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Showing 3 results for Derakhshani

Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)

Fine-blanking is an effective and economical shearing process which offers a precise and clean cutting edge finish, eliminates unnecessary secondary operations and increases quality. Fine-blanking process utilizes triple-action tools: a punch, a stripper with an indented V-ring and a Counter punch (ejector) to generate a highly compressive stress state. The deformation is more violent and localized than that of any other metal forming operations. Therefore it is difficult to fully understand the mechanism of the process. This study investigates the effect of V-ring indenter, clearance of die, Force of holder and Counter punch, etc on state of stress, quality and accuracy of production. Some parameters have both positive and negative effect on quality of production and the life of the tool. Utilizing V-Ring indenter in Die will increase quality of production and life of the tool. Also Artificial Neural Networks was used to simulate Fine-Blanking process. It has been shown that booth of FEM and ANN is suitable for simulating and forecast of effect of the parameters on production.
Ahmad Jafari Samimi, Hasan Zarineghbal, Mohammadreza Zibaie, Kaveh Derakhshani,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (Spring 2016 2016)

This paper seeks to compare the model of publicsector in the economic model of I.R.I. Constitution and economies of WelfareStates. Thecomparison isbased on ideological principles and economic rules governing the public sector. We find that state role in both models properlyfollows the conventional economic literature on public sector, which focuses on naturalrole of state in the economy. Considering ideological literature and institutionalcapacity of state in both models, however, we find that I.R.I. constitution has moreinstitutional preferences compared with welfare state model. Primary source of this difference is inefficiencyof welfare state model, especially its inefficient system of economic norms (ideology) in practice which is extends far away from justice goals and wideninggaps in the economy. Normativeframework of public sector in economic model ofI.R.I. constitutionhas the capacity of securing economy from these inefficiencies. Regarding this, wepropose the state using the current fundamental capacity in the economic model of I.R.I. constitution, seeks grounding public participation towards constituted goals of the economy. As a practical approach, the state focusing on improvement and development ofeconomic culture, may achieve an efficient economic system through implementing economicjustice and revising the property movement pattern.
Dr Monir Moradi, Dr Darush Hasanvand, Kaveh Derakhshani, Dr Ahmad Sarlak,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (Autumn 2021 2021)

This research explains the impact of informal institutions (corruption control) and formal institutions (number of procedures, education and entrepreneurship training and skills, access to credit and technology absorption) on entrepreneurship development in 10 in selected Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries, including Iran during 2005 – 2019. The type of study is descriptive. The present article estimates a panel data model by using the available data from international statistical institutes. Eviews and Stata14 software’s are used for the calculations. The results show that the if corruption control increases, the entrepreneurship will increase, since there is a positive and significant relationship between corruption control and formal institutions, and entrepreneurship development. Among the MENA countries, corruption control has the least impact on entrepreneurship in Iran and the highest impact in Qatar. Also, corruption control, training and skills and technology absorption have had great impacts on the entrepreneurship development.

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