samples decreased during different days and temperatures so that the most redness was recorded on the first day and 4 °C (13.50±0.18) and the least redness was on the control sample on the 8th day and 37 ° C (-2.72±0.16). The results of the sensory evaluation showed that the appearance, odor, and overall acceptability of the samples decreased during the storage period and at different temperatures, but the samples containing essential oil and stored at a lower temperature were more acceptable. The findings of this study showed that the use of coriander seed essential oil preserves more of the characteristics of lamb at lower storage temperatures.

Volume 19, Issue 6 (11-2017)

Chelidonium majus is a perennial plant of the Papaveraceae family. This plant has been known as a rich source of isoquinoline alkaloids, chelidonine, and berberine, which are pharmaceutically important for their anti-cancerous activities. In the current study, four extraction techniques were compared in terms of their yield potential for chelidonine and berberine. Afterwards, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with a photodiode array type of UV/VIS detector was used for the detection of chelidonine and berberine from leaves and roots of five ecotypes of C. majus during various ontogenetical stages. Based on our results, ultrasonic procedures and refluxing were the best techniques for extraction of these alkaloids. HPLC results inferred that chelidonine and berberine content of ecotypes belonging to the Northern provinces of Iran, i.e. Mazandaran (IBRCP1006619) and Gorgan (IBRCP1006625), were higher than the other ecotypes. Generally, the roots of the C. majus were the most suitable organ for extraction of chelidonine at the generative stage, while at the vegetative stage, leaves are the most suitable organ for extraction of berberine. 

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