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Abbas Ghasemi Hamed, Pari Khaledi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (summer 2012 2012)

     The harms and damages caused by consumption of damaged or dangerous goods is an undeniable fact and in some cases can be an extremely bitter and sad event. In order to support consumers in such a situation, the creation and use of preventive laws and regulations is the first step towards introducing damages. Passing legislation to compensate for damages incurred by consumers is the next step. Recognizing the responsibility of the sellers of damaged or dangerous goods has a particular importance for the compensation of harms to the consumer of this kind of product. In the area of responsibility of sellers of damaged or dangerous goods and compensation for the consumers of these goods, in addition to the general regulations and special laws protecting consumer rights, we can also use laws and regulations that have not necessarily been adopted with the rights of consumers specifically in mind.     The laws and regulations relating to rules preventing harm to the consumers of damaged or dangerous goods have previously been considered by the authors in another article . In the present article one section of the laws and regulations that contain rules relating to compensation is considered. A methodology based on library research along with a descriptive and analytical approach has also been used in this paper.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2023)

This study was aimed to identify secondary metabolites produced by native Trichoderma harzianum isolates and investigate the effect of ethyl acetate (EtOAc) extract of constituents extracted on seed germination and control of Alternaria blight disease. The phytochemical constituents of EtOAc extract of T. harzianum were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques. Also, the effects of foliar application, seed and soil treatments of EtOAc extract and its constituents: benzoic acid, palmitic acid and diisooctyl phthalate, on Alternaria blight disease index was investigated. All T. harzianum isolates were able to significantly reduce the mycelial growth of A. alternata by producing volatile and non-volatile metabolites. The major constituents of the EtOAc extract were 2-phenylethanol (14.36%), palmitic acid (12.07%), diisooctyl phthalate (11.23%), which have antifungal effects against A. alternata. The lowest values of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the EtOAc extract and its main constituents were in the range of 1,044-3,970 μg. mL-1. The MIC value of the benzoic acid (1,044 μg. mL-1) against A. alternata was lower than iprodione-carbendazim (1,391 μg. mL-1) and mancozeb (1,600 μg. mL-1). Combining benzoic acid with diisooctyl phthalate induced a synergistic activity against A. alternata and in combination with palmitic acid caused an additive effect. Seed treatment with EtOAc extract and/or benzoic acid significantly reduced the development of Alternaria blight disease of Cumin compared to foliar and soil applications. The seed treatment with EtOAc extract and palmitic acid significantly improves the seed germination by 11.34% and 9.57%, respectively. The findings provide new perspectives on the effect of the secondary metabolites produced by native T. harzianum isolates on the quality characteristics of seeds and the rate of soil-borne and seed-borne diseases progression caused by A. alternata.


Volume 14, Issue 2 (3-2012)

Household data are used in this study to assess the transaction costs of obtaining credit from formal and semiformal institutions in rural Iran. A survey was employed to gather the data needed to determine the transaction costs that must be borne by the borrower in each step of the credit procurement process. Data were collected from a random sample of 459 households, including 272 borrower households. OLS regression and F-test (in view of the authors, OLS is not regression but a method of estimating a regression. F-test is not an econometric method but perhaps a statistical one and still it is a key statistics toll of either ANOVA or a regression. So these cannot be employed to investigate something. On the other hand, regressions have been estimated below, and surely one should be able to assign names of them) were employed to analyse the transaction cost factors affecting the procurement of credit facilities. Similar to many financial institutions operating in other developing countries, access to a loan in Iran imposes high transaction costs upon mostly poor rural households. The results reveal that the transaction costs of receiving a loan are on the average equivalent to nine percent of the total loan size. Formal and semiformal institutions impose significantly different costs upon the rural loan applicants. Results reveal that contractual form, loan size, how far the borrower being away from the financial centre along with other borrower peculiarities are important determinants of transactions’ costs.

Volume 16, Issue 89 (7-2019)

Cake is one of the most important and high-quality cereal products and a product of wheat flour, depending on its type and the high fat and sugar content in its formulation, the continuous and prolonged consumption of this foodstuff, obesity and, consequently, problems for health creates.
So in this study, the effect of adding different concentrations of mango fiber (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% by weight of flour) were examined on the qualitative properties of sponge cake such as moisture, ash, protein, fat, fiber, pH, volume, staling, colorimetric and sensory features. A completely randomized design was used to analyze experimental data and means were compared by Duncan's multiple range test (α = 5%). According to the results, by adding mango fiber, moisture content, ash, fiber, volume and L* were increased but protein, fat, staling and a* and b* were decreased. Also, all sensory characteristics such as porosity, texture, color, aroma, odor and taste were improved in treated sponge cakes compared with the control sample. Finally, the treatment containing 2% mango fiber was introduced as the best treatment than the other treatments.

Volume 19, Issue 2 (Summer 2015)

there are some factors that are effective in good governance and the achievement of its goals, which the most important one is the political organizing of the space. Each country try to political organization of space based on the specific cognitive image of its own territory space and succeeded in making self, Internalizing and sense of belonging to place. But the organizing of the space in some places of Iran has not been done appropriately. It has created regional challenges in Ilam and west Azerbaijan, for instance, despite of having massive natural resources. The aim of this the research which with use of the descriptive -analytical method written, is survey the regional challenges in these two provinces of political organization of the space point of view. The results shows that the inappropriateness of political organization of space, specially long and protracted shape of these provinces , has created many challenges in their management that the most important ones are the lack of structural and functional unity, long borders and more vulnerability, ethnic and tribal rivalries, the lack of sense of belonging , disequilibrium development, the lack of formation of a regular communication network, the lack of creation of development pole, interference of constituency with ethnic and tribal areas, ethnicity, tribalism and etc.

Volume 26, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)

Environmental and climatic factors have been found to play a fundamental role in the formation of ancient societies. The Godin III period or the New Bronze Age (1400-2600 BC) has actually been the most important Bronze Age stage in western Iran, which played a key role in the cultural structure and urban formation. The main goal of this research is to reveal the spatial distribution of the Godin III period in relation to climatic conditions and geography of Lorestan province’s Silakhor plain. The results of the spatial autocorrelation analysis indicate that the spatial distribution of Godin III followed a linear cluster pattern, with two climatic factors of precipitation and vegetation being the most important environmental elements. The frequently distributed ancient sites of the Godin III period have a spatial correlation of 0.75 with vegetation in Silakhor Plain showing that more than 75% of the investigated sites fall into the maximum rainfall category. The results dedicated that 90% of the investigated sites are located less than 1 km away from permanent rivers, especially the Silakhor River. Rainfall, vegetation, and surface water sources have created a linear cluster spatial distribution pattern for ancient sites of the Godin III period at the lowest elevation level. The results indicate that the lowest elevation provided the main platform for the Godin III period thus there was the absence of a major threat from the foreign enemy to the mind.

Volume 27, Issue 1 (3-2020)

The Sassanid era is one of the brightest periods of art and civilization in Iran. There are major remains of many different types: monumental rock reliefs, silver vessels, stucco architectural decoration, and seals.
Sassanid art and culture could affect on the Islamic arts in Iran, including in the field of urbanism, architecture, textiles, metallurgy, painting, pottery. There are a lot of motifs that are very similar to the Sassanid ones.
 The Sassanid Empire had an enduring legacy in the Islamic period. On the one hand, the continuation of certain artistic techniques, such as silk production, plate, and stucco, may be attributed to the caliph’s practical marshaling of Sassanid artists to the service of the new state. In some cases, motifs on the artwork of the Islamic era do not show only a simple pattern of previous art, but we see full compliance and a copy of the Sassanid motifs. The pottery as well as cultural and artistic works belonging to the Islamic period too show that they were not unaffected by the Sassanid period. Here, an attempt is being made to study the transition of culture and art of the Sassanid era to the Islamic period. The study of the pottery motifs in the Islamic period can specify the amount of influence and the reasons for the transfer of Sassanid art. This research focuses on the designs of Islamic pottery that are much similar to the Sassanid motifs.

Volume 28, Issue 4 (1-2022)

Seals have been important as one of the archaeological findings with various motifs and functions from the past which recount different aspects of human life. The use of seals with various designs can be seen during the Achaemenid period (5th century B.C), including a number of cylindrical seals that have been obtained from Persepolis and have the themes of heroism combined with animals. Therefore, the analysis can provide important information about the cultural and artistic structure which ruled on Persepolis. In this article, an attempt is made to analyze Achaemenid seals and the reasons for their use as well as an investigation about patterns and their influence on the native Iranian art and other nations, particularly Mesopotamia. This is a descriptive-analytical research in terms of method and the data are derived from librarian sources. Therefore, the researcher will examine and categorize the designs and themes of Persepolis seals and then compare them with the art of other nations, especially the Middle East, and the conclusion is based on the analytical comparisons. The conclusion provides the information that seals with heroic themes and mythical animals of Persepolis have an extreme similarity and adaptation from Mesopotamian seals, especially Assyrian, and they have received the most influence in terms of content and structure from the Assyrian seals. However, in terms of credibility and dynamic, Persepolis seals have similarities and differences with Assyrian and other nations. While as some distinctions, the researcher must mention the special staging of the spaces on seals, which has made them unparalleled. While among indigenous peoples who lived on the plateau of Iran, these seals are more influenced by Mannaeans art than anywhere else; and even the animal themes on the seals were closer in terms of form to the motifs found in Hasanlu, Ziviyeh and Qalaiji than Assyrian.

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