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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

Recitation of the Holy Qur’an has its own phonological rules. This paper addresses total nasal place and manner assimilation, known as “idgham”, that lead to “gemination with nasalization” and “gemination without nasalization”. The former which is accompanied by lengthening occurs in the environment where the /n/ in the coda position precedes one of the four sonorants /j/, /m/, /w/, and /n/ in the onset position of the following syllable. However, the latter which is not accompanied by lengthening occurs in the environment where /n/ in the coda position precedes either of the sonorant liquids /r/ or /l/ in the onset position of the following syllable. The present research aimed at identifying the constraints whose interactions cause either of these processes in the recitation of the Holy Qur’an within the framework of optimality theory (Prince and Smolensky, 1993/2004). The results of this paper are as follows: The [+long] geminated [n:.n] is the result of gemination of /n/ in the coda position with /n/ in the onset position. The [+long] geminated [m:.m] is the result of total nasal place assimilation of /n/ in the coda position with /m/ in the onset position. The [-long] geminated [r.r] and [l.l] are the result of total manner assimilation of /n/ in the coda position, respectively with /r/ and /l/ in the onset position. The [+long] geminated [j:.j] and [w:.w] are the result of both total nasal place and manner assimilations of /n/ in the coda position, respectively with /j/ and /w/ in the onset position.

Volume 2, Issue 9 (12-1998)

Mohsen Esmaeily Ph.D. Student in Private Law, Tarbiat Modares University This Article is an Islamic and comparative law study about offer and ways of it’s termination. It contains an introduction and two chapters. First chapter is titeled “General” and discuss about definition, Meaming and kinds of offer. An offer is a statement of the terms by which the offeror is prepared to be bound. It may be made to a definit person or the whole of world, i-e. generally, then anyone may accept. what is the role of offer in forming of acontract? This is an important question that is also replied in this section,. Ways of termination of offer is the subject of second chapter. Revocation (with drawal of the offer by the offeror) is the most important factor, and then Death of either offeror or offeree before acceptance, Incapacity, Insanity. Lapes of time, Rejection and connter - offer are other important ways. Some of these, are new matters in the world of low and this article try to discuss them in the comparitive study.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (Summer 2019)

Propane and butane that are the contents of LPG are separated from natural gas in the unit 107 of 5th refinery of South Pars Gas Company (SPGC). The concentration of methyl mercaptan and ethyl mercaptan in the propane stream are 551 and 46ppm, respectively, and the concentration of these components in butane stream are 1218 ppm and 0.8%, respectively. In order to remove mercaptans from butane and propane, aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide with 15 to 20% wt. is used for the scrubbing. In this research, using the Petro-SIM software, which is a particular simulator for oil and gas industries, the units 113, 114, and 115 of 5th refinery of SPGC are simulated. The results of the simulation are compared with the data of both experimental data and design documents, and they are goodly match. Then, using the software optimizer the operating parameters is optimized. The optimization results show that by increasing the extraction temperature in the unit of 115 up to 46 ° C, the concentration of mercaptan in the products can be reduced. The other independent parameters do not affect the final result of the process.

Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)

Examining folk culture and literature plays a major role in understanding a society. It can reveal some historical and social points and explain the philosophy of certain traditions and rituals. The engravings on objects, the writings at the entrance of buildings, and tombstones are considered as examples of folk literature whose study and analysis may shed some light on the literary and social issues. In the present study, the existing writings on different portable objects based on three available written sources have been scrutinized. Besides examining the rhyme and aesthetic features, the themes of the poems on the objects were classified into eleven categories including describing the object or its function, assigning ownership of the object to a specific person, citing the name of craftsman (maker) for the object, inviting people to happiness and joy, citing ethical themes, citing prayers, assigning a specific production location for the object, citing love relations and dialogues, conveying   eulogies, and citing chronograms. The significant point revealed in this study was the appropriateness of the poems or rhythmic language on the object with the object in use itself. This indicates the good taste and wit of the general public, the craftsmen, and audience for this genre of literature. At the same time, the researcher observed certain changes or distortions and rhyme imperfections.   

Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2016)

The effect of forest roads on the extent and type of fire damage occurred in forests and rangelands of the Neka County in Mazandaran province was investigated. For this purpose, all fire spots, stand number, percentage and type of injury and damage to tree species, and average diameter at breast height (DBH) were noted with 100% inventory; area and geographic location of access roads were determined using GPS. The results showed that distance from the main access road had a significant correlation with the area of ​​fire spots, but no significant correlation existed between the distance from the strip roads, skid ways, town of Neka and the area of ​​fire spots. The factors influencing fire severity were analyzed using the stepwise regression model. Model also showed that just the distance from the main access road affected the area of ​​fire spots. For every one meter increase in the distance from the main access roads, the area of fire spot was increased by 1.545 m2. Further, the extent of fire can be controlled by reducing the distance from the main access roads.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Protein hydrolysate (PH) from viscera of cultured Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) was produced. To optimize the production conditions, Response Surface Method (RSM) was employed to examine the effects of three different operating conditions, including time, pH, and enzymatic concentration (Alcalase) on the degree of hydrolysis.The mathematical model showed acceptable fitness of the experimental data as R2 equaled 0.97, which indicated  that   major part of  the  variability  within  the  range  of  values could  be explained  by  the  model. The results showed that the highest degree of hydrolysis (58.21%) was related to the treatment which happened at the enzymatic concentration of 2%, 60 minutes time, and pH=8. Treatment under hydrolysis condition (i.e., E/S = 2%, Time = 45 min, and pH = 8.5) had the highest protein content (42.37g/l), which was used as an alternative to commercial peptone medium (Triptic soy broth) to assess the growth of Salmonella typhi bacteria from 0 to 48 hours. Although there was an upward trend in growth rate of S. typhi both in control and No. 15 (Alcalase) treatments, the log growth of control treatment was found to be better than that of Alcalase treatment. However, there existed no significant difference between the two treatments.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Three species of Paratylenchus were collected and identified from vineyards and apple orchards in Kermanshah province, western Iran. Descriptions, morphometric data, line drawings and microscopic photographs are provided for these three species. Paratylenchus audriellus and Paratylenchus straeleni are the two very closely related species, with a stylet longer than 40 µm, four lateral lines and distinct vulval flaps. The third species, Paratylenchus leptos, has a shorter stylet, three lateral lines and distinct vulval flaps. Paratylenchus leptos is a new record for Iranian nematode fauna, and male of P. audriellus is reported from Iran for the first time.  

Volume 5, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)

Synthesis gas is a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide, which usually contains carbon dioxide as an additive. This gas is the raw material in the production of many basic materials of the petrochemical industry such as methanol. Various raw materials have been used to produce synthetic gas, including natural gas (methane), hydrocarbons, and coal. This gas is also very suitable as an intermediate material for the production of industrial products, and depending on the reaction conditions and catalysts used, different chemicals may be produced in large industrial units. Modeling a synthesis gas production reactor as the heart of an operating unit in the petrochemical industry is of particular importance. Simulation of refinery units is always associated with many problems due to the complexity of the process and the lack of proper kinetics. In recent years, software such as Span Plus has been used to simulate and study refinery processes, which in this regard have to some extent facilitated and achieved the appropriate. In this research, the synthesis gas production unit is simulated with two methods of steam reforming and partial oxidation method using Aspen Plus V8.4 software. By examining parameters such as conversion rate, hydrogen to CO ratio, reactor temperature and pressure during the production process and other variables, the simulation results show that after adjusting the reaction coefficients, parameters such as inlet feed temperature, reactor length and time Residues affect the production of desired products that the use of steam reforming in terms of production of synthetic gas has a higher efficiency than the partial oxidation system.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Fifteen species of the genus Ditylenchus were recovered and identified from Kermanshah province, western Iran. Morphological and morphometric characters of three known species namely D. filimus, D. hexaglyphus and D. nanus, being new records for Iran’s nematode fauna, are given and discussed. Ditylenchus filimus is characterized by having a short stylet (7-8 µm), four lines in lateral fields, well-developed and valvate median bulb, and the typical female tail ending to a filamentous process. D. hexaglyphus, is characterized by having a short stylet (6.5-8.0 µm), six lines in lateral fields, not developed and non-valvate median bulb, and conoid tail with rounded tip. D. nanus, is characterised by having a short stylet (6-7 µm), six lines in lateral fields, median bulb well-developed and valvate, and tail conoid with finely rounded tip. A dichotomous key for identification of the species occurring in Iran is also provided.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2016)

During a nematological survey, nineteen known species of plant-parasitic nematodes belonging to the family Tylenchidae (Tylenchomorpha: Tylenchoidea) were collected and identified from different localities of West Azerbayjan and Kermanshah provinces, Iran. Among them two species, namely Discotylenchus attenuatus and Tylenchus bhitaii, are new records for Iranian nematode fauna, the male of T. bhitaii is recorded for the first time. Also, two previously reported species Filenchus quartus and Tylenchus stachys are illustrated and described. Descriptions, morphometric data, line drawings and microscopic photographs are provided.

Volume 5, Issue 9 (Spring & Summer 2018)

Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet, two of the most famous critique translation theorists in their book "Comparative Stylistics in French and English,"(1995) introduce the seven methods and criteria for translation, which each interpreter uses unwittingly, and the interpreter's using of any of these methods and the amount of such use, expresses the translator's translation method, including direct and indirect translation. This research in two theoretical and comparative aspects first describes the components of Vinay and Darbelnet and then by an analytical and descriptive method examines some examples of (1394) Mousavi Garmaroudi's translation from Imam Ali's Letter to Malek Ashtar in Nahj al-Balagha based on the seven methods of the two, in order to provide a positive and accurate assessment of the quality and methods of the translator's translation. The result shows that Garmaroudi through the Vinay and Darbelnets' these seven methods used direct procedures less, which includes borrowing, calque, and literal translation and this issue is justified by his true and accurate writing. And the next four techniques, which are indirect, have been used more in his translation, and this method has contributed to an eloquent translation.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017)

Twelve species of the genus Aphelenchoides were collected and identified based on morphological and morphometric characters from different regions in North, South and Western Iran. Among collected species i. e. A. centralis, A. cibolensis, A. cyrtus, A. hamatus, A. helicus, A. huntensis, A. limberi, A. obtusicaudatus, A. sprophilus, A. sacchari, A. spicomucronatus and A.tuzeti, three species namely A. cibolensis, A. hamatus and A. saprophilus are new records from Iran. Description, measurements, line drawings and microscopic photographs for Iranian population of these species are provided. Aphelenchoides helicus that was previously reportedwithout description, is described and illustrated as well.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Eight species of Paratylenchus were collected and identified from vineyards in Kermanshah province, western Iran. Description, measurements, line drawings and microscopic photographs are provided for two new records namely P. humilis and P. prunii. Paratylenchus humilis have a lip region truncate-conoid with distinct small submedian lobes in lateral view of female head, stylet shorter than 40 µm, three lateral lines and distinct vulval flaps. Paratylenchus prunii have a lip region rounded (slightly truncate in some specimens), without distinct submedian lobes in lateral view of female head, stylet shorter than 40 µm, four lateral lines and distinct vulval flaps. Male of P. straeleni is reported for the first time.  

Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2017)

During a nematode survey and identification of plant-parasitic nematodes in Iran, several species belonging to the infraorder Tylenchomorpha were collected and identified from different localities of West Azerbayjan, Kermanshah and Golestan provinces. Among which three species, namely Aphelenchoides xui (Aphelenchoididae), Paratylenchus recisus (Tylenchulidae)and Tylenchus skarduensis (Tylenchidae) are new records for Iran nematode fauna. Description, measurements, line drawings and microscopic photographs are provided for these new records.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (Winter 2022)

 Research subject:
The kinetics of xylene isomerization reaction on Mo-Pt @ZSM5 catalyst has not been investigated so far. In this research, the single reversible reaction of meta-xylene to para-xylene has been studied to model this process. Considering that the feed of the industrial unit has only small amounts of non-xylene compounds, it seems reasonable regardless of other reactions and the results of this research also confirm it.
Research approach:
The desired reaction was carried out in the gas phase and constant temperatures of 375 oC and 378 oC on Mo-Pt @ZSM5 catalyst. The feed is taken from an industrial unit. In each test, the temperature is considered constant. In this research, in order to obtain a simple model, only the reversible reaction of meta-xylene to para-xylene is considered. The forward speed constant is considered as an adjustable parameter, and the backward reaction speed constant is calculated from the (meta-xylene)-(para-xylene) equilibrium constant reported in the literature. Since other reactions are neglected, the total mole fraction of meta-xylene and para-xylene is assumed to be constant and equal to their sum in the feed, and the mole fraction of ortho-xylene is calculated from the (meta-xylene)-(ortho-xylene) equilibrium constant reported in the literature. Using the mass balance and performance equation of the packed column as well as Ergun's equation to estimate the pressure changes along the column, a suitable differential equation system was proposed in this research and solved numerically using the ode45 function in MATLAB.
Main results: both the experimental data and the simulation results with the Aspen HYSYS software show that the temperature has little effect on the obtained results in the investigated temperature range. The optimal value of the reaction rate constant of metaxylene to paraxylene for the forward reaction is 1340 cm3 of product per gram of catalyst per hour. For the reverse reaction, it is obtained from the equilibrium constant data in terms of temperature. The results and the proposed simple kinetic model give a good prediction of the experimental data.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Skipjack tuna has the highest level of catch rate among tuna all over the world. Its head contains about 64% protein. Many Protein Hydrolysates and peptides obtained from various marine sources have a high antioxidant power. The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant activity of Protein Hydrolysate in Skipjack tuna head.
Materials & Methods: In this experimental study, 30 Skipjack tunas were investigated. At first, the amount of different compounds (protein, fat, ash, and moisture) was evaluated in the raw material; then, the hydrolysis process was performed by Alcalase enzyme and the hydrolysis degree of the protein hydrolysate was evaluated at different times. The antioxidant activity of the protein hydrolysate mixture was measured by DPPH radical scavenging activity, iron revival power, and ABTS radical inhibitory activity. For data analysis, the analytical tests were used.
Findings: The main part of the fish head was protein and it had high levels of ash. The degree of hydrolysis increased with increasing time and was it significant at 15, 60, and 120 minutes (p<0.05), but not significant at 120 and 240 minutes (p<0.05). DPPH radical scavenging activity increased with increasing hydrolysis time and there was a significant difference in all samples obtained from different times (p<0.05). The iron reduction capacity of the protein hydrolysate samples increased with increasing the hydrolysis time, and the highest amount was at 240 minute. The samples obtained from different times had a significant difference in iron reduction capacity (p<0.05). Increasing the concentration of protein hydrolysate increased inhibitory activity (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Protein hydrolysate in Skipjack tuna head has a high antioxidant activity and can be used in food products to increase oxidation stability.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)

Research subject: Millions of dollars of non-renewable capital are burned in flares every year, in the oil and gas industries, which in addition to polluting the air has no income for the industry. In Iran and South Pars region, due to the presence of gas refineries, a considerable amount of gas is burned in the flares. In this research, as a comprehensive study, the technical and economic investigation of the recovery of flare gases has been discussed.
Research approach: For this purpose, Aspen Plus software was used to simulate the desired unit in the set of flares of South Pars refinery phases 22-24. The simulation consists of two recovery parts: the flare gases recovery by use of a liquid ring compressor and power generation by the heat from the combustion of the flare gases through the application of the reheat steam Rankine cycle. The profitability of the project includes naphtha cuts and liquefied gas recovered from gases sent to the flare on one hand and power generation in turbines on the other hand.
Main results: The effect of the amount of air entering the combustion chamber on the temperature of the exhaust gas was investigated. The amount of air entering the combustion chamber was determined to be 2685 tons per hour in order to obtain supercritical water vapor with a temperature of about 650 ºC and a pressure of 26 kPa in the Rankine cycle. Using the simulation results, the temperature diagram was drawn in terms of entropy, and in addition to the steam phase diagram during the cycle, the steam Rankine cycle diagram was also drawn. The results of this research showed that the designed process will produce 5365 kg/h of naphtha, 179.45 kg/h of LPG, 25903 kW, and 101124 kW power in two separate turbines, and an annual sales income of 24,782,194 $. In addition, it was shown that the investment return period of this process is equal to 2.5 months.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)

Iranian familiarity with western poem dates back to the early 14th solar century. After September 1941, the translation of western works into Persian language became more and more popular due to prosperity in book and magazine market in Iran. Among the fields that were translated into Persian since then, was contemporary poem of French. Thus, many Iranian poets studied and translated French poem works. Ahmad Shamloo is one of the poets who read the poets of many French poets and translated some of them due to familiarity with French language and has been influenced by them. French poet, Paul Éluard, is one of those who has influenced Shamloo, the matter confessed by Shamloo. In the present paper, based on a comprative approach, it has been tried to analyze Shamloo’s impressionability from Éluard in the level of poem form and to decode its different types. The results obtained from this paper are as follows: Shamloo is influenced by Éluard at the level of vocabulary, syntax combinations, conjunctions, repetition, special use of adjective and adverb in the poem music, ellipsis and the style of the poem start. The impressionability is not in a way that we consider Shamloo as a mere imitator, but he has turned the structures of Eluard poem into Persian by his mastery, and has mixed with the ones of classic Persian texts and created his own special role.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Aims: Peace psychology is defined as a field which is in search of developing theories and operations whose goals are prevention and reduction of direct and structured violence. The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of intrapersonal and interpersonal peace-based intervention on emotional and psychological well-being of male aggressive adolescents.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design with the control group was conducted on 26 male aggressive adolescents selected via the randomized cluster sampling method in a male high school of Isfahan city in 2016. The students who got higher scores in Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ), were randomly assigned into control (N=13) and experimental (N=13) groups. Then the Keyes Mental Health Continuum-Long form (MHC-LF) was implemented as a pre-test on both groups. The experimental group received 8 sessions of intra and interpersonal peace-based intervention, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Then post-test was performed on both groups. After gathering the data, it was analyzed by SPSS 24 software using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA).
Findings: By controlling the effect of pretest, after intervention, the mean scores of psychological well-being and emotional well-being in the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Intra and interpersonal peace-based intervention can improves psychological and emotional well-being of the male aggressive adolescents.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)

Aims: The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of metacognitive therapy on the psychological hardiness of students referring to the Student Counseling Center of Shahreza University in 2016-2017.
Materials & Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental research with pre-test-post-test design and follow-up with the control group. In this study, 34 subjects were selected by simple random sampling and were divided into two groups of control and experiment. The experimental group received an 8-session course of metacognitive therapy, and both groups answered a pre-test and post-test Kobasa’s Psychological Hardiness Questionnaire, followed by 4 weeks of follow-up.
Findings: There is a significant difference between the two experimental and control groups in the three stages of pre-test, post-test, and follow-up in the psychological hardiness variable (p= 0.001).
Conclusion: Metacognitive therapy helps to improve and enhance psychological hardiness in students and is a good way to increase the level of this positive trait.

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