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Mrs Roshanak Fani, Dr Hossein Raghfar,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted for Publication 2024)

Aim and Introduction
This paper examines the distribution of income in Iran from 2006 to 2016 and evaluates the validity of one of the latest economic theories concerning income distribution, namely, the Econophysics Two-Class Theory of Income Distribution (EPTC).
According to this model, income distribution generally comprises two classes. The lower class of this distribution, typically representing 97 to 99% of th society, follows the exponential (thermal) Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution, primarily driven by labor income. This distribution remains stable over time and undergoes minimal fundamental changes. Conversely, the income distribution of the upper class, constituting approximately 1 to 3% of society, follows the Pareto distribution, recognized as a superthermal distribution in econophysics. Notably, this distribution exhibits high variability over time, closely mirroring fluctuations in the stock market.
For this study, a review of the theoretical literature on the statistical distribution of income is conducted, tracing its evolution from Pareto's initial attempts to the formulation of the two-class distribution of income. In the methodology section, emphasis is placed on delineating the characteristics of two Probability Density Functions (PDFs) and Complementary Cumulative Distribution Functions (CCDFs) associated with exponential and Pareto distributions. The methodology elaborates on the approach to detecting income distribution patterns within the framework of the aforementioned theory. Subsequently, in the data and findings section, an examination of the income data spanning the specified time period in Iran is undertaken. The section meticulously explores the compatibility of these data with the EPCT, offering detailed discussions on the observed patterns and their alignment with the theoretical framework. Finally, the implications of the EPCT are elucidated, and the paper's conclusions are presented in the concluding remarks section.
In complex systems concluding big data or complex models, alternative approaches beyond conventional statistical tests may be employed to estimate distributions. Visual inspection and descriptive analysis, facilitated by histograms and distribution charts, serve as effective tools for approximating distributions without relying on statistical tests. The selection of distributions is informed by theoretical considerations that align with the underlying characteristics of the system. These alternative methods offer practicality and informativeness, particularly in scenarios where traditional statistical assumptions may not hold or when dealing with extensive and unconventional data. The present article adopts this methodological approach to analyze income distribution in Iran.
The initial step involves drawing the histogram and probability density function (PDF). The shape of the histogram guides the identification of distribution. Given the potential complexity arising from large datasets, and the ambiguity that may arise from visual inspection of merely the PDF, a Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) plot serves as a valuable aid. Subsequently, following the first step and the selection of candidate theoretical distributions, the CCDFs are plotted to ascertain the optimal fit with the experimental data distribution. Consequently, the combined use of PDF and CCDF serves as indispensable tools for delineating annual income distribution patterns.
The resemblance between the graphs of the PDF for both exponential and Pareto distributions on a linear-linear scale poses challenges in distinguishing between these distributions. Similarly, the CCDF curve lacks clarity on a linear-linear scale due to this similarity. However, employing a logarithmic-linear scale to plot the survival function related to the data of the lower part of society proves beneficial, as it reveals a smooth line representative of the exponential Boltzmann-Gibbs law. Similarly, plotting the survival function for the upper part of the society on a logarithmic-logarithmic scale serves to elucidate the Pareto power law. Consequently, plotting the survival function for the entire dataset on a logarithmic-logarithmic scale, as per the hypothesis of the EPTC, should unveil two distinct segments: exponential and Pareto.
The data utilized in this study were derived from the raw tables pertaining to the household expenditure-income (budget) plan, annually published by the Statistical Center of Iran. Specifically focusing on data sourced from the urban population, which constituted approximately three-quarters of the total population during the study period. Data preparation commenced with the meticulous removal of zero and negative values, followed by deflation adjustments based on the consumer price index. Subsequently, data normalization was conducted utilizing the slope of the line of the CCDF for the lower part of the dataset, plotted on a logarithmic-linear scale for each year. This normalization process was initiated based on the initial estimate of the border income, set at the 99.7th percentile. Finally, an appropriate binning strategy was selected, with a uniform value of 0.4 (∆r≈0.4T) applied to all data subsequent to the initial 0.2 portion.
Plotting the PDF of the income pertaining to the lower class of the society across three scales—linear-linear, logarithmic-linear, and logarithmic-logarithmic—alongside the fitting line of the exponential distribution function for the year 2016 revealed a notable alignment, indicative of a robust fit with the theoretical exponential distribution.
Alternatively, the survival function chart was employed to analyze the income distribution among the upper class of society. Presenting this data graphically across three scales—linear-linear, logarithmic-linear, and logarithmic-logarithmic—for the entirety of 2016 underscored two key findings. Firstly, the tail-end distribution of income follows the Pareto distribution. Secondly, and of paramount significance, these graphical representations unequivocally affirmed the appropriateness of dividing the dataset into two distinct segments.
Plotting the PDF for the 11-year period revealed that the data pertaining to the lower part of the society, representing 99.7% of the total population, converged onto a singular curve following normalization across the entire duration under study. Subsequently, depicting the survival functions for the aforementioned 11-year time frame in a unified graph, utilizing both logarithmic-linear and logarithmic-logarithmic scales, served as a more definitive validation of the two-class theory of income distribution.
Discussion and Conclusion
The analysis of income data in Iran from 2006 to 2016 reveals a distinct two-class structure in the country's income distribution.
Firstly, the lower class, encompassing approximately 97 to 99.7% of the population, follows the exponential Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution, primarily driven by labor income. This statistical distribution reflects a cumulative process characterized by a constant rate of decrease, as indicated by the exponential distribution's parameter. The consistency observed in the exponential fit graphs of the survival function and data histogram across different years suggests the stability of income distribution within the lower class over time. This stability parallels thermal equilibrium in physics, suggesting that the majority of the population is in a stable equilibrium. Notably, the high-resolution histogram of the PDF reveals a sharp and narrow peak at low incomes, attributed to governmental policies such as the imposition of minimum wage regulations.
Conversely, the upper class, constituting approximately 0.3 to 3% of the population, follows a Pareto distribution, predominantly influenced by capital income. However, unlike the lower class, the distribution of income within this part does not align along a single line in the power law segment. This part undergoes discernible fluctuations from year to year, indicating instability within this economic sector. These fluctuations are attributed to the variability of capital income

Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)

Aims: One of the most commonly used applications in forestry is the identification of single trees and tree species compassions using object-based image analysis (OBIA) and classification of satellite or aerial images. The aims of this study were the valuation of OBIA and decision tree (DT) classification methods in estimating the quantitative characteristics of single oak trees on WorldView-2 and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images.
Materials & Methods: In this experimental study Haft-Barm forest, Shiraz, Iran, was considered as the study area in order to examine the potential of Worldview-2 satellite imagery. The estimation of forest parameters was evaluated by focusing on single tree extraction using OBIA and DT methods of classification with a complex matrix evaluation and area under operating characteristic curve (AUC) method with the help of the 4th UAV phantom bird image in two distinct regions. Data were analyzed by paired t-test, multivariate regression analysis, using SPSS 25, Excel 2016, eCognation v. 8.7, ENVI, 5, PCI Geomatica 16, and Google Earth 7.3 Software.
Findings: The base object classification had the highest and best accuracy in estimating single-tree parameters. Basic object classification method was a very useful method for identifying Oak tree Zagros Mountains forest. With using WV-2 data, the parameters of single trees in the forest can extract.
Conclusion: The accuracy of OBIA is 83%. While UAV has the potential to provide flexible and feasible solutions for forest mapping, some issues related to image quality still need to be addressed in order to improve the classification performance.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Aims: Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae (L.) Nevski) and barbed goatgrass (Aegilops triuncialis L.) are two annual species that drastically affect rangelands worldwide. In the present study, the current distribution range of these species was investigated using ecological niche modelling (ENM), and then their distribution was predicted in 2040 and 2070.
Materials & Methods: In this study, using 19 bioclimatic variables and the recorded presence locations, the current distribution of T. caput-medusae and A. triuncialis was predicted using MaxEnt. Moreover, changes in the distribution ranges of these species in the future (2040 and 2070) were estimated.
Findings: According to the results, the mean temperature of the coldest quarter and Isothermality had the greatest effect on the distribution of A. triuncialis in the present and future. For T. caput-medusae distribution in the present, 2040, and 2070 the mean temperature of the coldest quarter had the highest effect on determining the potential distribution range of this plant. Accordingly, climate change will not affect the distribution range of barbed goatgrass, however, it may facilitate the expansion of medusahead to the upper elevations.
Conclusion: In the present, comparing the two, barbed goatgrass had a higher probability to invade rangelands of Iran. Climate change might facilitate the invasion of medusahead to upper elevations. Grazing exclusion is advised to control the range expansion of these two species where they are present.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (2-2020)

Trichoderma is very important as a bio control agent and probably a good alternative for chemical fungicides. Fusarium oxysporum is a plant pathogen that causes wilt in a wide range of plants. The use of gamma irradiation can be employed to increase Trichoderma efficiency against F. oxysporum. The induced mutation provides genetic changes in Trichoderma and in some of the mutated isolates the efficiency of bio control may be improved. In this study the efficiency of mutated T. harzianum CS5 against the F. oxysporum f.sp. radicis-cucumerinum was evaluated. Among 16 wild isolates of Trichoderma, CS5 isolate was chosen based on synchronous and nonsynchronous mutual cultivation with pathogen. The spore suspensions of T. harzianum CS5 were irradiated in a cobalt- 60 γ- irradiator at a dose rate of 0.23 Gy/Sec in Nuclear Agriculture Research School, (NSTRI, AEOI). Then antagonist screening of 76 mutants was investigated in the experiments of synchronous and nonsynchronous dual culture with pathogen. The results showed that only 17 mutants were able to control the pathogen better than wild type, and YFTM80 isolate had the most prevention. Using the ERIC-PCR marker, the distinction was investigated between the wild type and the 17 selected mutants. The results showed that the gamma ray is able to improve biocontrol efficiency of Trichoderma and the ERIC-PCR marker can differentiate among derived mutants, but it does not have the ability to distinguish mutants from wild type. In terms of antagonistic superiority, mutations might have occurred in antagonistic sites, which have led to improved antagonistic efficiency. Probably the ERIC-PCR marker has failed to replicate these areas.

Volume 9, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 42)- 2005)

Human resources are one of the valuable sources in every organization that causes the organization development. Nowadays with changes in organizations and their environment, career management of human resource is one of the main strategies for providing a necessary background for development and improvement of human resource and finally the whole organization. One of the basic factors that has an important role in this case is career management of staff. In this basis, the existance of officient managers who whould have necessary skills to lead career management of staff with development and change in required in each organization. So in this research, three skills in the form of three hypotheses and rate of their importance are considered and discussed. The results of this research: 1. The effectivness of “self-knowledge skill” on “career management” is at the first level. 2. The effect of “environmental-knowledge skill” on “career management” is at the second level. 3. The effect of “interpersonal-knowledge skill” on “career management” is at the third level.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (6-2021)

The use of a multi-site fungicide in cucumber downy mildew protection programs are recommended to ensure crops are adequately protected and delay a possible resistance development of high-risk groups of single-site fungicides. Commercially available dicopper chloride trihydroxide (also known as copper oxychloride) based fungicides (M FRAC Group) were assessed for their efficacy against cucumber downy mildew in comparison to a commonly used phosphonate (Fosphite® 53 WSL, P7 FRAC Group) and untreated control. Foliar treatments started with the onset of disease symptoms and were repeated weekly. Disease severity was calculated twice during crop development. Significant differences between the treatments were detected. Fosphite® was the most effective among other treatments, with a reduction in disease severity of 82.6%. Among the copper oxychloride-based fungicides, statistically significant differences were detected. Copertox® and Oksavit® were significantly effective than the other products at the first disease assessment, and Copertox® being the most efficient fungicide at the second disease assessment. Significant differences were also detected among control plots. The efficiency of commercial brands of copper oxychloride in control of cucumber downy mildew was 53-67%. This efficiency is acceptable in normal disease conditions but not desirable in an epidemic situation. If the conditions are favorable for a severe disease epidemic, it is necessary to combine them with more effective fungicides such as Fosphite.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (Summer 2024)

Background: In this comprehensive study, the prevalence of sepsis, a potentially life-threatening condition, was investigated among 477 patients displaying sepsis symptoms.
Materials & Methods: A detailed questionnaire was used to capture the patients' demographic information and clinical treatment outcomes.The E-test method was employed to determine the susceptibility of Gram-positive bacteria to vancomycin and Gram-negative bacteria to cefepime, ceftriaxone, and imipenem.
Findings: Among the participants, 40 patients (8.6%) were diagnosed with septicemia, a condition whose prevalence significantly increased with age (p= .001). Out of 40 patients with positive blood cultures, 14 (35%) were infected by Gram-positive bacteria, while 26 (65%) were infected by Gram-negative bacteria. Acinetobacter lwoffii and Staphylococcus epidermidis were identified as the most common causes of sepsis among Gram-negative (30.7%) and Gram-positive (57.1%) bacteria, respectively Gram-negative bacteria exhibited the highest resistance to ceftriaxone (38.4%) and the highest susceptibility to imipenem (84.6%) in both laboratory and clinical settings. Gram-positive bacteria demonstrated the high susceptibility to vancomycin (78.5%), with only four patients exhibiting resistance to vancomycin in both laboratory and clinical settings. Encouragingly, there was a 77.5% concordance between laboratory and clinical antibiotic susceptibility testing results.
Conclusion: Based on these findings, vancomycin and imipenem are recommended as the preferred antibiotics for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, respectively. Given the high concordance (77.5%) between laboratory and clinical results, it is suggested to perform antibiogram test using E-test method on blood culture isolates in septicemia cases to guide appropriate antibiotic treatment.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Vol. 11, No. 1 (Tome 55), (Articles in Persian) 2020)

The present study investigates the Graded Salient Hypothesis and its effect on irony in order to investigate what is an important factor in accessing to the meaning of irony. The purpose of this study was to measure RT (reading time) and to identify and explain the relationship between the three variables, context (literal, figurative), familiarity (familiar, less familiar and unfamiliar) and reading speed (slow, simultaneous, and Fast). The questions that this research sought to answer were:
1. Do unfamiliar ironies and two next expressions in the figurative and literal context are read with equal speed?
2. Do less familiar ironies and two next expressions in the figurative and literal context are read with equal speed?
3. Do familiar ironies and two next expressions in the figurative and literal context are read with equal speed?
The research material consisted of 46 ironies in the Persian language. Ironies were the result of a conversation between a 30-year-old woman and a 28-year-old man. These samples were the result of an 8-hour recording of non-consecutive conversations that were given to two experts to confirm the validity of ironies, and the examples in this study are the confirmed ironies. Then, for every irony, there was an affective context in the figurative meaning and an affective context in the literal meaning of that irony. A pre-test (pre-test 1) was conducted to determine the extent to which individuals were familiar with these ironies. The level of familiarity was determined on a seven-level axis, ranging from 1 (lowest familiarity) to 7 (highest familiarity). The subjects in this pre-test were 20 undergraduate students, this test was considered as their classroom work and for which they were given a score. In pre-test 2, to ensure that the literal and figurative contexts made for less familiar, familiar and unfamiliar ironies were equally strong, seven axial axes were drawn for each of the contexts. On one side, there was the literal meaning of the irony and on the other side, the figurative meaning of the same irony was mentioned. The axis was divided into seven sections and participants were asked to indicate which meaning of every irony was closest to it and how close it was. Two booklets were produced so that each booklet represented only one type of context. One booklet contained various examples of less familiar, unfamiliar and familiar ironies in the literal context, and another booklet contained various examples of less familiar, unfamiliar and familiar ironies in the figurative context. The participants in this pre-test were two groups of 23 people (each consisting of 11 men and 12 women, aged 18 to 27 years) and this pre-test was as a classroom task for them to perform and to obtain score. Each booklet was assigned to one group and each group did not have access to the other group's booklet, and every participant only had access to one context type for every irony. Also, those who were selected for the pre-tests were not included in the main test. A software was used to perform a self-paced moving window test that was able to measure the reading time of expressions. Participants were confronted with high-speed Windows 7 computers (with three-core CPUs and 2 GB of main memory), and the software was run in front of them. The main test was conducted in two stages, with a time interval of two months. In the first stage, the participants were presented with irony in the figurative context and their reading speed was measured. In the second stage, the same subjects were presented with the same ironies in the literal context and their reading speed was measured. The two-month interval between the two tests was because reading one phrase in a particular context not to provide the key for that phrase in the other context. On the other hand, the same participant had to participate again in the second stage. Because his reading speed in the figurative context was to be compared with the reading speed of the same person in the literal context so that individual differences in reading speed did not interfere with the results. The results showed that the ironies did not fully support the Graded Salience Hypothesis, and the results were in contrast to this hypothesis, in that the context often outweighed the salient meaning and influenced perception. Therefore, context and salience effects were not parallel to each other. Also, based on the results of the research, it seems that the salient meaning in both the less familiar and familiar ironies was the figurative meaning and the salient meaning in the unfamiliar ironies was both literal and figurative meaning.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (Issue 3 (Tome 52)- 2007)

The present era is named as information, digital or knowledge era, in which information technology, as a new strategy and thought, has affected all dimensions of human life Consequently, the organizations are among those concepts that have been affected by information technology. So that it is impossible to imagine the organizations without this strategy. In order to fullfil the requirements and expectations of the society in this field, the organizations have to use information technology if they are interested in surviving. Thus, developing information technology in governmental organizations of the developing countries has special significance. It is because, from one aspect, this skill is considered as a strategy to national development of the developing countries and, from the other aspect, it is very important in terms of governments role in national economiyc, GDP and information technology markets. There fore, knowing the effective factors on using information technology is a nessecity. In this way, knowing structural and managerial factors effecive on using information technology is of great importancece and can help the governmental organizations to use this strategy more quickly. The goal of the present research is to recognize these effective factors in governmental organizations. Accordingly, many factors such as the chief manager of information technology,s skill and support, suitable organizational structure in information technology and the sort of the activity of the organization on using information technology were studied.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2022)

Damping-off disease caused by Phytophthora melonis is the most common disease of cucumber seedlings Cucumis sativus L.. To study the efficacy of 8-hydroxy quinoline sulfate (Beltanol®) in control of cucumber damping-off disease, glasshouse experiments were carried out with six treatments at research stations in Tehran, Alborz, and Semnan provinces in Iran. Treatments included 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 ml∙l-1 of Beltanol as the experimental fungicide, metalaxyl+mancozeb (Rosalaxyl® WP 72%; FRAC code 3 + M03) at 2 g∙l-1 as the standard fungicide along with inoculated and untreated and non-inoculated (healthy) controls. Cucumbers were cultivated from seed in trays, and treatments were applied twice. Once after seed sowing and second time at the 2-leaf stage. Disease incidence was recorded at the 4-leaf stage. Beltanol at 0.3 ml∙l-1 had the least effect among fungicides, with nearly 50% of treated plants showing signs of disease. Application of Beltanol at 0.4 and 0.5 ml∙l-1 decreased disease incidence by 59.55 and 64.47% compared to the inoculated control, respectively. Rosalaxyl® performed better than Beltanol and reduced disease by 83.55%. However, to provide alternatives for proper fungicide rotations, Beltanol at the rate of 0.4 ml∙l-1 may manage damping-off disease in cucumber.


Volume 12, Issue 4 (Fall 2024)

Aims: The absorption of atmospheric Carbon dioxide for Carbon sequestration plays a vital role in regulating the climate. This study aimed to economically evaluate Carbon absorption and Oxygen supply  in Kerman Province using ecosystem service modeling.
Materials & Methods: Terrestrial Carbon storage was assessed using InVEST software, considering aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, soil, and litter/ dead organic matter. Oxygen supply in the ecosystem was also calculated based on Carbon relationships. The economic valuation of Carbon and Oxygen supply was determined using the social cost of Carbon dioxide and replacement cost, respectively.
Findings: In 2021, Kerman Province was estimated to sequester 6,896,182.89 t.y-1 of Carbon and produce 18,481,770.36 t.y-1 of Oxygen. The economic value of Carbon sequestration and Oxygen supply in the Province was calculated at 354,325,877 and 1,686,461,545 $.y-1, totaling $2,040,787,422 in 2021.
Conclusion: The economic valuation of Carbon sequestration and the Oxygen supply spatially demonstrate the multiple roles of vegetation cover in the economy, which help maintain and restore it. Economic valuation maps of studied ecosystem services have comprehensive  land management and planning applications. Furthermore, they underscore the importance of incentives for long-term Carbon storage to encourage sustainable practices. 

Volume 12, Issue 5 (November & December, (Articles in English & French) 2021)

This study is conducted to reveal the types of mood, speech function realizations, and the persuasion strategies applied to Donald Trump’s clauses in his three remarks regarding the issue of COVID-19. Discourse analysis is applied to analyze the data. The applied mood types and speech function realizations are then correlated with Cialdini's principles of persuasion to see the persuasion principles applied in the three remarks. The results show that the President's three remarks are dominated by declarative mood with three most frequently used speech functions: statements of fact, statements of opinion, and statements of the assertion. In terms of Cialdini's persuasion principles, the speaker uses all of the six principles in his three remarks, except the principle of preference employed only in the third remark. The other five principles, namely authority, consistency, social-evidence, reciprocity, and rareness/scarcity, are contained in the three remarks with their persuasive purposes. In Cialdini's persuasion principles, the clauses used by President Trump reveals the strategies of taking advantage of his powerful authority in his remarks, showing his consistency while delivering the remarks, expressing his best efforts for his inhabitants, and showing successful evidence in overcoming the pandemic compared with other countries’ endeavors.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (July & August 2022 (Articles in English & French) 2022)

Scaffolding research has been widely investigated involving parent-child within the first language (L1) context without considering the cognitive issues and Intelligence Quotients (IQ) aspects as crucial precursors of the scaffolding process. This case study aims to find emergent themes and theorize potential scaffolding theory from the interaction of two-second language (L2) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) children and normal parents with minimum English exposure, cognitive disorders, and different IQ levels on the mobile story-sharing application. Participant observations and in-depth interviews on scaffolding using story-sharing activities among children, parents, and researchers were conducted every week for six months. Thematic analysis was implemented inductively and interpreted by two experts to find the emerging variation of scaffolding theories. The results showed that ASD learners' scaffolding process involved more complex stages than the previous studies. The complexities of scaffolding involved repetitive recall, translating, imitating, cooperating, target and crises. ASD learners could write a simple phrase and short sentence after exhaustive efforts. Since ASD learners’ previous vocabulary mastery was excluded, it is worth pursuing further researchers to examine learners’ vocabulary and story writing development using the same application.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2024)

To study the effect of baits type and three lights, green, blue, and white, on the fishing efficiency of Largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) handline fishing 11,951 samples were done from February to May 2022 in the northern coast of the Oman Sea, Remin Fishing Port. The results showed that only the season and bait had a significant effect on the weight and number of caught T. lepturus caught (P<0.05), while the type of lamp and its interactions did not have a significant effect (P>0.05). The highest CPUE was observed in the months of February and March, using Rastrelliger kanagurta as bait, green LED lamp, at a water depth of 60-110 meters, and a hook depth of 20-30 meters. The use of R.kanagurta bait compared to Sardinella gibbosa has led to a significant increase in the catch of T. lepturus (both in terms of relative frequency and weight), which is recommended to improve the efficiency of hook fishing for fishermen. Due to catch per unite effort and for efficiency of catch rate of T. lepturus in the area, it seems suitable bait, green light and suitable depth of the hook must be used.

Volume 14, Issue 64 (6-2016)

Along with the increase in pizza cheese production and consumption, identifying the trends of altering the functional properties of this product in order to control its quality is becoming very important. In this study, the changes in Functional properties of processed pizza cheese and low moisture mozzarella cheese samples collected from local manufactures in Khorasan province, Iran were analyzed. Three samples of commercial processed pizza cheeses and one commercial low moisture Mozzarella cheese as well as a sample of processed pizza cheese prepared according to the formulation previously optimized in our laboratory, were collected and stored at 4 ° C in vacuum packages until the day of experiment. Functional properties of all samples such as stretch length, max load, oiling off and meltability were measured and analyzed in days 0, 14 and 28 after production. In general, Statistical analysis showed that storage time had a significant (p≤ 0.05) effect on all measured properties, so that the stretch properties of  low moisture mozzarella cheese and all samples of processed pizza cheese were decreased significantly (p≤ 0.05) during the storage period, whereas meltability and oiling off, follow a significant increase in trend. None of the properties evaluated were out of their standard and acceptance levels at the end of the shelf life, Therefore, it is concluded that the storage of pizza cheese in the fridge instead of freezer up to one month after production is suggested to be an alternative to protect the product from the damage caused by freezing and defrosting while maintaining the quality of the product at the end of the shelf life. The efficacy of TPA and image processing techniques in the measurement of functional properties (stretchability, oiling off and meltability) of pizza cheese samples was also confirmed in this study.

Volume 14, Issue 64 (6-2016)

The postharvest life of bottom mushroom is limited due to bacterial attack and enzymatic browning. This study was carried out in order to increasing the storability of mushroom, by antibacterial and anti-browning components. For that, the mushrooms were treated by oxalic and citric acids at concentration of 1.5 and 2.5 mM, hydrogen peroxide at concentration of 1 and 2.5%, ascorbic acid at concentration of 1.5 mM and calcium chloride at concentration of 1% as dipping for 2 min, and then treated mushrooms were packed in cellophane and stored at 4°C. Weight loss, marketability, electro leakage (EL) and bacterial colony forming unit (CFU) were measured after 8 and 16 days. According to the results, calcium chloride, ascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide controlled browning as compared to control. However, oxalic and citric acids, despite reducing microbial load, did not show any positive effects. Calcium chloride by reducing weight loss, reducing EL and reducing bacterial load, ascorbic acid by reducing EL and reducing bacterial load and peroxide hydrogen by reducing bacterial load tended to increase postharvest life of bottom mushroom.

Volume 15, Issue 2 (5-2011)

Measurement of Governance Capacity: Concept, ‎Modeling and Evaluation Ali Asghar Fani1, SeyedYaghoub Hosseini2, Hassan Danaeifard3,‎ Asghar Moshabaki4‎ ‎1-‎ ‎ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, ‎Tehran, Iran ‎2-‎ ‎ Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, ‎Iran ‎3-‎ ‎ Associate Professor, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, ‎Tehran, Iran ‎4-‎ ‎ Associate Professor, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, ‎Tehran, Iran Received: 17 /7/2010 Accept: 18/10/2010‎ Government capacity and governance capacity are the new concepts that ‎have recently entered the literature of state management and political ‎science. The existing literature in this ground is neither comprehensive nor ‎homogeneous. This article intends to study different dimensions of capacity ‎and, based on the findings, introduce a model for examining it.‎ Governance capacity is manifested in such dimensions as the capacity of ‎a state in designing, implementing and assessing policies and super policies. ‎The innovative point in this article is the introduction of a model on ‎governance capacity, which has not been done in the previous researches. In ‎the past studies, based on the context of the related study, scholars have had ‎a micro view on the governance subject, and no comprehensive view to ‎include all dimensions of governance has been considered. This inadequacy ‎is removed by the outcomes of the present article.‎ This article consists of two parts. The first part includes the review of ‎theoretical literature about governance capacity and theoretical fundamentals ‎of the concept. The second part introduces a model, which has been ‎examined by the data collected from different countries.‎

Volume 15, Issue 2 (4-2015)

In this study, the water entry problem of a spherical - nose projectile is investigated numerically and experimentally. For the numerical simulations, a three dimensional model of the projectile with six – degree – of – freedom rigid body motion is considered. A Coupled Eulerian - Lagrangian (CEL) method is employed for modeling fluid - structure interactions. Through Eulerian - Lagrangian contact, Eulerian material can interact with Lagrangian elements. Also, an equation of state model describes the hydrodynamic behavior of the material. The numerical results are well compared with the available experimental results of a falling sphere in the literature and also the experiments of the current study. The experiments are performed for a spherical-nose projectile in a water tank equipped with a launching system and a high speed camera. The simulation results such as air cavity shape and the projectile trajectory are compared with the presented experiment data. The good agreement observed between the numerical results and those of the experiments, revealed the accuracy and capability of the proposed numerical algorithm. Also it has been shown that the pinch – off time is a weak function of impact velocity, however, increasing velocity leads to a linear increase in depth of pinch - off.

Volume 15, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Web openings may be provided in structural floor beams for different purposes. The corner radii of web openings can have a significant effect on stress and strain concentrations around the opening. AISC's design guide for steel and composite beams with web openings states that web openings are not recommended for members subjected to significant high cycle-low stress or low cycle-high stress fatigue loading even if a rational corner radii is provided for web openings. This is because, at the time the specification was written, there were only limited references available to the committee which indicates the need for further studies in this field. In this paper, effect of opening corner radii on cyclic behavior of steel moment connections with Reduced Web Beam Section (RWBS) is investigated using finite element analysis. For this purpose, a T-shaped moment connection (without web opening) which has been tested under cyclic loading by another author is used as the reference model. To see effect of opening corner radii, the reference model is considered with square and rectangular web openings of different corner radii. Fracture initiation in models is simulated using Cyclic Void Growth Model (CVGM) which is based on micro-void growth and coalescence. According to this model, fracture under cyclic loading is predicted to occur when the void size exceeds the critical value. Based on the results, for both square and rectangular openings the maximum equivalent plastic strain and fracture index at the opening corners will decrease as the opening corner radii increase. For openings with small corner radii the fracture index at corners will be very high. This is in accordance with recommendation of ASCE 23-97 which indicates that these configurations should not be used in real practice. However, it should be noticed that in the case of rectangular opening the damage index at the corners may be greater than unity even if ASCE 23-97 limitations are met. This means that if it is intended to achieve high rotation capacity at RWBS connections, ASCE 23-97 requirement about minimum corner radii may be non-conservative. As another result, as the opening corner radii increase local buckling around the web opening occurs at higher rotations. In addition to the local effects, the choice of opening corner radii can also affect the global behavior of RWBS connections. In the case of rectangular perforation, as the opening corner radii increase the load carrying and rotation capacity of connection increase too. This is because in these models, the weakening area prevents welds from failure and fracture occurs in the opening corners. As a result, as the opening corner radii increase the fracture index at opening corners decreases and hence the connection can undergo higher rotation capacities. This is not true for square perforation where fracture occurs at connection welds and the connection rotation capacity makes no change as the opening corner radii increase. As a general recommendation it can be said that web openings with the largest corner radii (elongated circular holes) is the best case for perforated steel connections.

Volume 15, Issue 3 (July & August (Articles in English & French) 2024)

Since beliefs and emotions are involved in teachers’ daily professional life, this case study aimed to reveal the beliefs of pre-service teachers (PST) emotional strategies and the reasons underlying their beliefs during teaching practicum. Six PSTs from three Indonesian universities who conducted teaching practicum in three different school areas participated in this study. Fruitful data were gained from classroom observations, in-depth interviews, and journal entries. The findings reveal that Indonesian PSTs believe designing both a lesson plan and a second one is significant in preparing the classroom situation appropriately for students. These strategies can improve their self-confidence and motivation and help them regulate down emotions to respond to spontaneous incidents. They also believe in cognitive strategies that the students' problems and the teacher's weaknesses provoke the students' misbehavior. To up-positive emotion regulation, they believe in fake strategies showing their excitement and enthusiasm in teaching through verbal and nonverbal cues. However, hiding and avoiding emotions are not suitable due to harmful impacts. Hence, teachers have to unveil their emotions in appropriate situations. Teachers' attention to all students is pivotal for learning and growth. Thus, PSTs' emotional competence must be enhanced, for they have the ability to identify, analyze, regulate, and express emotions in the proper context and situation. The teacher education program must give PSTs full support by including emotional competence as one of the subjects or a part of the course contents to promote positive beliefs on emotion regulation

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