Showing 113 results for Arman
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2015)
From 2009 to 2012, 16 species of Curculionidae (Coleoptera) from the subfamily Lixinae were collected on 17 species of food plants in Iranian rangelands. Identified species belong to seven genera in the tribes Lixini and Cleonini. The host plants from which they were collected were in the families Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Apiaceae, Campanulaceae, Brassicaceae and Zygophyllaceae. Of the 16 species that we captured, two (Lixus subfarinosus Desbrochers, 1893 and Larinus remissus Faust, 1889) represent the first records from Iran. These new data also extend the known ranges of several species (Larinus fucatus Faust, 1894, Larinus grisescens Gyllenhal, 1835, Microlarinus rhinocylloides Hochhuth, 1847 and Bangasternus planifrons (Brulle, 1832) in Iran. The distribution of beetles and their associated host plants are presented and ecological notes on each species are provided.
Volume 2, Issue 3 ((Articles in Persian) 2011)
Julien Greimas, a French man with Lithuanian descent, has a great knowledge on semantics and narratives. Greimas, who is one of the highlighted European thinkers on the grounds of “Componential analysis” of semantics, has tried to present a coherent and systematic pattern for the study of narration and story. This article is based on the semiotics analysis of “Mahi seyah kochoolo” (Little black fish) story and it tries to review the semiotics phase of this discourse according to Greimas model of study.
In this article, we examine the semiotics process of “Mahi seyah kochoolo” story in order to find a right answer to this question: “What are the main elements, which make meaning in the aforesaid story?” In other words, “What are the elements of meaning production in this story?”
The aim of this article is to review the narrative features of this story in order to make clear that how a story will pass from itself to break the narrative restriction and cause narrative diversit.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Number 3 - 2000)
The environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) is a new development in the
field of electron microscopy. In this study ESEM has been used to study the structure of
veal semimembranosus muscle. Four treatments, raw (control), conventional heating,
domestic and industrial microwave heating, were observed using ESEM. The temperature
used in conventional heating was 163 0C. Frequency applied for microwave heating was
2450 MHz with two wattage levels of 700 (domestic microwave) and 12000 (industrial microwave).
All samples were heated to 70 0C internal temperature. Occasional cracks
across the individual muscle fiber and shrinkage were present in all images of the structure
for heated muscle. Erosion at the edges of muscle fibers was clear and increased with
continued heating. A gap between perimysium of each muscle bundle was effected with
the domestic microwave samples in cross section. This phenomenon was more apparent in
industrial microwave heating and the depth of gap between perimysial collagenous fiber
is more than that in domestic microwave heating. More damage was observed in the connective
tissue network for conventional heating as compared with microwave heating.
Denaturation and distortion of connective tissue caused more damage during longer time
of conventional heating. Surface damage in structure of semimembranosus was not observed
in either conventional heating or the low powered microwave heating. Rapid
increase of heat and penetration of the microwaves, at the 12000 wattage level, caused
granulation and separation of some parts of the muscle fibers.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (7-2016)
Background: Masske is a traditional Iranian butter made from yoghurt. The first aim of this study was to isolate and identify the nonlactic pathogenic microflora by culture and molecular methods of identification, and the second purpose was to identify genetic similarity of the isolated bacteria in Masske.
Materials and Methods: In order to detect pathogenic dominant indicator microorganisms, a number of 150 bacterial isolates from three Masske samples, which may comprise the repetitive isolates and could grow on appropriate media for Staphylococci and E.coli, were classified into 8 groups according to their phenotypic characterization followed by chemical tests. Then 2approximately similar isolates from each group were chosen (total 18 isolates; we selected 3 isolates from 2 groups of eight), and the sequencing of 16S rRNA gene was done for subsequent analysis.
Results: Among 18 bacterial isolates, Staphylococcus hominis was the most frequently isolated species during the manufacture of Masske as the presence of this bacterium was confirmed in 14 out of 18 samples. Also, the presence of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli was identical across the samples (for each one, 2 out of 18).
Conclusion: Our results based on cultural and molecular methods suggest making some improvements to the hygiene of Masske manufacture due to the high population of minor pathogens.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Ferdowsi's Shahnameh has always been interest of readers, and many
authors have tried to imitate it. Like other Iranian orators, the Kurd
poets have recreated different stories of Shahnameh with innovations
and sometimes translations. No doubt, the introduction and thinking of
the epic verses after Shahnameh can expose some of the important
issues of this valuable work and be effective on the morale of unity
and patriotism among Iranian ethnic groups; therefore, in this study,
we first introduced the verse of "Kordish Shahmghal and Rostam" and
then compared it with the narration of " Shahnameh's Rostam and
Shaghad", Salby's historical narratives, Toomar Naghali Shahnameh,
Haft Lashkar, and Ferdowsinameh.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Aim: Regular physical activity has several physical, psychological and social benefits. However, it is a global health problem, especially among ICU nurses. Therefore, in order to improve nurses’ physical activity, it is required to determine the effective correlated factors. The aim of this study was to delineate predictive factors on the physical activity of ICU nurses based on a trans-theoretical model (TTM) using path analysis.
Method: Accordingly, in this cross-sectional study, 82 nurses from eight intensive care units of six hospitals in Guilan University of Medical Sciences completed the translated version of Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) and another questionnaire, which included a range of constructs from the TTM. Data were analyzed using bivariate correlation and path analysis.
Findings: It was revealed that self-efficacy (β=0.24) and Pros (β=0.18) had a direct effect on the participants’ physical activities. It is important to state that self-efficacy was effective on the participants, behavioral physical activity both directly and indirectly. Totally, self-efficacy with the path coefficient of 0.62 was considered as the strongest predictive factor of physical activity among the ICU nurses.
Conclusion: To enclose, the determined effective factors in improving the ICU nurses’ physical activity were expected to be of more concern, especially self-efficacy as the strongest one.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Aim: Hypertension is a chronic and asymptomatic disease leading to death of at least 45% of patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Self-care is important to minimize the risks and complications caused by hypertension.
This aim of the present study was to determine the predictive power of constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM) in self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension.
Methods: This was a descriptive-analytic study of cross-sectional type carried out on 125 patients over 30 years old with hypertension who referred to the rural health centers in Rasht city. Sampling was done in multi-stage form, and the patients were selected randomly. To collect data, a valid and reliable questionnaire containing demographic information and questions of constructs of the HBM and self-care behaviors was used.
Findings: Based on Pearson’s correlation analysis, a significant and negative relationship was observed between self-care behaviors and construct of perceived barriers. Also there was a significant and positive relationship between self-care behaviors and the construct of cues to action. Based on linear regression analysis, the HBM could predict 19% of variance of self-care behaviors by two constructs of perceived barriers (B=0.22, SE=0.04, P=0.01) and cues to action (B=0.19, SE=0.06, P=0.02).
Conclusion: According to the predictive power of the HBM and the role of constructs of perceived barriers and cues to action in self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension, it is needed to focus on educational interventions based on this model to reduce the perceived barriers and influencing the cues to action.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (Summer 2024)
Relying on the psychological theories of Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra, this argument examines the movement of the human soul in two stages: “when the soul is connected to the natural body” and “after its separation from the natural body”. By demonstrating the possibility of movement in the immaterial soul, it is also possible to prove and explain the movement of other non-material beings. When the soul is connected to the natural body, the unified human soul can move and change independently of the power and matter within the body. This independence suggests that other non-material beings can also undergo movement without reliance on matter. However, after the soul is separated from the material body, Ibn Sina considers the possibility of the soul’s evolutionary movement but lacks sufficient grounds to prove it. In contrast, Mulla Sadra explicitly denies the evolution of the soul in the intermediate state but provides psychological foundations that support the possibility of the soul's evolution. These same principles can also demonstrate and explain the movement of other immaterial beings.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are commonly used as biological agents for control of insect pests. This study was carried out to identify EPNs, determine dominant and frequent species in Kurdistan province, Iran and characterize their symbiotic bacteria. Identification of EPNs was performed based on morphological and morphometrical characters and also rRNA-ITS gene sequences. Two EPNs, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae) and Steinernema feltiae (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) were identified. Out of totally 150 soil samples collected mainly from mid-southern parts of the province, 60% were positive for EPNs. Heterorhabditis bacteriphora showed the highest frequency in this region, remarkably 59.3% of soil samples contained this species. Incidences of H. bacteriphora in grasslands, woodlands and alfalfa fields were 57.3, 14.6 and 28.0 percent, respectively. Steinernema feltiae was found only in alfalfa fields with 0.66% frequency. Bacterial symbionts of H. bacteriophora and S. feltiae were also identified based on biochemical characters and recA gene sequencing. In this research, two species of Photorhabdus were isolated from H. bacteriophora namely P. luminescens subsp. kayaii and P. temperata subsp. thracensis. Xenorhabdus bovienii was identified from infective juveniles of S. feltiae.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Background: Prediction of future climate change is based on output of global climate models (GCMs). However, because of coarse spatial resolution of GCMs (tens to hundreds of kilometers), there is a need to convert GCM outputs into local meteorological and hydrological variables using a downscaling approach. Downscaling technique is a method of converting the coarse spatial resolution of GCM outputs at the regional or local scale. This study proposed a novel hybrid downscaling method based on artificial neural network (ANN) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm.
Materials and Methods: Downscaling technique is implemented to assess the effect of climate change on a basin. The current study aims to explore a hybrid model to downscale monthly precipitation in the Minab basin, Iran. The model was proposed to downscale large scale climatic variables, based on a feed-forward ANN optimized by PSO. This optimization algorithm was employed to decide the initial weights of the neural network. The National Center for Environmental Prediction and National Centre for Atmospheric Research reanalysis datasets were utilized to select the potential predictors. The performance of the artificial neural network-particle swarm optimization model was compared with artificial neural network model which is trained by Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm. The reliability of the models were evaluated by using root mean square error and coefficient of determination (R2).
Results: The results showed the robustness and reliability of the ANN-PSO model for predicting the precipitation which it performed better than the ANN-LM. It was concluded that ANN-PSO is a better technique for statistically downscaling GCM outputs to monthly precipitation than ANN-LM.
Discussion and Conclusions: This method can be employed effectively to downscale large-scale climatic variables to monthly precipitation at station scale.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Improving the quality of life has always been considered as one of the human purposes. “creating and maintaining balance between natural and built environment” has a significant role in improving the quality of life. Before industrial revolution, man and nature always was in balance but after formation of industrial revolution this balance was faded and lost ,over the years. This imbalance, reached the highest level in the second half of the last century. During the second half of the last century, the world’s urban population has increased tremendously. Migration to cities has primarily occurred, and will continue to happen, in the so-called less developed countries as the result of increased economic and social opportunities offered in urban areas and the degradation of rural economies and societies. The extremely rapid urbanization has led to extremely serious environmental, social, political, economic, institutional, demographic and cultural problems. The tremendous increase in the world’s population and in urbanization is the main reason for the continuous increase of energy demand and consumption in most countries. Building sector and transportation sector are the major consumers of energy in many cities. To responding energy demand of these sectors, the use of fossil fuel is rising. One of the consequences of this rising, is increasing pollutant like greenhouse gases. Increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is leading to climate change. According to IPCC report in 2014, GHG emission is the major cause of climate change. Climate change brought about by man-made emissions of greenhouse gases has been identified as the greatest challenge facing human society at the beginning of the twenty first century. Climate change, it is predicted, may potentially damage every natural and human system on the planet. Today, climate change is became as one of the most important concerns of scientific and political circles, so It is clear that urgent action is needed and that the scale and scope of such action will be hugely varied. At present, the main worldwide response to the threat of climate change is mitigation; especially the lowering of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across a variety of scales. The preponderance of scientific evidence suggests that climate change is caused and exacerbated by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and that lowering the amount of gas being emitted will limit climate change effects. An increasing amount of climate research now points to adaptation as a necessary means of addressing unavoidable climate change impacts. Adaptation to climate change refers to efforts to develop resilience to predicted or potential climate impacts and effects before and as they happen. In order to responding climate change- as the biggest crisis of this era- and achieving adaptation to climate change, proposing efforts and strategies in various disciplines is inevitable and unavoidable. Urban design and its strategies can have a key role to responding climate change impacts and achieve adaptation. But it is obvious that traditional urban design is not sufficient to responding this. A new paradigm is required to develop resilient cities that can adapt and thrive in changing global conditions, meet the requirements of carbon-reduction and other environmental measures, and sustain urban populations in more compact settings by providing amenities that people need and want. The scope and speed of current changes demands that urban designers define compelling visions and integrated design measures for shaping resilient cities. From energy and transportation to water and green infrastructure, urban designers can shape these systems to shrink our ecological footprint, configure resilient urban form and adapt our cities to climate change. A climate-resilient urban design strategy requires expanding traditional place-making urban design qualities to include principles of sustainable design such as resilience, comfort, resource efficiency, and biotic support. Today, resilience is one of the most important qualities that considered in urban design. There are various ways to achieve resiliency through urban design. Reducing CO2 emission is the most known and common way to achieve resiliency. In the past, efforts at reducing CO2 have focused primarily on building scale (low to zero-energy buildings). While there has been great progress in the energy efficient buildings over the past forty years, buildings alone do not include transportation and infrastructure systems (energy, water and waste) as part of the design process, so low-carbon urban design is considered as an inevitable necessity. Low-carbon urban design principles can be classified into sevencategories which are called as “seven rules of sustainable and low-carbon urban design”. These principles include: 1)restore streetcar city, 2)designing an interconnected street system, 3)locate commercial services, frequent transit, and school within a five-minute walk, 4)locate good jobs close to affordable homes, 5) provide a diversity of housing types, 6)create a linked system of natural areas and parks,7)invest in lighter, greener, cheaper, and smarter infrastructure. These principles represent the elements of a whole. Achieving one without the others – particularly if it is at the expense of the others – will be of limited value and could be counterproductive. Low-carbon urban design principles and strategies can be applied in different scales. Among the scales proposed for urban design, neighborhood is recognized as an appropriate scale for application of low to zero-carbon urban design strategies, because it aggregates all the systems and flows. It has the potential to integrate the design of transportation, buildings, infrastructures, landscape and land-use while engaging the design of public realm as part of the system. This article seeks to present the urban design criteria for low to zero-carbon neighborhood by exploring the studies and the best practices (in Freiburg, Hannover, Stockholm, Malmö and London) to create low to zero carbon neighborhoods. The result of the research is shown as urban design criteria which categorized by urban form and building typology, transportation and land-use, energy, landscape design and creativity. These criteria not only is in consistent with the low – carbon urban design principles, but also if these criteria are applied in an integrated way, we can expect creating a low to zero-carbon neighborhood; A neighborhood with qualities, such as local identity, inclusion, human scale, lower energy consumption, lower CO2 emissions and, most importantly, greater resilience.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2017)
Pieris brassicae L. is one of the most important pests of Brassicaceae. The insecticidal effect of two entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema feltiae, was determined through their interaction with Beauveria bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk) against P. brassicae. In the interaction tests, the EPNs were applied at LC50 level 0, 12 or 24h after treating the larvae with LC10 or LC25 of the B. bassiana or Btk. The interaction between the EPNs and B. bassiana was entirely different from the interaction of the EPNs and Btk. The interaction with B. bassiana was dependant on time intervals, while the interaction of the EPNs with Btk was almost additive or synergistic. An antagonistic effect was seen when the EPNs were applied immediately after the B. bassiana. However, the application of the EPNs 24h after their treatment with B. bassiana caused additive or synergistic effects. The results also showed the best mortality effect when the EPNs were used with Btk at 12 h and 24 h time intervals. Based on the results, a simultaneous use of the EPNs and B. bassiana is not recommended against P. brassica. However, the EPNs could be used simultaneously after Btk but it is better to allow a time interval to increase mortality.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 29), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
In this article Systemic Functional framework of Halliday has been used to investigate stylistically some of Golestan proses in order to answer these questions: What linguistic elements have been foregrounded in each story(chosen at random) and which experiential metafunction has been used in each one? What is the reason of its application and does the the metafunctions foreground the content of the story? The hypothesis is that the contents of the stories are in a close relation to the linguistic forms used in each story. In other words, the content has been forgrounded in the form. After analyzing the data results showed that the writer's intended content is in accordance with the communicative experiential metafunction in terms of frequency of occurance, but significant differences are recognizable only when the total number of verbs is bigger meaning that the story is longer.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
Backgrounds: This study aimed to assess antibacterial properties of Artemisia scoparia, Titanium dioxide nanoparticles, and their synergistic effect on clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumonia.
Materials & Methods: In this experimental study, 30 isolates of K. pneumonia were collected from patients’ sputum in the microbiology lab of Masih Daneshvari hospital during 3 months. Then biochemical tests were performed for strain confirming. Moreover, genomic DNA was extracted from all the isolates, and hly gene was detected in the isolates via PCR method. The susceptibility of the isolates to 10 antibiotics was evaluated by the disk diffusion method. Then minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of all components (Artemisia extract, TiO2, and their combination) was assessed using the microdilution method against the isolates.
Findings: The results indicated that simultaneous use of hydro-alcoholic extract of A. scoparia and titanium dioxide nanoparticles exhibited a significant synergistic antibacterial effect on 25 clinical isolates in comparison with the use of extract or nanoparticles alone.
Conclusion: It seems that simultaneous use of Artemisia herbal extracts and nanoparticles is beneficial in increasing their antibacterial effect and may decrease antibiotics consumption.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
In today's competitive world, attention to the improvement and development of employees has become increasingly important. One of the procedures that organizations can use to improve their employees is implementation of assessment and development centers. But it should be noted that the implementation of improvement programs for each participants in the assessment center is time-consuming and costly. Accordingly, the aim of this study is reducing costs of assessment center implementation by segmenting the participants in assessment center and providing improvement programs for each sector. Sampling method is targeted and based on criteria and the sample consists of 75 employees. In this research, self-organizing maps have been used for segmentation of employees and the data were analyzed by Viscovery Profiler software. According to the findings, four sectors identified in the assessment center and they have been named: Talented, improvable employee (with a focus on competence), improvable employee (with focus on character) and insusceptible experts. Results of this segmentation can be used in five areas, including training, promotion, solve organizational challenges, recruitment and retention policies and rewards. Based on the results, for the areas that identified in the assessment center, suggestions are offered.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2021)
Males of the subgenus Eofoersteria Mathot (Hym., Mymaridae, Camptoptera Foerster) are diagnosed, described, and illustrated for the first time, based on examination of specimens from Tamil Nadu and from photographs of the male paratype of Camptoptera matcheta Subba Rao from Karnataka. New distributional records of C. (Eofoersteria) manipurensis (Rehmat & Anis) from Karnataka and Kerala states of India are documented.
Volume 7, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 33), (Articles in Persian) 2016)
This current and interdisciplinary research in the fields of cognitive science, clinical linguistics, neurobiology of language, and language pathology tries to solve language-related problems and disorders. The present research aims to provide a comparison of the effect of stimulating mirror neuron system through music induction and intentional movement imitation on the increase in the average number of verbs in a sentence in free speech of autistic children. For this purpose, first, two pilot studies were performed in 12 sessions on 2 autistic girls aged 6 and 7 for four weeks in Iran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences. After observing the positive and effective results of these two methods, other samples, i.e. 6 autistic monolingual Farsi speaking girls aged 5-8 were selected by convenience sampling, and underwent 42 sessions (i.e. three 20-30 minute session) of training over 14 weeks. The samples divided to two groups; during training intentional movement imitation in the first group including 3 subjects, no music was played in the class, while instrumental music (wordless music) was played in the class for the second group including 3 subjects during training intentional movement imitation. To evaluate the index of average number of verbs in a sentence, speech of the subjects, after and before intervention, was recorded during the play and everyday conversation. Then, the average number of verbs in their sentence was measured. The research findings were examined using SPSS software (version 20) by Paired-samples t-test and ANCOVA test. The obtained results indicate that the average number of verbs in the sentence significantly increased after the training course in both groups. In addition to the significant changes in all the subjects, the average number of verbs in the sentence in the subjects of the second group showed a significant difference compared to the first group. Based on the research findings, it can be said that stimulation of mirror neuron systems through music induction and intentional movement imitation positively affects the increase in the average number of verbs in the sentence in autistic children. However, it should be mentioned that audio-visual-motor stimulation of the neuron system has a greater impact on verbal skill development of autistic children.
Volume 7, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 34), Fall Special, (Articles in Persian) 2016)
The body-part term dast ‘hand’ is investigated in this article as used in the first part of 160 Farsi compound nouns. The questions are: How is the semantic change pattern of hand used in Persian compound nouns? Also how the collective mind and social/ cultural memory of Persian linguistic society can be accounted for and compared with Chinese and English? The aim is investigation of semantic change or even meaning proliferation pattern of hand in compounding so that the analysis of differences and variations can be explained by the cultural differences in a way that non linguistic(cognitive- cultural) explanations are used to explain language variations. The method used here is a corpus-dictionary investigation based on SOKHAN in a cultural linguistics framework. As for findings the results show that conceptualization differences do have cultural explanations. Here, the innovation is that of the investigation of the semantic change of this body term as used in compound contexts based on an objective way, considering word frequency,and representing cultural explanations finally. As for the results and achievements: cultural analysis of differences and similarities of Farsi, Chinese, and English, meaning changing illustration, introducing a new way of vocabulary learning based on cactus model by the use of contrastive semantic and cultural psychology. Here, the critical point of view is that it is necessary to study semantic change pattern in compound contexts.
Volume 7, Issue 26 (6-2019)
The use of different metaphors in text by language speakers reflects their attitude and perception. Ideologies create metaphors to realize their beliefs and teachings. In this way, the role of metaphor in society and in life is undeniable. As a reflection of the thoughts of the speakers of a language, the proverb is part of the local and popular literature that can be considered as one of the best ways to express the common thoughts among them. The name of the animals is one of the widely used words in Persian proverbs and in the poetry of the past and in contemporary poets to represent the material and spiritual instances. By adopting a descriptive –analytical research methodology, this research aims at investigating conceptual metaphors of animals in literary texts based on cognitive linguistics theoretical framework. The data gathered is based on “the great dictionary of Persian proverbs “by Hassan Zolfaghari. The results of the total proverbial corpus of this dictionary concerning the use of animals showed that 184 mappings were observed, among which the conceptual metaphor of "weakness” with 26 proverbs and 15 mappings was the most frequent, followed by the conceptual metaphor, respectively. "Hostility” with 21 proverbs and 8 mappings, "strenghtness" metaphor with 15 proverbs and 6 mappings and finally the metaphor of "ignorance and disbelief" with 12 proverbs and 5 mappings have been frequently used.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (10-2017)
Biodiesel as a clean fuel is renewable, biocompatible and free of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that could be deriving from animals, plants, fungal, algae and bacteria resources. Among these resources, oleaginous fungi due to the high capability to synthesize and accumulation of triacylglycerol are the best source for biodiesel producer. So, in order to providing approaches for increase biodiesel production based on biotechnology, molecular investigation in these organisms could be promising approach, which have been attentioned in this study. In this regard, a precise survey on the related molecular mechanisms led to reveal Malic enzymes as the effective and critical proteins in lipids production and accumulation in oleaginous fungi. Structural characterization of the genes, led to reveal that they are different in the length and GC content as well as they are continuous in the sequence context. Moreover, structural characterization of the enzymes led to determine their localization in the cells, present the functional domains with capability of post-translational modifications in all of them, which are including MAO1_MF, Malic_M and malic. Homologous sequences survey of the enzymes led to introducing fungal species with possible capability for lipid production.structural modeling of the selective malic and malic like enzymes led to provided suitable models in structure and quality in function with binding affinity to malate. In general, the results of this study, while introducing suitable fungal species for securance of biomass, led to reveal effective enzymes with special features that could be useful in tracing the capable strains or transgenesis modification.