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Dr Soheil Roudari, Dr Hamidreza Maghsoudi, Dr Farzaneh Ahmadian-Yazdi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted for Publication 2024)

Aim and Introduction
One of the most important issues in Iran's economy is related to managing the exchange rate, inflation and budget deficit. During tightening of the sanctions, the oil revenues are limited which potentially leads to an increase in the budget deficit as well as a decrease in the currency supply which accelerates the exchange rate. On the other hand, with the increase in the budget deficit, the probability of borrowing from the banking system and also the issuance of bonds increases, which in turn rise the monetary base and liquidity. In addition, inflationary expectations also increase, which can be effective in improving assets prices. With an increase in inflation, based on the inflation-currency spiral, there is a possibility of a grow in exchange rate in order to maintain the competitiveness of domestic production. This can accelerate the price of imported commodities and cause domestic inflation again. With the increase in inflation and households spending, nominal wages will have a higher growth compared to normal conditions in order to maintain minimum purchasing power, which can again face the government with limited resources and more borrowing to meet current expenses. From the monetarists’ point of view and the classical economics, in general, the main stimulator in increasing inflation is the growth of money and liquidity. However, from the post-Keynesian economists’ point of view, inflation increases the demand of money and subsequently liquidity. On the other hand, with an increase in the exchange rate, the government's expenses usually increase more than its income, which can lead to an increase in the government's budget deficit. Also, considering the existence of a monopoly in currency supply by the central bank, the hypothesis of using currency exchange revenues (the difference between free and budget-approved currency) will be applicable and this issue can raise the impact of the budget deficit on the exchange rate. Therefore, there has always been a serious challenge among economists as well as macroeconomic decision-makers about the connectedness between macroeconomic variables. What is the main driver of the network between macro variables? Is there a different way of communication in different thresholds of their growth rate? These cases show that it is very important to examine the time-varying interrelationships between these macroeconomic variables.
Accordingly, there is a complex connection between exchange rate, inflation, budget deficit and liquidity, which can be varied in different years. Therefore, in this research, using the TVP-TVAR technique, the time-varying connectedness across exchange rate, inflation, budget deficit and liquidity is examined during March, 2006 to August, 2023.
In the current research, the relationship between exchange rate fluctuations, inflation, government budget deficit and liquidity based on monthly data using the TVP-TVAR technique is investigated. It should be noted that all the required information is extracted from the economic indicators of the central bank, and the government's budget deficit data from 2017 onward are extracted from Iran's Program and Budget Organization.
The results show that exchange rate and liquidity are, respectively, the largest net transmitter of volatilities in the network. Moreover, inflation rate and government budget deficit, respectively, are the largest net receivers of shocks from network. On average, the TCI is 23%, and more than 70% of this interrelationship between variables is explained by other factors such as political ones. Moreover, if the variables underestimated grow up to 36% annually (3% monthly), the connection between them will be cut off. In the conditions of decreasing the growth rate of variables up to -3% per month, the exchange rate has played a dominant role and its volatilities are transferred more strongly to inflation rate and less strongly to the budget deficit and liquidity.
If the growth rate of the variables is up to 24% annually (threshold of +2% monthly growth rate), the exchange rate volatilities are transferred to inflation and no interconnectedness between other variables is observed.
Discussion and Conclusion
Our results show that, on average, the total connectedness index from 2012 to 2016 has been upward, which is caused by the tightening of sanctions and the increase in inflationary expectations, psychological factors and emotions. Moreover, the connectedness between them is increased in 2018 and 2019, which is related to the intensification of sanctions and the reduction of currency supply and the increase in inflation and budget deficit and subsequently the increase in the issuance of debt securities in the capital market in order to manage the budget deficit and as a result increase liquidity. The results show that exchange rate is a main net transmitter of volatilities in most years and the inflation rate is a main net receiver of volatilities in many years. From 2016 onwards, the budget deficit is the net receiver of shocks from network in most periods, except for one period in 2019. It is interesting to note that in 2019, with the increase in the budget deficit and the issuance of debt securities, the budget deficit is transmitter, liquidity is receiver and inflation is more receiver variable than liquidity in the network. Totally, the results show that exchange rate is the major net transmitter of shocks to other macro variables.
Moreover, based on the results of the sensitivity analysis and thresholds effect, if the growth rate of variables is up to 24% annually (threshold of +2% monthly growth rate), the exchange rate fluctuations will be transferred to inflation and no connection between other components is observed. This shows that the macroeconomic management of the economy is very sensitive to the growth rate of the thresholds of the macroeconomic components, and before the political economy and also the factors of expectations and emotions dominated the economy, the macroeconomic management, especially the exchange rate, is required. Otherwise, it is impossible to manage the investigated variables with monetary and fiscal policies. Therefore, the managed floating exchange rate should be taken into consideration and if the goal is to manage the network using macroeconomic theories, the variables should not be allowed to increase by more than 24% annual growth. Other factors such as the political economy, and especially inflationary expectations will get the dominant role in the economy

Volume 2, Issue 1 (9-2011)

Lentiviruses are considered one of the most effective recombinant viruses for gene transfer to mammalian cells and tissues. This study comprises of two essential parts: (1) evaluation of efficiency of protein purification columns in concentration of recombinant lentiviruses, and (2) production of recombinant lentiviruses carrying GDNF coding sequences. In part (1) we co-transfected human embryonic kidney cell line HEK-293T with three lentivirus vectors called transfer (carrying either GFP or Jred), packaging and envelope vectors. After a filtration step, we applied the supernatant from transfected cells to Amicon protein columns for concentration purposes. Centrifugation removed 99% of the supernatant and left behind 500-µl-volume of solution full of virions. We thereby produced a of virus stock. Various dilutions of this stock were added to HEK-293T cells that produced up to 100% infected cells positively expressing transgenes. To examine whether the removed supernatant (overflow) has any trace of infective virus by chance, we also used dilutions of the overflow for infection and observed no sign of eGFP or Jred expression. Given the need for a high-titer virus stock for successful target cell transduction, our results indicate that our filtration method of virus concentration is able to produce high virus titer and is cost-effective and less time consuming than previous methods. In part (2), due to the importance of neurotrophic factor GDNF in differentiation and neuroprotection as well as in therapy of neurodegenerative disorders, we ligated GDNF coding sequence into the lentivirus backbone in the second phase of our study. We applied the same method outlined above to produce high-titer recombinant viruses. Following infection of human astrocytoma cells with this virus stock, we detected 3-fold increase in GDNF mRNA expression using RT-PCR. Lentiviruses carrying GDNF can therefore be generated at high titer using the column method and applied for differentiation and neuroprotection studies.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Variable rate spray applications using proportional control systems can greatly reduce pesticide use and off-target contamination of environment in orchards. Variable rate spraying of the canopy allows growers to apply pesticides only to the target, only use the correct quantity according to canopy size, season and growth stage and to apply plant protection products in an economic and environmentally sound manner. A major challenge is the reduction of agrochemicals used as Plant Protection Products (PPP) while achieving suitable deposition on the canopy. Spraying efficiency can be improved by reducing the spray losses associated with deposition on the ground and off-target drift. Adjustment of application rate proportional to the size and shape of tree crops has shown high potential for reducing agrochemicals in automatically controlled sprayers. In recent years target detection methods have been developed by using advanced techniques such as vision and laser scanning systems or simpler ultrasound, infrared and spectral systems. These systems have made it possible to develop geometric maps of trees allowing site-specific management of orchards. Variable rate spraying can thus be utilized as a methodology for applying the required amount of PPPs to the canopy while preventing over dosage as well as drift. Utilization of sensors to monitor canopy, distances and location ensures better use of expensive inputs, resulting in a sustainable approach to an important practice. This paper discusses various methodologies available for determination of canopy structural parameters and introduces some applicable commercial systems while pointing out their similarities and differences.  

Volume 8, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2006)

In drought prone environments wheat crop growth and production depends strongly on the water stored in the soil before anthesis and, although some water remains in the soil after harvest, plants experience water deficit. In order to investigate whether water ex-traction patterns, as a plant feature, have a regulating effect on the amount of water used by them at different soil depths, three wheat cultivars (Asakaze, BR9, BR10) differing in origin and drought resistance in terms of grain yield were grown in pots under gradually downward soil drying conditions. The total water used by cultivars was the same up to the post anthesis stage of growth when plants were harvested. However, Asakaze used more water from emergence to the beginning of the stem elongation period of growth and BR9 used more after that period up to the post anthesis stage. Cultivars showed significant dif-ferences in root length at different soil depths. Asakaze was predicted to use more water from topsoil layers compared to BR9 and BR10. On the other hand, BR9 was expected to use more water from deep layers in comparison to Asakaze. These were suggested to be the effect of the higher root density of each cultivar in the top and deep soil layers. It is also suggested that higher root length density in deep soil layers could be targeted as a fa-vorable trait for breeding wheat Cultivars, which are growing under gradually downward soil drying conditions.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)

Aims: The social status of nurses is one of the factors affecting the professional identity and plays an important role in how people perceive this profession and also the tendency of people to this profession. So this study was conducted to determine the Iranian population's attitude toward the social status of the nursing profession.
Instrument & Methods: This descriptive-analytical cross-section study was conducted in public places in Hamadan from October to February 2019. Four hundred citizens participated in the study by available sampling method from 4 urban areas of Hamedan. The data were collected by a social status researcher-made questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 16 and, parametric statistical tests such as t-test and ANOVA and non-parametric tests such as Chi-square.
Findings: The mean age of participants was 34.30±9.98 years. The mean of the obtained score from the status questionnaire was 71.23±11.76, which was at a moderate level in qualitative leveling. Statistical tests showed that social status score was statistically significantly related to gender, education, and media relations (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Considering that individuals' attitudes on the social status of the nursing profession are moderate and people who had more contact with the media reported lower scores of social status, it is recommended that members of the media take action to reflect the true image of the nursing profession.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)

Aims: Curcumin is a natural molecule that due to its various curative effects including antibacterial properties, it can be used as a medicine, albeit after reducing its disadvantages. The aim of the present study is to develop a method for preparation of nanoparticles of curcumin using PAA, PVA, and PEI polymers with a view to improve its stability, increasing bioavailability and aqueous solubility as well as study its effectiveness against methicillin-resistant to Staphylococcus aureus.
Materials & Methods: In order to synthesize polymeric nanoparticles including curcumin with the nano-precipitation method, optimizing the effective concentration of polymer, curcumin, and water were determined by using the Response Surface Method (RSM). Synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and zeta potential measurement methods. Furthermore, minimal concentration inhibitory of synthesized nanoparticles against the Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin was measured.
Findings: The created nanoparticles were round, discrete and smooth in surface morphology and the average particle size for PAA, PVA, and PEI were 149±7nm, 175±8nm, and 184±9nm respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration for PAA, PVA and PEI nanoparticles against the Staphylococcus aureus were 0.480±0.024, 0.390±0.019 and 0.340±0.017mg/ml. The concentration of solvent, polymer, and curcumin was important to obtain small size particles.
Conclusion: The results indicated that the water solubility of curcumin significantly improved by particle size reduction up to the nano range. The inhibitory property of curcumin nanoparticles has greatly increased due to the smaller particle size and their increased penetration into the bacteria and nanoparticles loaded with curcumin could be a promising drug carrier for the treatment of cancer, infections and other diseases.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)

Aims: The World Health Organization recommends preventive behaviors despite the approval of several vaccines to control COVID-19. Mass media and digital technologies also play an important role in addressing public health issues. This study aimed to investigate the protection motivation theory constructs by COVID-related information channels on protective behaviors against COVID-19 in southwestern Iran.
Instrument & Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study from July to August 2021, 255 patients referred to urban health centers were included by simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by SPSS 24 software using correlation and regression tests.
Findings: 32.2% of the participants received COVID-19 information through radio, TV, and satellite, and 30.6% through WhatsApp and Telegram social networks. Awareness predicted 11% of protective behavior (p<0.001; R=0.118; β=0.343). Protective motivation (behavioral intention) predicted 49.5% of behavior (p<0.001; R=0.495; R2=0.487).
Conclusion: Using protection motivation theory by information channels facilitates preventive behavior against COVID-19.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (June & July 2021 (Articles in Persian) 2021)

Analysis of Oral Discourse Based on Hyme's Speaking Model that unvestigates the interwoven relation between culture and language has long been discussed by anthropologists, pragmatists and sociolinguists. One of the new areas of research on this type of relation is the study of cultural representation of a language or cultuling.This research aimed at investigating respect cultuling with regard to the status of etiquette in the Iranians Islamic-Iranian culture. The objectives of the study were to identify the realizations of the current culture of the Persian-speakers in respect cultuling and to probe what aspects of etiquette were mirrored in it. Accordingly, 140 excerpts pertaining to etiquette were selected from a pool of 320 oral discourse excerpts recorded in different situations. They were ShadGan, Tabriz, Rasht, Herand, Dehloran, Kermanshah, Khoram Abad, Sarepol Zahab, Brojen, Aran Bidgol, Najaf Abad, Eizeh and Miandasht. They had various educational backgrounds (illiterate to highly educated) and also various occupations as: housewife, school student, university student, teacher, engineer, clerk, physician, nurse, retired, and self-employed. Having been recorded, the excerpts were then transcribed into forms using conversational transcription conventions highlighting pauses, interruptions, etc. Hymes' (1967) SPEAKING model was used to study respect cultuling. Data analysis based on this model showed that the frequency of use of this cultuling in public situations is higher than private ones and is more common among unequal participants (formal and informal) than people with equal social status. Regarding the purpose of pragmatics, expressing interest and devotion (love and affection), praisecollected from the individuals (132 females and 169 males) whose ages ranged from 15 to 61. They came from different cities in Iran as Arak, Isfahan, Shahre Kord, Tehran, Ghom, Saveh, Gplpaiegan, , reverence, invitation, modesty and flattery had the highest frequency in this cultuling. Deeper study showed that respect cultuling has to be distinguished from power cultuling. In addition, it overlaps power cultuling and ambiguity cultuling, despite it's an independent concept. In addition, it is influenced by collectivism metacultuling and class society metacultuling. The results also indicated that the respect cultuling, as being reflected in the data, was justifiable in terms of power and interdependence as two axes of etiquette, and its intensity and variety were simultaneously determined by these two factors.
1. Introduction
The interwoven relation between culture and language has long been discussed by anthropologists, pragmatists and sociolinguists. One of the new areas of research on this type of relation is the study of cultural representation of a language or cultuling. The concept of cultuling was introduced by Pishghadam (2012) based on three theories that have been previously proposed in the field of linguistics. In this regard, first, the functional grammar which proposed and stated that language is a function-oriented phenomenon and its meaning cannot be studies outside the context in which it appears, and at the same time, language, as a systemic phenomenon, contains a set of options for constructing a particular meaning. Another pillar of the concept of cultuling is the view that the phenomenon of language, like learning any other phenomenon, is understood in the form of its socio-cultural context, and considers language learning as a kind of social transfer of knowledge. It goes on to say that it considers an equal role for the individual and society, during which the language and consequently the thought of the individual are formed in his socio-cultural context become part of his nature. Finally, the concept of language owes much to the theory of Sapir and Whorf. This theory itself consists of two parts; one is the linguistic determinism, which states that it shapes the language of human thought, and the other is the relativity of the language, which states that speakers of different languages ​​have different worldviews. Cultuling is the result of a combination of these three theories and is defined as "cultural representation of a language" (Pishghadam, 2012, p. 52).This research aimed at investigating respect cultuling with regard to the status of etiquette in the Iranians Islamic-Iranian culture. The objectives of the study were to identify the realizations of the current culture of the Persian-speakers in respect cultuling and to probe what aspects of etiquette were mirrored in it.
2. Literature Review
What is discussed in this study about the concept of respect is actually discussed in the literature related to social sciences, cultural studies and anthropology as social politeness, which is equivalent to etiquette in English and is also referred to as the first type of politeness. (Spencer-Oatey & Zing, 2003). This type of politeness, as previously defined, refers to a person's behavior within the social norms of the society in which he lives (Jahangiri, 2008). But what has been considered in previous researches such as Ahmadi (2014) about politeness is linguistically-oriented, which is also called the second type of politeness (Spencer-Otti & Jing, 2003). This type of politeness examines the verbal behavior of an individual or individuals in a linguistic community within the framework of the linguistic rules of verbal behavior. These rules are discussed in the works of Grice, Searle, and Leech under the category of face which is the general image that others have of each person, which can be positive or negative (Brown & Levinson, 1987). Being positive means being interested in being respected, and being negative means being interested in freedom of action, privacy, and not being offended by others (Brown & Levinson, 1987). Accordingly, positive linguistic politeness (such as praise or empathy) involves the needs of individuals' positive aspects, and negative linguistic politeness involves threatening or endangering the speaker's image (such as leaving a question unanswered). Since the purpose of this article was to examine the first type of politeness, it was necessary to choose a foundation other than what was used in previous research on linguistic politeness, or the second type of politeness, as was used in the speech of Persian speakers. Therefore, the use of categories such as the strategies of Brown and Levinson (1987) politeness taxonomy did not fit the purpose of this study. For this reason, in order to better understand the representation of the dimensions and aspects of social politeness of Persian speakers' discourse, the concept of cultuling was used.
3. Method
Accordingly, 140 excerpts pertaining to etiquette were selected from a pool of 320 oral discourse excerpts recorded in different situations. They were Shadegan, Tabriz, Rasht, Herand, Dehloran, Kermanshah, Khoram Abad, Sarepol Zahab, Broujen, Aran Bidgol, Najaf Abad, Izeh and Miandasht. They had various educational backgrounds (illiterate to highly educated) and also various occupations as: housewife, school student, university student, teacher, engineer, clerk, physician, nurse, retired, and self-employed. Having been recorded, the excerpts were then transcribed into forms using conversational transcription conventions highlighting pauses, interruptions, etc. Hymes' (1967) SPEAKING model was used to study respect cultuling.
4. Conclusion
Based on this model, data analysis showed that the frequency of use of this cultuling in public situations is higher than private ones and is more common among unequal participants (formal and informal) than people with equal social status. Regarding the purpose of pragmatics, expressing interest and devotion (love and affection), praise collected from the individuals (132 females and 169 males) whose ages ranged from 15 to 61. They came from different cities in Iran as Arak, Isfahan, Shahre Kord, Tehran, Ghom, Saveh, Golpayegan, , reverence, invitation, modesty and flattery had the highest frequency in this cultuling. Deeper study showed that respect cultuling has to be distinguished from power cultuling. In addition, it overlaps power cultuling and ambiguity cultuling, despite it's an independent concept. In addition, it is influenced by collectivism metacultuling and class society metacultuling. The results also indicated that the respect cultuling, as being reflected in the data, was justifiable in terms of power and interdependence as two axes of etiquette, and its intensity and variety were simultaneously determined by these two factors.
In addition, more features can be enumerated from the perspective of cultuling with more reflection and attention on the manifestations of respectful language from a sociological and psychological point of view. One of these dimensions is underestimation by the speaker, which sometimes manifests itself in the denial of his abilities, strengths or positive characteristics by the speaker. Humility comes from human perfection and consequently from cultural values. In other words, since Iranian thought, in particular, and Eastern thought, in general, are based on the philosophy of perseverance and endurance, the dignity of the human soul is less attended in them than Western culture. Therefore, honoring and exalting the other party in speech and placing him in a higher position than the speaker himself can have historical roots in the class culture of Iran and Eastern culture in general. This historically institutionalized practice, rooted in the imbalance of class power, forces the speaker to sacrifice his dignity and to show the other side in a dignified manner, to meet his primary and secondary needs in an unequal interaction.
Dependence of respect on power and its event as a verbal action, especially in situations where participants are in unequal positions, can turn into extreme praise or flattery. Although it should be said that respecting the other party is not always accompanied by flattery, but it can be said that this verbal action depends on the depth or intensity of the need of the participant and the distance or degree of inequality between participants. In general, apart from honoring and respecting the other party as a respecting strategy, it should be said that in most cases, more precisely, in cases where participants are in unequal positions, honoring and exalting the other party appears as the other side of the coin of underestimation and self-forgiveness.


Volume 13, Issue 1 (March & April 2022 2022)

The contribution of bilingualism to L3 learning has been a controversial issue, as stated in the existing body of the related literature. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study was to investigate the possible differences between mono-lingual and bilingual learners of English in terms of its syntax with regard to their self-regulation strategy. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, 411 female and male participants from eight senior high schools in Arak were selected among Persian speaking learners and Persian-Turkish bilingual learners based on stratified sampling method A general English proficiency test, a self-regulation questionnaire and a syntactic structure test were administered to both groups to collect the required data. The results of one-way ANOVA, independent samples t-test revealed that monolingual and bilingual learners did not differ in learning syntactic structure. It was also indicated that there was a significant relationship between the subjects' self-regulation strategy and their general English proficiency. That is, the higher their levels of self- regulation strategy use, the higher their general English proficiency. According to the findings of the study, it is suggested that the high school teachers in Iran become familiar with self-regulation strategy and develop their teaching repertoire in terms of teaching techniques needed for developing self-regulation among their learners. In addition, in-service courses are required to help teachers learn and discuss the possible teaching techniques for developing EFL learners' self-regualtion strategy in high school EFL classes where bilingual or a mix of bilingual and monoloingual students are present.
  1.  Introduction
It is not simple to answer the question "Who is bilingual?" And "What is bilingualism? Although linguists have offered various definitions in this field, one of them cannot easily be considered a comprehensive and complete definition. Some researchers define bilingualism as a complex psychological, linguistic, and socio-cultural behavior that has a variety of dimensions (Blom et al., 2014). Others define bilingualism as the linguistic ability of bilinguals in two different languages, especially in the verbal dimension (Martin et al., 2016). Studies on bilingualism and its effect on new language learning have not provided a definitive answer to the question of whether there is a link between bilingualism and faster learning of a new language. Therefore, due to the contradictory results of different researches in this field, the present study has investigated the effect of bilingualism in learning a new language on male and female high school students in Arak.
The aim of the present study was to reduce the ambiguities about the effects of bilingualism on new language learning. Although half of Iranian people speak languages other than Persian, a few studies have been done on bilingualism and lots of questions have been unanswered. Therefore in this study the following hypotheses were formulated:
H1: Monolingual and bilingual students differ in the application of syntactic structures.
H2: There is a significant difference between students' self-regulatory learning skills and their language ability.

2. Literature Review
Bilingualism is a difficult concept to define, since many theories vary with respect to how much exposure a person needs to become native in a language. There is no general agreement among child language researchers about the 'normal' course of development among monolingual, nor among bilingual children. It is not possible to define the concept of complete acquisition, since it is difficult to define a person's control over a language. Researchers have found the following about the opportunity or threat of bilingualism in learning a new language: Kohnert (2010), Faiazi Barchini (2011) Golestani et al. (2016) and Barek and Bialy Stock (2011) mentioned that bilinguals not only suffer from academic retardation when learning a new language, but also show greater social maladaptation than monolinguals. Contrary to this view, many researchers have found that bilinguals are more careful and sensitive to learning a new language (foreign language), which helps them to learn more than one language (Vahedi & Jangi, 2016). In other words, they believe that bilinguals, as they experience the process of learning another language and are better equipped with general language learning strategies, their metacognitive awareness is increased. Therefore, they show better performance in learning the next language (Cenoz & Jessner, 2000; Ceylan & Harputlu, 2015; Tajalli & Satari, 2013). Thus, the benefits of bilingualism can be studied in relation to other areas of classroom learning, such as self-regulation as one of the most well-known mental performance functions. In other words, it can be seen whether bilingualism leads to higher mental executive functions, for example, higher self-regulation.
  1.  Methodology
Based on consensus among researchers regarding, the larger the size of the sample, the greater its precision or reliability, the present researchers invited 411 pre-university students both male and female with the age range of 16 to 19 at 8 schools from different areas of Arak (one of the industrial cities of Iran) to participate in present study. The investigators had to exclude 11 participants from this study because they were not involved in this range of age. The researcher elicited some demographic information about the participants through a background questionnaire in order to match them as closely as possible for SES to minimize the effect of social class. Accordingly the participants were classified as middle class. To achieve the objectives of the current study, some instruments as follows were used: a background questionnaire, general English proficiency test, the grammatical judgment test and a self-regulation questionnaire. In order to prevent any possible misunderstanding or confusion on the part of the participants and to ensure maximum understanding, the background questionnaire was developed in English along with its translation in Persian. After doing the sampling procedure and choosing subjects randomly 411 students were initially requested to participate in this study. Then testing was conducted in the respective schools by the investigators with the help of the school staff. The conditions for testing were strictly followed as far as possible.
  1.  Results
 The results of independent t-test (t (227) = .65, p = .51> .05) showed that there was no significant difference between bilingual and monolingual students in the syntactic structure. The mean scores of bilingual and monolingual students in preposition stranding and pied piping were 3.06 and 3.14, respectively. The results of independent t-test (t (227) = .32, p = .79> .05) showed that bilingual and monolingual students performed the same. It was also shown that the mean score in self-regulation learning strategy of students with low language proficiency was39.26, with medium language proficiency was 43.68 and with high language proficiency was 44.50. The results of one-way ANOWA indicated that students' self-regulated learning strategies are significantly different based on their language proficiency (F(2,227) = 10.25, p = .00 < .05). Thus, it can be concluded that the self-regulation learning strategies of students have increased with increasing language proficiency.
  1.  Conclusion
To carry out this study, an ex post facto design was employed. A total of 411 male and female subjects at eight schools in Arak, Iran were randomly selected from among two groups of Turkish – Persian bilinguals and Persian monolinguals. General English proficiency test, a back ground,  a self-regulated learning strategy questionnaire and a syntactic structure test were administered to both groups. Statistical analyses including ANOVA, t-test and descriptive statistics revealed that there was no significant difference between bilingual and monolingual students in the syntactic structure. It was also indicated that students' self-regulated learning strategies are significantly different based on their language proficiency.


Volume 13, Issue 11 (1-2014)

The stability analysis of a curved sandwich beam with isotropic skins and flexible core is investigated in this research. Derivation of equations for face sheets is accomplished via the classical theory of curved beam, whereas for the flexible core, the elasticity equations in polar coordinates are implemented. The beam construction consists of two skins (not necessarily identical), metallic or composite laminated symmetric, and a soft core made of foam or a low-strength honeycomb that is flexible in the vertical direction. Employing the von-Karman type geometrical non-linearity in strain-displacement relations, nonlinear governing equations are resulted. Linear pre-buckling analysis is performed neglecting the rotation effects in pre-buckling state. Stability equations are concluded based on the adjacent equilibrium criterion. Considering the movable simply supported type of boundary conditions, suitable trigonometric solutions are adopted which satisfy the assumed edge conditions. The critical uniform load of the beam is obtained as a closed-form solution. Numerical results cover the effects of various parameters on the critical buckling load of the beam. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this research is investigated here in for the first time.

Volume 14, Issue 2 (3-2012)

Mechanical properties of non-split pistachio nuts are among the lada required for the design of equipment needed for processing of the nut. Unsplit pistachio nut samples were uniaxially loaded to determine the nut’s needed splitting force and energy, as well as Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus of elasticity. The tests were carried out at four moisture contents (5, 10, 15 and 20% wb), under four loading rates (10, 20, 30 and 40 mm min-1), and on two varieties (O’hadi and Badami) of the nut. The highest splitting forces for the varieties (281.9 N for Badami and 102.4 N for O’hadi) were obtained at a moisture content of 5% wb and loading rate of 40 mm min-1, while the lowest forces, 97.0 N for Badami and 16.8 for the case of O’hadi, occured at moisture contents of 20% wb along with loading rate of 10 mm min-1. Different trends were observed between O'hadi and Badami varieties for the required energy to split nuts with increasing moisture content and loading rates. By increasing moisture content, Poisson’s ratio for unsplit pistachio nuts increased from 0.374 to 0.388 and from 0.326 to 0.337 for O’hadi and Badami varieties, respectively. Young’s modulus exhibited an indirect relationship with moisture content while a direct relationship with loading rate, in either of the varieties. Increase in moisture content from 5 to 20% wb led to a decrease in Young's modulus, from 322.59 to 223.23 MPa and from 816.25 to 719.28 MPa, for O’hadi and Badami variety nuts, respectively.

Volume 15, Issue 3 (July & August (Articles in English & French) 2024)

Possible selves represent individuals' ideas of what they might become, what they would like to become and what they are afraid of becoming. This paper, using a mixed method design, probes the possible teaching selves of 108 pre-service and 41 in-service Iranian EFL teachers to explore their professional fears and hopes. Data were collected via Possible Language Teacher Self Questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Analysis of the qualitative data using MAXQDA demonstrated the fears and hopes of the teachers in terms of professionalism, instructional strategies, classroom management and professional interpersonal relationship. Moreover, both fears and hopes were found to be rooted in personal (cognitive and affective) and social (mostly organizational) sources. Further, analysis of quantitative data via ANOVA, independent-samples T-test also revealed that the pre-service teachers and their in-service counterparts are similar in terms of their feared and ideal to selves whereas their ought self has a determining role in justifying the observable variations in their possible self. In addition, pre-service teachers' year of education was also found to be a significant factor affecting their possible selves; that is, it was shown that first-year, second-year and third-year pre-service teachers' ought self is significantly different from that of in-service teachers. Nevertheless, there was no significant difference between fourth-year-pre-service teachers and in-service teachers in terms of their ought self. 


Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2016)

In this paper, multi objective genetic algorithm is applied to optimize one type of recuperator in a 200 kW microturbine by considering two key parameters such as recuperator efficiency and cost. ε-NTU method is selected for the recuperator efficiency and pressure drop calculation. The recuperator total cost consists of capital cost, operational cost and maintenance cost. A plate-fin heat exchanger with offset strip fin for counter and cross flow arrangements is chosen for optimization. Fin pitch, fin height, fin offset length, cold stream flow length, non-flow stream length and hot stream flow length are considered as six design parameters. NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) is conducted to maximize recuperator efficiency and minimize its total cost. Results of the optimization are presented as a set of designs, called ‘Pareto-optimal solutions’. The results reveal the confliction between the two objective functions. It can be concluded that any change in the geometry of the recuperator increasing the efficiency also increases the total cost and vice versa. Finally, the optimal designs are compared together based on non-dominated sorting concept and the final optimal designs are obtained.

Volume 16, Issue 6 (11-2014)

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) is an industrial medicinal plant with different pharmaceutical and food applications. In this study, the leaf essential oil composition of 12 Iranian accessions of fennel collected from different geographical regions was assessed. The essential oil yield of fennel leaves ranged from 0.65% (Varamin accession) to 2.03% (Tabriz accession). Trans-anethole, fenchone and limonene were highly abundant in all of the examined oils. Trans-anethole ranged from 41.19% in Shiravan to 56.6% in Shiraz accessions and had negative correlation with most of the constituents. According to the major compounds, two chemotypes were defined in which group 1 was considered as the high trans-anethole (> 50%) and group 2 was a high limonene group. The correlation of essential oil yield and trans-anethol with climatic conditions and some morphological characters were also assessed. Higher temperatures and essential oil yield had negative Pearson correlation (r= -0.371), while trans-anethol and high temperature showed positive correlation (r= 0.459) in fennel. Furthermore, the studied accessions had different flowering time and height. The early flowering and dwarf accessions had higher essential oil yield, while the late flowering ones had higher trans-anethol in their leaves.

Volume 16, Issue 88 (6-2019)

Kilka fish oil is highly susceptible to oxidation due to high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. One of the methods used to protect unsaturated oils from environmental damage is the encapsulation process. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of encapsulation process on reduction of Kilka fish oil oxidation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of type and concentration of wall materials on encapsulated fish oil properties. The mixture of xanthan and lepidium sativum (Shahi) seed gum was used in 100: 0, 50:50 and 0: 100 ratios as the continuous phase of emulsion. Concentration of solid material in wall solution was chosen at 30, 40 and 50%. A homogenizer ultraturax was used to prepare nanomulsions and a high pressure homogenizer was used to produce microemulsion. The results showed that the size of the capsules prepared with mixture wall in all concentration, xanthan gum at 40 and 50% concentration and capsules with shahi seed gum at 30% concentration was in the range of nano (below 100 nm). All microcapsules had a size below 10 micrometers. Zeta potential was negative for microcapsules and nanocapsules and the lowest and highest zeta potentials were related to capsule with mixture and shahi seed gum walls respectively. The nanocapsules showed higher efficiency of Kilka fish oil encapsulation than microcapsules. The images of the Scanning Electron Microscope represent a suitable network and uniform wall cover around the capsules, and structural fractures were not observed. The results of this study suggest using of fish oil microcapsules with shahi gum wall at 40% concentration, fish oil nanocapsules with mixture of xanthan and shahi gum wall at 40% concentration, and fish oil nanocapsules with 30% xanthan gum due to good properties for oil storage.

Volume 17, Issue 5 (12-2017)

Portland-limestone cement (PLC) is a new, more sustainable version of portland cement that is becoming widely available in North America. Known as Type IL cement in the blended cement specifications of ASTM and AASHTO, it has already been approved by many transportation agencies and its use in structures and pavements is rapidly increasing. PLC implementation has been fueled mostly by interest in sustainability, but some experiences have also shown that it can be used to improve concrete performance and even mix economics. Beneficial performance synergies of PLC with fly ash and slag cement (SCMs) have been well documented. Recent research has also studied optimum PLC properties, the most beneficial types and characteristics of SCMs, and the extent to which SCM replacement rates can be extended. In addition to improved strength development, setting, and durability, this more sustainable PLC concrete has been found to improve finishing properties and the quality of formed or slipped surfaces. The webinar will review research and trial project data and highlight successful applications and project experiences to date, sharing implementation guidelines.
More recently, the composite concretes which is consisting of Portland cement, lime stone powder and different types of pozzolans are used in a few countries. This type of concrete is more beneficial as a certain percentage of lime stone powder and pozzolan is substituted by cement weight in concrete. However, considering Iran, although considerable number of cement factories is available, and the economic cost of composite cement, the practical use of such cement is not yet seriously taking into consideration. When designing a concrete structure using composite cement, some of its characteristics and engineering properties become different from those of normal concrete, NC. These differences in material properties may have important consequences in terms of the structural behavior and design of composite concrete members. The design provisions contained in the building codes are, in reality, based on tests conducted on NC. The design of these structural members is not covered in existing codes of practice.
Therefore for the aim of practical usage of composite cements, it is necessary to investigate seriously the plastic phase, engineering properties and durability considerations of this type of composite cement. In this paper, the chemical analysis of composite materials including cement, lime stone powder and Rafsenjan’s pozzolan are performed and the results and analysis of ten designed concrete mixes which are constructed and tested are discussed. The mixes are including control and nine composite (ie. cement type II of Kerman cement factory, Rafsenjan’s pozzolan and limestone powder) concrete. In plastic phase; the tests on slump, setting time and volume expansion of control and composite cement and in hardened phase; the tests on compressive strength for two wet (w) and %5 sulphate sodium (s) curing conditions, different type of tensile strength (i.e. splitting, European and flexural tensile strength) at short and long time ages and water capillary absorptions are carried out. Also, for concepts of practical use of such concretes in reinforced concrete structures, the compressive and tensile stress-strain diagrams are plotted by attaching sensors on two types of concrete. It was concluded that: i) the setting time of composite specimens were lower than that of control concrete specimen, ii) replacing of lime stone powder and pozzolan by cement weight caused to reduce the compressive strength of composite to that of control concrete at early and long ages however, ultimate compressive strain (εcu) of almost all the specimens reached 0.003 which is recommended by ACI standard. and iii) no considerable effect on the compressive strength of specimens was observed for two curing regimes of sulphate (s) and wet (w).

Volume 17, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2015)

To evaluate the genetic variations in eleven fennel populations in Iran, 55 accessions were analyzed by SRAP markers. Twelve primer combinations produced 171 polymorphic bands. The cumulative dendrogram delineated fennel accessions into five major groups in accordance to the geographical regions from which the populations were originated. About 43.57% of total genetic variation was detected among the populations, while 56.43% of total variation were observed within the populations. The studied populations showed high genetic differentiation (Gst= 0.52) and low gene flow (Nm= 0.46). Among the studied populations, Yazd and Kerman accounted for the highest values of PPB (%), Shanon index (I), and heterozygosity. The self-pollinated seeds were in the range of 2.01% in Paveh-2 to 9.24% in Isfahan-2 accessions. The essential oil content ranged from 0.62% in Isfahan-3 to 2.21% in Tabriz-3. Generaly, the dwarf populations viz., Tabriz and Paveh, had higher essential oil yield and their pollination was less affected by environmental factors than the average.

Volume 17, Issue 98 (April 2020)

There are different ways to reduce the risk of spoilage and increase the shelf life of agricultural products, one of which is ultraviolet radiation. The UV irradiation system has seven UV-C lamps, that for microbial deactivation, the effects of lamps number (3, 5 and 7), the distance of lamps from pistachio kernels (10, 20 and 30 cm), and the UV-C radiation time (15, 20 and 30 minutes) were evaluated. Based on Aspergillus flavus inactivation, the application of 3 lamps, the distance of 10 cm, and the irradiation time of 30 minutes were selected as the best treatment for irradiation of dry pistachio kernels. The results indicated that UV-C irradiation had no significant effect on peroxide and acidity values (p <0.05), but UV-C irradiation caused a significant (p<0.05) increases of the total phenolic content in pistachio kernels. According to the panelists scores, the texture of irradiated sample obtained a higher score than the control sample. However, no significant difference was observed in terms of other sensory characteristics (appearance, aroma, and taste) between the irradiated and control samples.

Volume 19, Issue 3 (Fall 2015)

geoarchaeological surveys are the efficient way to discover the environmental features of ancient settlements at the time of their establishment. . The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of environmental factors in the site selecting of the prehistoric settlements in Varamin plain. In the archaeological view, the plains located in the southern foothills of central Alborz Mountains represent the Tehran plain and Varamin plain is laid in south east of Tehran plain, on the alluvial sediments of Jajroud River. After studying the environmental features of Varamin plain, eight characteristics of the natural environment, including the impact of geomorphologic features, geology, climate, vegetation, slope, land use and access to soil and water resources have been investigated and fuzzy logic was used in order to provide an environmental capabilities plain zoning map to establish settlements in Varamin plain. Results showed that the predominant Varamin plain’s prehistoric settlements are sited in areas with the good and very good environmental capability for establishing settlements and the most of these places are located on the central parts of Jajroor fan. Being located on alluvial deposits, suitable soil for farming and pottery, gentle slope, convenient access to streams, sufficient distance from the apex of the alluvial fan and being safe from flood risk And having better weather than the southern part of the alluvial fan are such factors That create suitable environmental conditions in these areas.

Volume 19, Issue 4 (9-2017)

Objective: Fetal hemoglobin is the predominant hemoglobin expressed by gamma globin. However, in adults, fetal hemoglobin normally reduces to very low levels of the total hemoglobin. The increase in levels of fetal hemoglobin can ameliorate the severity of β-hemoglobin disorders such as sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia. Currently, drugs that have been used for induction of Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) have short-term effects. Dendrosomal nano-curcumin (DNC), which has high solubility and absorption, is able to detect different targets in the cell and affect gene expression. LSD1 is one of the most important gamma globin inhibitors. In this study, we examine the capability of DNC to inhibit the expression of LSD1, GATA1, and FOG1 as well as the increase in gamma globin expression. Methods: We used the K562 cell line for the MTT assay and treatment by DNC. Then the effect of DNC on the increase in expression level of γ-globin, decrease expression level of LSD1 and transcription factors, GATA1 and FOG1was investigated by Real time PCR. Results: Data acquired from gene expression assays indicated that DNC induced gamma globin expression and decreased expressions of LSD1, GATA1, and FOG1 in a time and dose-dependent manner. Conclusion: Inhibition of LSD1, GATA1, and FOG1 expressions via DNC led to increased gamma globin expression. These results showed that DNC could be a promising treatment for beta-thalassemia and sickle cell disorders, and possibly reduce the severity of symptoms of these patients through the induction of fetal hemoglobin.

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