Showing 15 results for Kavand
Volume 1, Issue 2 (NO. 2- 2009)
In this article has been studied the effect of parents economic capital, social capital, cultural capital and communicative action within the family on youth Social capital. The statistical population is pre-university boys and girls of Tehran city. The sample size calculated was 302 people, selected at two stages by random proportional stratified sampling. Regression analysis and path analysis methods were used for the judgment of the hypotheses. Experimental findings indicated that the correlation coefficient of the social capital of children and the linear combination of independent variables was equal to /71. Weight of communicative action within the family was more than the other independent variables in explaining the social capital of children.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)
One of most important requirements for every state in the political management of the national space is development of national and international transportation networks as one of criteria of development. National transportation is in connection with information, thoughts and human movements throughout different regions of the country and also with global system. The main question of the research is that “what is the situation and ranking of the states in the national and international transportation network and which strategies should Iran take regarding its position in this system?” The research method adopted here is descriptive-analytic and data gathering procedure is based on library findings. EXCEL is used to measure the states performance in national transportation network using Matrix and SAR methods. In national transportation, four modes of railroad, road, sea and air are selected, and 6 variants are selected for each of the modes, totally 24 variants. The data are collected for 180 states and then are analyzed. Based on the findings, in national transportation the states are categorized into five categories. Iran is ranked in third category (with global rank 53) and has a middle performance and is ranked 4th in regional level.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (summer 2019)
Mirror for princes is an important stage of political thought development and presenting traditional functions of governance system that writing them have been continued for centuries. The provenance of apparition of the mirror for princes was existence of traditional for of governance, namely autocratic and dictator governances, therefore with formation of modern countries this kind of writing style has expired. Mirror for princes are texts in the context of political operation traditions and desirable approaches of administrating the governance. In Iran and Islamic World this literature tradition has enjoyed a particular popularity. So far many papers and books have been written regarding this literature tradition particularly from viewpoint of political doctrine. However, above paper tries to examine library references through descriptive-analytical method and to examine the philosophy of apparition and development, nature, objectives, features and functions of mirror for princes. Similarly, it is shown that the most important feature of mirror for princes was offering operational plans to governances.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Fall 2024)
Aims: Vaginismus disorder is the second most common sexual dysfunction in women, and it is a significant issue in the lives of those affected. This disorder has unfortunate and destructive consequences for the individual’s health, the family unit, and the couple’s intimacy. This study aimed to compare vaginismus-specific schema therapy with conventional schema therapy in terms of their effects on sexual self-assertiveness and self-esteem in women with vaginismus disorder.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental research employed a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up design, including a control group. The statistical population consisted of women with vaginismus disorder who were referred to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic of Payambaran Hospital in Tehran, Iran, in 2021, of whom 45 individuals were selected using a purposive sampling method, and were randomly assigned to three groups through a simple lottery method (n=15 per group). The Persian version of Halbert’s Sexual Self-Assertiveness Questionnaire and the Female Sexual Self-Esteem Inventory (SSEI-W) developed by Zeanah and Schwarz were used. The two experimental groups received treatment in ten sessions, each lasting 90 minutes, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed by repeated-measures ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post-hoc test using SPSS 22.
Findings: Both vaginismus-specific schema therapy and conventional schema therapy were effective in increasing sexual self-assertiveness (Eta=0.83) and self-esteem (Eta=0.94) in women with vaginismus disorder compared to the control group (p=0.001). A comparison of the mean differences between the two intervention groups and the control group revealed that vaginismus-specific schema therapy was more effective in improving self-assertiveness and sexual self-esteem in women than conventional schema therapy (p=0.001).
Conclusion: Vaginismus-specific schema therapy for vaginismus enhances sexual self-assertiveness and self-esteem among women with vaginismus by helping them identify their problems.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2010)
Objective: Hearing loss is the most frequent neurosensory defect in human. Mutations in GJB2 and GJB6 are responsible for 50% of autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss (ARNSHL) cases. Here we report on the frequencies of GJB2 and GJB6 mutations and three large deletions spanning the GJB6 gene including Del (GJB6-D13S1830), Del (GJB6-D13S1854) and a >920 kb deletion in patients affected by ARNSHL referred to Kawsar's Human Genetics Research Center.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 94 patients from 63 families with ARNSHL were investigated. Patient's homozygote for 35delG were screened and left out of the study and the remaining samples were analyzed by sequencing of GJB2 and GJB6 genes. Also the three large deletions spanning the GJB6 gene were analyzed by Real Time PCR
Results: In this study we found GJB2 mutations in 13 families (20.6%) out of 63. The 35delG mutation was the most common mutation in the studied population (61.5%). Other GJB2 mutations were delE120, R127H, W24X, and V37I. The heterozygous or negative cases for the GJB2 mutations were screened for mutation in the GJB6 gene by sequencing and no mutation was observed. Also, we checked the three large deletions in GJB6, we found no mutations.
Conclusion: Low frequency of mutations in the GJB2 gene implies that other genes may be involved in causing non-syndromic hearing loss in our country.
Marzieh Esfandyari, Nazar Dahmardeh, Hossein Kavand,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (spring 2014 2014)
The substantial share of informal employment in Iran, on the one hand and the growing use of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models in analyzing economic policies by central banks and eliminating the flaws of these models, on the other hand, necessitate designing a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with dual labor market based on Iran's economy. To do so, the current study divides labor market into formal and informal sectors. In addition, it classifies firms in formal and informal ones regarding the type of the production function and labor. The annual data used in the model are collected from the Central Bank and the Statistical Center of Iran during 1974-2010. After calibrating and solving the model with numerical method, the shock effects of total factors productivity, government expenditure, oil revenue, and money growth on real variables of the model have been analyzed with and without nominal wage rigidity. The results of the study suggest that the informal sector of the labor market in different business cycles acts as a buffer with countercyclical shift. The money is not neutral in the short run due to lack of rigidity in a model of monopolistic competition, so money supply affects real variables of economy.
Volume 14, Issue 12 (3-2015)
In this paper a new model is developed to describe the response of Magneto-rheological fluids (MRF) in transient state. The models which are developed so far, cover the steady-state flow, or address the transient state, with step-wise input electrical current and constant shear rate. In this paper, a new model for transient state of MRF is developed in which the input electrical current is an exponential function in different values of shear rate. Due to the magnetic inertia caused by the inductance of the coil, the real magnetic flux density could not be step-wise. Hence, compare with the other models, this model is in well agreement with reality. To verify the presented model and study the fluid properties as input parameters, an experimental coupling is designed and fabricated. The coupling applies magnetic field perpendicular to shear direction, and measures the shear stress as a function of time. The results of the proposed model show acceptable agreement with experimental observations. According to experimental and theoretical results, the presented model is applied to a controllable torque coupling and acceptable results were obtained.
Volume 15, Issue 10 (1-2016)
Due to instability and specific configuration of tailless aircraft, there should be a controller with capability of stabilizing the aircraft in various maneuvers and flight conditions and also to have desired robustness against different parametric and non-parametric uncertainties. Different researches are done in the field of controlling such aircraft. But, most of them are concerned with longitudinal motion of the aircraft and its modes or stable maneuvers. In this paper, we design a multi input-multi output combined model-reference adaptive controller for a tailless aircraft. Coordinated turn is an unstable maneuver, itself. The addition of the instability of this maneuver and the instability of a tailless aircraft causes a highly unstable situation. Combined model-reference adaptive control benefits the aggregation of the tracking error and prediction error. Combining these two sources of errors alleviates the transient response characteristics, and a combined model-reference adaptive controller has better performance comparing to the classical model-reference adaptive controllers (with tracking error as the only source of parameter estimation error), and this property could be useful in highly unstable systems like tailless aircraft. Here, after extracting the equations of motion of an aircraft and exerting the conditions of coordinated turn maneuver, we design a combined model-reference adaptive controller for a tailless aircraft. The simulation results show accuracy of the designed controller in stabilizing the aircraft during the coordinated turn maneuver and its robustness against uncertainties.
Volume 17, Issue 4 (1-2014)
Nowadays, reverse logistics is one of the major activities of supply chain management that are included all of physical activities related to returned products (e.g., collection, recovery and recycle). So that, designing and implementing of appropriate reverse logistics, not only lead to increase customer loyalty, but also it will be reduce the inventory and transportation costs. This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model for the network design of forward and reverse logistics, which minimizes the costs consisting of the fixed cost, material cost and construction of the potential center cost. To validate this model, a number of test problems are generated, and then its parameters are determined. The presented model is solved by the Lingo software and the associated computational results along with the sensitivity analysis are illustrated. Additionally, the returned products with different demands for one and two products are illustrated. Finally, the remarkable conclusion is presented.
Volume 17, Issue 66 (8-2024)
In verbal and televised narratives, the scope of story information has an important role in holding the readers’ or viewers’ attention. The writers of this article use a comparative method to compare and contrast the scope of story information and the way the attention of the readers and viewers is held in Hooshang Moradi Kermani’s short story, “Woolen Jacket”, and its adaptation for television, “Jacket”, directed by Kioumars Pour-Ahmad, based on the narratological theory of Robert McKee. The findings of the research reveal that the type of focalization in the short story “Woolen Jacket” is internal or inside view, which results in the dominance of the element of suspense in the story. In order to create a diversity in the scope of story information and make the narrative more attractive, this type of focalization employs the element of mystery, too. This is accomplished with the help of techniques such as flashforward, internal narrative, ellipsis, etc. In this process, surprise also helps the mystery, since every time the internal focalizer and the reader are surprised, the mystery of the story develops. The TV adaptation of the story is also narrated from the perspective of a dominant internal focalizer. The only difference is that a large part of the film is dedicated to the focalization of other actants, which results in the increase of the number of the actants in the film and, consequently, highlights the significance of giving attention to the presence of others and the different discourses in the narrative. These discourses usually enter the film by the use of the technique of internal narration which leads to the development of the element of mystery. The element of suspense is only combined with the element of mystery in a verbal narrative; however, in the film, given the affordances of the camera and the creativity of the director for enriching the narrative, the element of suspense is combined with both the element of mystery and dramatic irony. Also, powerful instances of suspense and surprise are created as a result of the accompaniment of the events with music and their representation in a multidimensional way from different angles. In this form of narrative, we experience more sympathy and affinity with the internal focalizer. As a result, we can conclude that the TV adaptation of the story has made use of various and more complex multimedia possibilities and techniques for distributing story information and holding the viewers’ attention.
The scope of story information in the plot creates a narrative information hierarchy which might be different in any particular story or movie. At any given moment, we may ask whether the reader or the viewer has more, less or the same amount of information than the story’s focalizers. The manipulation of the scope of information in the story may have significant influences on the way the reader’s or the viewer’s attention is attracted (see Bordwell & Thompson 1997: 85). McKee believes that a writer or a director can make use of three ways to distribute the narrative information in the story or the film and create a relationship between the reader or the viewer with the work: mystery, suspense and dramatic irony. These techniques determine the relationship between the reader or the viewer with the story. This relationship changes, of course, concomitant with the process of revelations for attracting attention.
In mystery, the reader or the viewer knows less than the focalizers. Mystery is divided into closed and open mystery. Open mystery is the Columbo format in which the reader or the viewer witnesses the crime and knows who the murderer is. In suspense, the reader or the viewer and the focalizers have the same amount of narrative information. In dramatic irony, the reader or the viewer knows more than the focalizers.
Literature Review
The story collection Qesse-hay-e Majid (Majid’s Tales) by Houshang Moradi Kermani has always attracted the attention of researchers of children’s literature for different reasons. For example, Sam-Khaniani and Mousavinia (2014), Hashemian and Rajabi Hamedani (2016), Binazir (2018), Alavi and Qanbari (2018) and Sadrzadeh and his colleagues (2022) have conducted researches about the stories in this collection.
However, Kiumars Pourahmad’s television adaptation of one of the stories, “The Woolen Jacket”, has not yet enjoyed as much attention as the book. Rasouli (2015) is arguably the only researcher who has explained its type of adaptation. The present article, then, is of great significance since there has not been any independent research on the scope of story information in the short story “Jakat-e Pashmi” (“The Woolen Jacket”), its television adaptation or any other story or film for that matter.
Research Objectives and Questions
The main focus of the present article is the scope of story information and the comparison of the way the reader’s or the viewer’s attention is attracted and kept in the short story “The Woolen Jacket” from the story collection Majid’s Tales by Houshang Moradi Kermani (1979) and its adaptation into a television film, Jacket, directed by Kiumars Pourahmad (1990) based on Rober McKee’s narratological theory.
The research tries to find answers to the following questions: 1) What methods are used in the plot of the short story “The Woolen Jacket” and its television adaptation for attracting the attention of the reader and the viewer? 2) What are the similarities and differences in the techniques of attracting the reader’s or the viewer’s attention in the short story “The Woolen Jacket” and its television adaptation?
This research uses a comparative study method based on Robert McKee’s narratological theory. First, the short story “The Woolen Jacket” and its television adaptation were divided into their various constituent plot elements and simultaneously, their scope of story information was analyzed and the ways for attracting the reader’s or the viewer’s attention were studied. Then, by comparing the similarities and differences between the two, the reasons behind the differences in the ways of attracting the reader’s or the viewer’s attention are identified. It is the contention of the authors of the present article that the television adaptation makes use of more diverse and complex techniques for distributing the story information and attracting the attention of the viewers, thanks to the multimedia possibilities such as artificial light and shadows, identifiable sounds and images and dramatic acts in comparison with textual possibilities.
The researchers found out that there are a number of techniques in the distribution of narrative information which determine the relationship between the reader or the viewer and the story. These techniques change concomitant with the writer’s or the director’s method of attracting the attention. There are significant similarities and differences in these techniques based on the dominant focalizer in the story and its narrative affordances. First, we observed that the focalizer in the short story “The Woolen Jacket” is internal which, because of the similarity of the amount of narrative information of the readers and himself, makes the element of suspense dominant in the story. For creating diversity in the scope of story information and the attractiveness of the narrative, this focalizer makes use of the element of mystery along with such techniques as flashforward, internal narrative, ellipsis, etc. Another dominant technique used by this focalizer is surprise which adds to the mysteries of the story. Also, due to the spatial limitation of this focalizer, there is no dramatic irony in the story. On the other hand, we observed that in the television adaptation, a major section of the time of the film is dedicated to the focalization of other actants. Although in the verbal narrative the element of suspense is only combined with the element of mystery, in the film, the element of suspense is combined with both elements of mystery and dramatic irony, thanks to the affordances of the camera and the creativity of the director. In other words, the camera provides the opportunity to go to places in which the internal focalizer cannot be present. Also, we can see the events with sounds and music and from various angles in a multidimensional way, which create more powerful suspense and surprises. Therefore, it can be said that the television adaptation makes use of more diverse and complex affordances and multimedia techniques for distributing the story information and keeping the viewers’ attention.
Volume 19, Issue 131 (January 2022)
With the increasing awareness of consumers regarding the health effects of calcium, the enrichment of dairy products with calcium has increased. However, adding calcium salts to sterile milk can cause milk instability and increase sedimentation. In this research, the effect of adding hydrocolloids of carbox ymethyl cellulose (0.01%), kappa carrageenan (0.02%) and a mixture of carboxy methyl cellulose and kappa carrageenan on the physicochemical and sensory properties of calcium-enriched sterile milk was investigated. The results indicated that the addition of carboxy methyl cellulose and kappa carrageenan had no significant effect on the pH, acidity, and electrical conductivity of milk samples (p˃0.05), but during the storage period, the pH of the samples decreased, and their acidity and electrical conductivity increased significantly (p<0.05). The maximum thermal stability was observed in the first treatment (0.01% carboxymethyl cellulose and 0.15% calcium citrate) and the third (0.01% carboxymethyl cellulose, 0.02% capacarrageenan and 0.15% calcium citrate), while Control samples and the second treatment (0.02% capacarrageenan and 0.15% calcium citrate) had less thermal stability.The results showed that in all the samples, the percentage of precipitation increased significantly with increasing storage time (p<0.05), but in the treatment samples and in the presence of carboxy methyl cellulose hydrocolloids and kappa carrageenan, the percentage of calcium precipitation decreased and viscosity increased significantly (p<0.05). It seems that the sediment consists of accumulations of proteins or protein particles of different sizes that are precipitated together with calcium and phosphate under the influence of gravity. Evaluation of overall acceptance determined that the control sample and the first treatment were the most acceptable among the tested treatments. It seems that the reduction of sediment in the first treatment and its lower viscosity compared to other treatments have been effective in increasing the overall acceptance score of the first treatment in terms of evaluators.
Volume 22, Issue 4 (6-2020)
Aril Browning (AB) is a physiological disorder in pomegranate fruit that critically decreases fruit quality and market acceptability. This experiment was carried out in order to explore the effective pomegranate fruit quality traits associated with the AB disorder and select the suitable resistant cultivar and genotypes. Pomegranate physico-chemical fruit quality attributes were assessed on 238 mature pomegranate genotypes and their correlations with the AB disorder were monitored. About 14.7% of the studied genotypes showed resistance to the AB disorder, but 68.14% showed moderate to severely susceptibility to the incidence. The intensity of the AB disorder symptoms in pomegranate genotypes was strongly correlated with physico-chemical fruit attributes. There was a negative significant correlation between the intensity of AB disorder and fruit size, fruit volume, fruit acidity, and total soluble solids (TSS) to titratable acidity (TA) content.. Among the studied fruit traits, stepwise regression analysis showed that fruit acidity (pH), aril color, fruit volume, and TA content were efficient traits for screening of pomegranate genotypes in relation to the AB disorder.
Volume 23, Issue 1 (January 2022)
The electrical properties of nanostructured piezoelectric materials have attracted the attention of many researchers in the last decade. These features are used in piezoelectric micro-sensors. Mechanical propulsion is usually the result of contact between a piezoelectric surface and a foreign object. In this paper, the effect of mechanical propulsion using an air wave (sound) or vacuum on a silicon diaphragm is investigated. The local stresses created on the diaphragm due to the impact of an air wave have a significant effect on the peak-to-peak voltage of the piezoelectric sensor, which can be measured by measuring changes in this parameter. To investigate this, a micromachined diaphragm of silicon was examined and it was found that fabricating a piezoelectric sensor on a thin and patterned diaphragm could increase the peak-to-peak voltage by about 1.3 times. Detection of these stresses using piezoelectric material layered on the thin and formable diaphragm can act as a piezoelectric microphone or a barometer that the presence of microstructures on the diaphragm will increase their sensitivity.
Volume 24, Issue 4 (Winter 2020)
Expounding the Relation between Rapid Urbanization and Economic Ideology of the State in Political Management of National Space[1]
One of the most important issues in the political management of national space in any country is distribution of population based on the settlement system dominant on the country (urban and rural) and the level of concentration and distribution of population in them. Urbanization is a rapid phenomenon during this half century and 55 percent of the world population lives in the cities. In 1960, urban population of the world shared 33.8 of the world population, which reached to 39.3, 46.7 and 56 percent in 1980, 2000 and 2020, respectively; and it is forecasted to reach to 62.5 percent in 2035. This means population changes along with increase in population rate which has resulted in urbanization rate. The most changes have occurred in Asian and African countries. The states’ strategy is urbanization of social life. The comparison of the changes among the countries shows huge differences. For example, in Iran urban population shared to 33.7, 49.7, 64, 75.9 percent of the total population in 1960, 1980, 2000 and 75.9, respectively. It is also forecasted to reach to more than 80 percent in 2035. Iran is one of the countries which has higher urbanization rate than the world average. In this article, beside historical trend of the growth in urban population of the world, the causes and contexts of the issue will be investigated. In fact, in this article the strategy of the states and in particular Iran in management system of the settlements will be investigated from view point of political geography and political management of the space with emphasis on development of urbanization. The other issue is understating the strategy of the states in development of small or big cities based on balanced or imbalanced distribution of the population in cities’ network. Based on the UN divisions, the urban population number is a criterion for classification. So, the strategy of the states in creation and development of urban areas with more than 300 thousand people will be investigated.
The research method is based on descriptive-analytics method and the data gathering procedure is based on library findings. Some of the data are urban population data in four period of times including 1960, 1980, 2000 and 2020 which is compared with each other. The data resource is the UN department of economic and social affairs. Excel software is used to calculate the growth rate, ranking and calculation of formula. Regarding the data volume, after classification, the results of the calculation are showed by map and table using descriptive statistics. After calculation of population changes in four periods of times and investigation of strategies of states in management of urban system, the causes of growth in urbanization are investigated using library findings. 180 independent countries are investigated in this article.
Results and discussion
Growth in urbanization is a process which would be investigated in a global context and in particular in the countries, because this phenomenon is resulted from social and economic evolutions of the states and also affects the states. The authors believe that what happened in developing countries were the results of political evolution than social and economic evolutions in order to urbanize the population to reach their governmental goals. The research with emphasis on Iran considers the factors such as globalization, economic growth, education, concentration of facilities, ignoring rural and state policies as the most important factors in urbanization process and by proposing the theory of “government, centralized urbanization and survival”, considers the role of government important due to factors such as ease in providing facilities, increase in government size, creation of core-periphery dependence, national security and survival, lack of planning in political management of national space, economic ideology of the governments in particular capitalist, and liberalist and neo-liberalist economic strategies. So, the governments have pivotal role in urbanization of system of political management of national space, but economic – social evolutions would not be ignored, but this factor is also affected by government strategies. Three strategies can be seen in the development of big and small cities of the countries: population distribution strategy and development of small cities; middle strategy (simultaneous development of metropolitans and small cities) and strategy of population concentration by establishment of metropolitans and low development of small cities.
Some strategies can be proposed from view point of political management of national space in relation with the strategy of settlement system of Iran geographic space, as follows: to control the rapid urbanization and to adapt this issue with local requirements and capacity of geographic space of the cities of the country; promotion of population and urbanized population in small cities and distribution of population of the country in small cities in all around the territory; promotion of urbanization culture and attemptto promote life standards in small cities, in particular in low-facilitated regions, and emergency attention to rural area and attempt to protect the population who live in rural areas.
Keywords: Urbanization; Political Management of the Space; the World; Iran
Volume 28, Issue 3 (9-2021)
Sufficiency in the conventional sense of symbols has prevented them from defining new concepts. On the other hand, the foundation of factors that shape the patterns leads to the decipherment and production of a new meaning. The role of the peacock has always been a symbol of pride, glory, and beauty. However, understanding the visual difference between the twelfth-century peacock motif carpet and the previous specimens doubled the need to reproduce the new meaning. Auxiliary text was needed to achieve this goal. With such an approach, Sheikh Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi's " Loghat-e-Moran seems appropriate. It's as if our Loghat-e-Moran for a text was an image of an altar rug peacock in the Metropolitan Museum, and as a result it was read accordingly. Understanding the meaning of the peacock motif based on the thematic application of the carpet and the above treatise is the main purpose of this article. The result shows that the peacock, in addition to its common meanings, was a symbol of longing and sorrow. This research is based on the qualitative method and developed and described based on the motif of the altar peacock carpet in the meaningful context of the text Loghat-e-Moran by Sheikh Ishraq. In terms of classification, it is descriptive and analytical study.