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Showing 6 results for Kheirandish

Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2014)

Simin Daneshvar and Ahmed Mahmoud are two contemporary and famous writers who had paid great attention to the culture of the people. Their works are full of various elements of public culture and oral literature, in a way that the names of some of Daneshvar’s works like "Suvashun" and "Bakht Goshaie" are originated from the themes of public culture. Of course, in the works of both of them, there are common cultural themes that are expressed in different ways, and this difference whether expressed in terms of quantity or quality, is evident in the works of both writers. Precision in the way of life, gender, education and awareness and different characters of   the two authors can reveal their different manners of expressions, and with these different exceptions, level of precision and  national honor, as well as the love and hatred of each one can be diagnosed even at the different fictional space.

Volume 7, Issue 26 (6-2019)

One of the intrinsic qualities of literature as art is beauty. The important musical and linguistic elements make poetry beautiful by creating deviation. Sherveh which is one of the well-known examples of southern Iran musical art (Hormozgan and Bushehr ) is not the case of exception. The present research aims at introducing as much as possible the verses as well as the study of the aesthetic elements of this type of poetry, with a rhetorical criticism and a descriptive- analytical approach. The corpus of the present study consists of Fayez Dashtestani and Mahya Bastaki lyrics. The results of the research indicate that the main reason for the survival of these poems, in addition to their content, is due to the aesthetic components of these poems, which shows that these two poets are totally mastered the poetry. These two poets were able to create beauty in their poetry by using simple language, the most popular vocabulary and the vast frequency of inventive figures corresponding to the linguistic context of poetry, such as comparison and metaphor. A linguistic and literary beauty which are in perfect harmony with the emotional texture of the poem, its content and its audience in general.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (summer 2021)

Intertextuality theory is one of the new approaches to reading and criticizing texts. This theory first draws from Ferdinand Saussurechr('39')s semiotics and examines the relationships between the texts. Because in every text there are references to earlier works; In other words, new texts are the product of pre-existing texts. Gérard Genette has consummated the theory of intertextuality. Genette divides intertextuality into three categories, which can be examined in the form of: Explicit and announced presence, hidden, not explicit or implicit presence of one text in another. In this article, the “Mousibat nameh”chr('39')s anecdotes are first classified according to this theory, Then the earlier text of the anecdotes is found in the works of the sixth century, After that, the intertextual reading of anecdotes is presented based on the theory of genetics intertextuality in these three areas, along with examples, practical analysis of similarities and differences in terms of volume, characters, goals of the two authors between the anecdotes. According to this study, ten intertextual “Mousibat nameh”chr('39')s relate to sixth-century works. In these two modules, there are five cases of explicit intertextuality, of which two are “Aqd” and two is “Eqtebās” and one is “Translation”. There were also five cases of intentional-hidden intertextuality

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)

Aims: Nurses are a key component of the treatment team in times of crisis and are currently at the front line of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Since understanding nurses' experiences can help identify the relevant problems, this study aimed to explain nurses' experiences in the coronavirus crisis by content analysis approach.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative study with a conventional content analysis approach conducted purposeful sampling in 2020. Ten nurses who were working in the COVID-19 wards of Amir Al-Momenin Hospital in Zabol were selected. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews. The data analysis process was performed according to the steps proposed by Graneheim and Lundman 2004. The trustworthiness of the data was checked by Lincoin & Guba criteria, and the research's ethical standards were observed.
Findings: Two main themes of nurses and families under the shadow of coronavirus and the dual reaction of nurses to coronavirus crisis, as well as six categories (Nurse's family challenges, Joys and Concerns of nurses, Nurses and care injuries, Nurses and conflicting thought to the profession, Dual care reactions, Dual feeling reactions) and ten subcategories, were extracted.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the individual, family, and occupational effects of the corona crisis on nurses, which can affect their care performance in addition to individual life.

Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Objective: Astrocytes are the most abundant glial cell type. They may promote or inhibit CNS inflammation depending on which cytokines are secreted. Astrocytes also have immune roles. IL-19, IL-20, and IL-24 activate a heterodimer receptor composed of the IL-20R1 α-chain and the IL-20R2 β-chain. It has long been considered that signaling by these receptor complexes affects immunological reactions, however the biological functions of IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 in the brain remain unclear. As the first step to address the role of these cytokine receptors in the brain, in this study we have researched the expressions of IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 in C57BL/6 mice astrocytes. Methods: We examined expressions of IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 proteins in mice astroglial cells and in the 1321N1 astrocytoma cell line in response to MOG, LPS and GM-CSF by flow cytometry. The effect of LPS on mRNA expression of IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 was investigated by RT-PCR. Results: We provide, for the first time, evidence that astrocytes expressed IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 mRNA not only in response to LPS stimulation but also in unstimulated astrocytes. We did not observe the expressions of IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 proteins in mice astroglial cells and the 1321N1 astrocytoma cell line. Conclusions: IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 mRNA are constitutively expressed in astrocytes. Because the majority of neuropathological processes involve astrocytes and inflammatory cytokines, the results of this study, which are reported for the first time, have important implications for future research.
Dr Seyed Hadi Mousavinik, Dr Sholeh Bagheri Pormehr, Elham Kheirandish,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (summer 2022 2022)

The relationship between exchange rate changes and trade balance has always been one of the major issues in theoretical literature and policy circles. A new approach to theoretical literature and empirical work suggest that the interaction of these two variables depends on a number of issues, including how each country's export and import markets interact, and the degree to which exports of goods are dependent on imports. For this purpose, in the paper, the relationship between exchange rate and trade balance in the Iranian economy is examined by considering the crucial role of Intra –industry trade in the form of smooth transition regression model for the period 2001: 4 to 2018: 4. The results showed that the coefficient of effect of the exchange rate on the trade balance in each period is affected by the intra--industry index, so that the lower the index, the less the effect of the exchange rate increase on the trade balance, and as this index improves, the impact is greater. This means that the positive effects of money devaluation on the trade balance can be benefited when the competitiveness of domestic products with similar foreign goods in each sector increases.

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