Showing 49 results for Hasanzadeh
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2013)
Abstract The insurance industry of Iran has a low level of maturity in utilizing the capabilities of Internet for improving its business processes, especially when it comes to effective interaction with customers. On the other hand, Web 2.0 as one of most modern approaches in electronic business, incorporating tools such as weblogs, wikis, online social networks, mashups and R.S.S, creates a great opportunity for insurance companies to deepen their communications with their customers, gain extensive feedback and harness collective intelligence. Accordingly, the goal of this research is to design a conceptual model for the effective adoption of Web 2.0 in insurance industry by identifying the relevant components in this context. In order to do this, after designing the model, by distributing a questionnaire, we ask the opinions of academic experts about the validity and importance of the components of the model. Consequently, the gathered data are analyzed by the Binomial test and then, using TOPSIS technique, the components are ranked in terms of importance. According to the results, reaching for a huge volume of information is the most important driver for Web 2.0 adoption and gaining immediate feedback for the stakeholders is the most important capability of Web 2.0 in the insurance industry. Keywords: Web 2.0, Insurance Industry, Electronic Insurance, Social Networks, Collective Intelligence.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 5)- 2015)
Archetype is the common experience of mankind that has remained of distant past in collective unconscious. Because human experiences are abundant, we can not be identify the number of archetypes, but the most significant archetypes are: anima, animus, self, persona, shadow, wise old man and mother. Sacrifice is one of the major archetypes that have been institutionalized in the collective unconscious of most humans. In psychoanalyst viewpoint, sacrifice is one of the defensive mechanisms of humans against the demands of the id that leads to social interest. Archetypes are shown in dreams, imagination and illusions. Art (especially literature), is one of the main manifestations of archetypes. Sacrifice and its features can be found in the large number of artworks. In this paper, we investigated the archetype of the "Sacrifice" in Hallaj, in "Hallaj's poetry" of Mohammadreza Shafiei Kadkani, and "Hallaj's requiem" of Adonis, and presented a mythical criticism of them.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2017)
An updated checklist of 129 species in 62 genera belonging to 10 subfamilies of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) known from Iran is presented. One genus, Trychnosoma Graham, 1957 and three species, Systasis ephedrae Dzhanokmen, 1982; Trychnosoma punctipleura Thomson, 1878 and Spalangia rugulosa Förster, 1850 are newly recorded for the fauna of Iran. Hosts and distributional data in Iran are also presented.
Volume 3, Issue 3 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)
The subject of the grammatical category VID in Russian language and its equivalent “verbal representation” in Persian Language is of special importance. Each of these languages, as per its own structural and linguistic features, employs specific media of expression. Actually, the category of aspect does exist in every language. In fact, all concepts and meanings originate from within the human mind that, in order to manifest such concepts in the form of language, utilizes plentiful of linguistic structures specific to its own implicit and explicit attributes. That is why linguists believe that such structure does exist generally in all languages of the world with the only difference in their medium of expression (grammatical and non-grammatical) and the concept and meaning they convey. The results of the comparative studies conducted in the field of “verbal representation” in Persian and Russian languages reveal that the major difference is in their method of expression. The current research is an attempt to study the subject of verbal representation in Russian and Persian languages through the practice of imperfect verbal representation.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2015)
This study has been conducted to Investigate and explain relationship between work ethic and counterproductive behavior at social security organization in Guilan province. Statistical universe consists of 672 employees of social security organization in Guilan province and statistical samples were 152 individuals who have been selected using two-stage cluster sampling. Information gathering tools were two standardized questionnaire in work ethic and counterproductive behavior.
Research hypothesis testing has been performed using multi- variable regression and correlation. Regression results through step by step method show that from eight component of Work ethic(Adherence to company policies, Attendance and Punctuality, Cooperativeness and Teamwork, Integrity and Honesty, Observance of organizational provision, Productivity, Proper use of office equipment and electronics, Responsiveness to supervision) have following priority roles order: the Attendance, Punctuality, Responsiveness to supervision, Integrity and Honesty have significant role in explaining counterproductive behavior. Other component have lower priority roles in explaining counter- productive behavior.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2014)
Abstract The mysterious world of legend exists everywhere and every time with no source except the people’s belief. The Legend of Kaveh is linked with the thought and desires of Iran’s people, as well as their legends and fatherland. Iran legendary history is of great importance. For more cogitation, the legend of Kaveh will be investigated in the history and legend. Colloquial conveyance of a legend is rooted in the social behavior rather than in the individual one. In the present study, the legend of Kaveh has been considered as a victorious rebellion in the national history of Iran. Kaveh was not mentioned in the religious literature of Pahlavi at all and has no legendary antiquity. KavehAhangar (blacksmith) was first created in Shahnameh by Ferdowsi and later in the works of historians of Islamic era. It seems that this legend has been created after Ashkanid era and engraved in the legendary history of Sasaniid era. The Legend of Kaveh, as a symbol of a victorious rebellion, is reminder of those people who desire to change their destinies. Detailed description of this legend is mentioned in three chapters: A) History of the Legend of Kaveh Rebellion, B) Kaveh and Kaviani Banner, C) The Legend of Kaveh, Zahak, Fereidoun and Jamshid.
Volume 8, Issue 5 (No. 5 (Tome 40), (Articles in Persian) 2017)
The verse of Imamah (Al-Ahzab / 33.33) is one of the most important Quranic reasons concerning the virtue and infallibility of Ahl-al Bayt. Ahl-al Bayt scholars and Sunnis have discussed this verse in various aspects throughout history. One aspect that has not been addressed is the interrelation of Tathir's verse with other verses of the Imamah, wilayah and Ahl-al Bayt virtues. This essay seeks to use the descriptive-analytical method and to respond to the rules of intertextual relations in order to analyze the intertextual relationship between this verse and the most important verses of the imamah, wilayah and the virtues of Ahl-al Bayt. After analyzing and evaluating the intertextual relationships of the Tathir verse with the other verses, we concluded that this verse, which implies the infallibility of Ahl-al Bayt, has been hidden in other verses of the Imamah, wilayah and the virtues of Ahl-al Bayt which is the inseparable part of the concept of these verses. In accordance with the rules of intertextual relations, these relations are as follow: either this verse expresses the other peculiarities of the other verses - or are the basis of another verse, and its relation which is causative and necessary. Everything else expresses the meaning of the verse of Tathir among the verses of the Imamah, wilayah, and the virtues of Ahl al-Bayt, that are in some way the underlying basis of the other verses.
Alireza Naseri, Mehdi Basakha, Mohammad Hasanzadeh, Arashk Masaeli,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2010)
Considering changes in economic conditions and global priorities in the last decade, development objectives such as poverty reduction and income distribution were typically cast in terms of economic growth. Therefore, poverty reduction through rural development was at the center of government development plan.
The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of government spending on the rural economic development. The development indicators included in the model comprise agricultural production, non-farm employment and poverty reduction. To this end, the elasticity of the above indicators is estimated with respect to rural infrastructures such as education, transportation, telecommunication and electricity capacity and then linkage between rural infrastructures and government spending are identified. A system of simultaneous equations approach is used to model and estimate the equations using the data over the period 1981-2005. Results of estimate indicate that government spending have positive and significant impact on the poverty reduction and non-farm employment.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (11-2011)
Most of previous researches on cemented soils, concern about their shear strength. However, in
present study the main issue is investigating compressibility of cemented sandy soils during one
dimensional and isotropic compression loading conditions. The soil used in present study is fine and
poorly graded sand from the shores of Caspian Sea (in the city of Babolsar located in North Iran).
Gypsum and Portland cement are used as the cementing agents. Gypsum cemented samples were
tested under completely dry condition; however, samples cemented with Portland cement were tested
in saturated state. Indeed, a back pressure of 15 kPa was applied for about one hour to receive a
Skempton B value of 0.9 more for the samples. The specimens were made in three relative densities of
30, 50 and 70 and cement contents of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 percent. All the samples were cured for seven
days in a humid room under a constant temperature to gain their strength before the tests. Oedometer
tests were used for one dimensional compression (K0 condition) and triaxial apparatus cell with a
diameter of 100 mm was used for the isotropic compression tests. The pressure was applied in
increments of 50 kPa during the tests. Compressibility and volume change of cemented samples was
investigated during the tests by considering e-Ln(p') curves for all samples. Yield stress, bulk modulus
and normalized stress of cemented matrix have been analyzed and effect of cement type, cement
content and relative density on these properties have been investigated. Results showed that the
mentioned parameters affect compressibility behaviour of cemented sand, for example bulk modulus
and yield stress, increase with relative density and cement content. Cement type was another important
factor in compressibility of cemented sand. For specimens with gypsum cementation, yield stress, bulk
modulus and stress of cemented matrix were more than those with Portland cement. Also stress of
cemented matrix increased with cement content and decreases with relative density. According to the
results of experiments, a mathematical formulation suggested for calculation of yield stress in
cemented soil and also bulk modulus. Moreover, new equations are presented to determine stresses in
both cemented bonds and uncemented matrix of cemented soil. These equations are based on the
critical state theory for uncemented matrix and a normalized framework for calculation of the stress in
cemented bonds. Based on this framework, stress of cemented bonds can be predicted based on the
yield stress and volumetric strain in cemented soil. As a result, stress-strain relation of soil can be
determined during isotropic compression loading conditions.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (11-2011)
Most of previous researches on cemented soils involve their shear strength characteristics. In present research, compressibility and volume change behaviour of cemented sandy soils is investigated. Babolsar fine sand is used as the base material besides gypsum and Portland cement as cementing agents. Samples were made in three cement contents of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 percents. Also three different relative densities of 30, 50 and 70 percents were considered in sample preparation. Oedometer tests were conducted for one dimensional compression and triaxial apparatus was used for isotropic compression tests. Yield strength of cemented bonds besides initial bulk modulus have been determined and effects of cement content, cement type and relative density have been investigated. Results of experimental studies showed that the mentioned parameters strongly influence the compressibility behaviour of cemented sand. Initial bulk modulus increases with relative density and cement content. Cement type is another important parameter in compressibility behaviour of cemented sand. Yield strength and bulk modulus of samples made with gypsum are more compared to those prepared with Portland cement. Finally, the strength of cemented bonds increases with cement content and decreases with relative density.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2023)
Wheat seeds harbor different microbial populations, which can be associated with each other in neutral, positive, or negative interactions. The present study investigated the interaction of fluorescent Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas translucens (Xt) as an important wheat seed-borne pathogen. In addition to P. fluorescens (A7) and P. chloroaphis (A4), which were previously isolated from the rhizosphere of potato as potent biocontrol agents, six more non-pathogenic Pseudomonas strains that were isolated from wheat seeds, were studied. According to the general biochemical tests and partial 16S rRNA sequences alignment, the isolated strains were closely related to the species of P. gessardii, P. orientalis, P. poae, P. koreensis, and P. cedrina. The Pseudomonas strains exhibit different antagonistic activities, such as phosphate solubilization, cellulase, protease, and lipase production. Also, they have an apparent inhibition effect under in vivo conditions against X. translucens. Seed treatment by these strains led to suppressing bacterial leaf streak disease incidence in an early growth stage. However, disease progress enhanced with the seedling growth, resulting in the treated plants' complete death. Only in treated seeds by P. fluorescens (A7), P. chloroaphis(A4), and P. orientalis (Ais119) decrease of AUDPC up to 83%, 74%, and 63% was achieved, respectively, compared with the untreated controls. Our results showed that some fluorescent Pseudomonas strains could cause delay at the beginning of the disease appearance due to competition or producing antimicrobial metabolites during that time. In contrast, some may be considered a threat, enhancing disease development through synergistic effects.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2023)
A new trend in human resources, especially in the last decade, is the issue of digital talent. This event is certainly influenced by the evolution of the digital economy and the effects that digital technologies such as artificial intelligence have left on the business environment. As little research has been done on digital talent, there is still insufficient knowledge on what digital talent is and what to do about it. Therefore, this study, as one of the earliest studies in the field of digital talent, has investigated this issue in the banking industry. The research approach in this study is grounded theory. Data were obtained through interviews. At the end of the research, the extraction of 326 common first-order open source codes (out of 434 first-order codes), 72 second-order open source codes (resulting from common open source coding), 24 axial categories and 5 selective categories including: Philosophical and organizational orientations of digital business; Cognitive mapping of digital talent based on digitization initiatives; Recognize situational patterns and perspectives with the aim of understanding environmental events; Orientations of strategic actions in the development of DTs; And improved the level of individual and organizational performance.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2024)
Leaf rust is one of the most important diseases and influences the sustainable cultivation of wheat. Therefore, for the first time in Iran, the spatial pattern and temporal progress of this disease were assessed in five wheat cultivars, including Chamran 2, Star, Ofogh, Kavir, and Boolani, with different resistance levels in 2015-16 and 2016-17 cropping years. In both years, disease progress curves (DPCS) showed a sigmoid-like shape, and the rate curves had an obvious inflection point, both the features of Gompertz and logistic models. Plots of transformed, predicted disease intensity values and residual patterns indicated that disease intensity data fit closely with Gompertz and logistic models. Gompertz and logistic models with a bit of variation gained R2 above 90 % in all cultivars. Based on the results, there is no direct relationship between cultivar resistance and best-fitted models, as in both years, logistic and Gompertz models fitted properly with disease intensity data for all cultivars. In the Gompertz model, the mean rate of increase (rG) per unit of disease in the resistance (Chamran 2) and susceptible (Boolani) cultivars were 0.052 and 0.09, respectively, and in the logistic model (rL) were 0.12 and 0.144, respectively. Results indicated that in the first weeks after the appearance of the disease symptoms, the spatial pattern of diseased plants was aggregated, and the amount of the dispersion index and lloyd’s Index of Patchiness in the first and second years were 8.9, 9, and 1.3, 1.2, respectively. Three weeks after data collection, the spatial pattern became random.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2024)
The success of investment and achieving profitability is the most important goal of a venture capital company due to the problems and high failure rate of investments made in start-ups. The purpose of this research is to qualitatively analyze and present a systematic framework of the results of the researches conducted on the factors of the success of venture capital firms, so that venture capital companies can identify and take basic measures by emphasizing the important factors to succeed in investing. Formulate a strategy. For this purpose, by the qualitative meta-synthesis method, which is one of the types of meta-study methods, after searching and refining the sources related to the success of the venture capital firm, from the 309 primary sources, after the screening process, 81 sources were selected and then 210 primary codes and 179 non-repeated codes were obtained through thematic analysis method. After refining and re-categorizing the primary codes by the research team, 75 basic themes, 12 organizing themes, and 3 comprehensive themes related to the factors affecting the success of the venture capital company were obtained. The overarching themes are characteristics related to the investment case, characteristics related to the company or venture capital fund, and environmental and macro factors.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (10-2014)
In this paper, we proposed a data-hiding scheme based on Run length matrix. In a previously proposed method, a technique based on texture classification was introduced where four statically features extracted from run length matrix; then best cover images are selected based on these features. Using appropriate features for comparing images from undetectability viewpoint, guarantees, less detectability of stego images and consequently, enhances security of the steganography algorithms. Based on this idea, in this paper, more features are extracted from run length matrix to select the best covers. Our method is examined with feature based and wavelet based steganalysis algorithms. The results illustrate the effectiveness and benefits of the proposed method.
Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2015)
Decoupled motions in parallel manipulators lead to simpler mechanical structure, larger workspace, lower cost, higher accuracy and easier control as well as designs with lower mobility. One of these manipulators is 3T1R parallel manipulator with general translation in space and a rotation about a fixed direction. Designers used systematic methods to synthesis decoupled parallel manipulators. Screw theory with wide applications has been used to the type synthesis of the parallel manipulators. Moreover, synthesis of uncoupled parallel manipulators has widely studied, while the synthesis of decoupled parallel manipulators has received less attention. One type of decoupled parallel manipulators is a manipulator with group-uncoupling motions whose outputs can be controlled by a series of actuated joints. Here, using screw theory, group-uncoupling motion of 3T1R non-redundant degree of freedoms of the parallel manipulator with the first actuated joints within every four legs is introduced. Upon comparison of the kinematic equations governing the several groups of 3T1R uncoupled parallel manipulators and their Jacobian matrices derived based on screw theory. The geometric conditions of the actuated wrenches are obtained as well as the comprehensive definitions of group-uncoupling motions. Finally, these results have been clarified the related feasible legs of each groups to fulfill the required motions.
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2016)
The art of steganography is used to hide the relationship and secret messages between sender and receiver for the sake of information security in communication networks. Capacity, imperceptibility and robustness are three important pillars of steganography requirements. Increasing each of these factors in steganography may result in decreasing the other factors. Optimization methods with respect to an acceptable value for one factor can be used to increase the other factors. In this paper by specifying the scope of PSNR as a measure of imperceptibility and in order to increase capacity, steganography is conducted using PSO algorithm. In the proposed method considering the order of each bit-plane of cover image, steganography is run with a matrix encoding method. In the present study the capacity of stego images for famous cover images is examined. The results show that the proposed method in comparison with some recent ones
Volume 15, Issue 10 (1-2016)
This paper presents a trajectory controller for a Hovering type Autonomous Underwater (HAUV) Vehicle to meet the demands of in-water ship hull inspection. Accomplishing this task can just be done by a vehicle that has all special requirements like high maneuverability, precise controllability and especially Hovering Capability, utility of such vehicle causes increasing precision, saving more time and money and less health hazard of divers. Thrusters' configuration in terms of number of the thrusters, position and the thrust direction of each thruster is presented to provide the most suitable formation in terms of less energy consuming, reducing complexity of control strategies and control the most degrees of freedom. In this paper, roll degree of freedom is just constrained. The controller is demonstrated, was designed upon the linearized dynamic model and then applied to the non-linear model to validate the controller's practicality. This controller consist of 3 different loops, one for horizontal plane another for the vertical plane, both where designed in state space and the last one is a PID controller which is developed to control the forward speed. In the next step, the robustness of the controller is investigated in the presence of underwater disturbance and uncertainty of the hydrodynamic coefficients. State feedback controllers have the advantages such as being suitable for non-linear models, useful for MIMO system and simplicity in application development.
Volume 15, Issue 11 (1-2016)
One of the most common problems that occur during machining is Machine tool chatter, which adversely affects surface finish, dimensional accuracy, tool life and machine life. Machine tool chatter can be modeled as a linear time invariant differential equation with time delay or delay differential equation. Infinite dimensional nature of delay differential equations is apparent in the study of time delay systems. The analytical stability methods are thus more difficult for these differential equations and approximate methods do not give accurate results. In this paper, a new method is developed to determine the exact stable region(s) in the parameter space of machine tool chatter. In this method, first, the bifurcation points are determined. Then, the Lambert function is used to decide on the stability characteristics of each particular region. The advantages of this method are simple implementation and applicability to high order linear time delay systems. By resulting stability regions from this method, we can choose an optimal spindle speed to suppress the chatter. The new approach is the most acceptable method with comparison to traditional graphical, computational and approximate methods due to excellent accuracy and other advantages.
Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2012)
In recent decay development of different technologies is dramitically high and it influences in services. One of fields which is affected from information technology is bankining industry. Wireless technology is one of the information technology fields that has a greate development in recent years which resualt of that is mobile banking service. Banking industry is a smple that uses data mining technique. Data mining is kind of exploring knowledge to solve a special problem. In this research 232817 data is used to find some models by artificial neural networks and naïve bayes techniques in according with customers' attributes. Furtheremore result of this research help to classify customers who use mobile banking service and then the bank can offer the service to somebody who are in this classification but donot use this service. So in this way the bank can attract more customers, maintain its customers, and keep high customers' satisfaction. Also the research reveals that artificial neural networks is more accurate than naivie bayes and the research's hypothesis is proved.