Showing 37 results for Afzali
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2012)
In order to study the role of Pythium species associated with cantaloupe root and crown rot, samples were collected from infected fields in different areas of Khorasan Razavi province during 2009-2010. The Root pieces were washed and cultured on CMA-PARP medium. The pythium isolates were then purified by hyphal tip method and identified based on van der Plaats-Niterink mycological key. The pathogenic species were identified as Pythium aphanidermatum, P. ultimum var. ultimum, and P. deliense. The pathogenicity of isolates on cantaloupe seedlings was tested under greenhouse conditions by using wheat grain inoculum. The results indicated that P. aphanidermatum was the most prevalent species and was recovered in all the regions. P. ultimum was isolated from Neyshabour, Fariman and Mashhad whereas P. deliense was detected in Khaaf. This to our knowledge, is the first report on occurrence and distribution of Pythium species causing root and stem rot on cantaloupes in Khorasan province.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (Fall 2021)
With the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Islamic ideological discourse as the most important element in the discursive field of the discourse of modernism was able to articulate with other sub-discourses and according to its capabilities, credibility and populism was able to bring the transcendence of their discourse to the foreground in comparison with the dominant discourse and especially in relation to rival discourses. This new discourse with the creation of a new ideal space emerged as a discourse of hegemony and created a dominant political construction in this period in the history of Iran. What further led to the hegemony of this Islamic ideological discourse over rival discourses, along with Ayatollah Khomeini's charisma, was the adoption of a strategy right under the guise of a policy of solidarity between different groups in the sense that Laclau and Mouffe envisioned. It signifies the creation of an organic alliance between groups, parties, organizations, and the masses with the aim of turning social affairs into political ones. This study deals with a fundamental approach and using an analytic-descriptive method i.e discourse analysis, investigates the dominance of Islamic ideological discourse over the political construction of space in the first decade of the revolution. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between space, power and discourse in the Foucaultian sense and its effect on the political construction of space. The central signifier of this discourse is the Islamic ideology that emerged in opposition to and in the negation of the centrality of the previous discourse, Western modernism. Also, the space-place notion in which this discourse is manifested is the Islamic nation where the element of land is eliminated and extended to the realm of the world, instead.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (winter 2022)
Objectives: Today, the expansion of urbanization is associated with the disappearance of human activities in the space between buildings. The purpose of this research is to understand the dimensions of the connection between buildings and the city and how it is captured by the dispositive, and finally to find a way to emancipate in the form of an immanent connection.
Method: The research is done by a qualitative method. The research paradigm is emancipation, the strategy is discourse analysis and the tactics are data collection, coding, analysis, display, explanation, and profanation.
Result : The findings indicate that the building and the city connection factors are related to each other through a hidden network in the form of three scales: the large scale includes semantic factors, the medium scale social factors, and the small scale include formal and functional-behavioral aspects. Therefore, social institutions on a medium scale, will be captured by the dispositive after constituting as they have a specific form and function, and will lose their relationship with the large scale and exist officially in the form of a formal institution, which ultimately leads increasing control and power, and further disintegration.
Conclusion: To achieve an immanent connection between the building and the city, the official institution should be disabled to reconnect the semantic scale for redefining the social institution. Also, it should be profane from whatever dispositive has been placed on the concept of institution. This is realized by the presence of non-institution in the space between the buildings
Volume 4, Issue 1 ( winter 2021)
Tensions between the Kurds and the Iraqi central government have continued throughout the country's contemporary history. The imposed geopolitics of the trans-regional powers in Iraq for more than half a century has led to violent ethnic resistance. To begin with, Iraq is an outcome of trans-regional geopolitical policy. Its leaders have always struggled to create an inclusive national identity and have used only violent means.
One of Iraq's problems for political stability and the creation of a coherent structure is the agreement with the Iraqi Kurdistan Federal Government on the disputed issues. Among these, one of the most contentious factors between the central government and the Kurds is the issues related to the disputed areas which its settlement is widely reflected in the Iraqi constitution and Security Council resolutions and a variety of solutions has been offered. This article uses a descriptive-analytical method to study and explain the territorial dispute between the Kurds and the central government of Iraq. The results of the research show that the settlement of territorial disputes is affected by geopolitical competition and the best solution to this crisis is to use a good governance model for the development and stability of those areas.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)
Volume 4, Issue 3 (Summer 2022 2022)
Political organization of space is an organized human space based on political considerations and it is one of the most important factors of territoriality in different scales for political roles, to control and effective management of land and in all countries of the world it is one of the pillars of development. The civil divisions of the country are one of the dimensions of the political organization of the space used by governments. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the method of data collection is matrix. The purpose of this study is the pathology of the political organization of space in Iran from the perspective of the structure- agent approach. The results show that the structural factor with components such as constitution, type of government, national security, laws of division of the country, development programs, security laws, emergency controls, strategic ideas, high oversight, the prevailing political discourse and the central development model have the greatest impacts. Among the components of the Agent, the components of president and members of parliament have a high weight in the political organization of space in Iran but other agent components are not effective and in general, the influence of the structure factor in political organization of space is greater than the agent in Iran.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (fall 2023)
Background: Bicycle is one of the most important Types of non-motorized travel and one of the most important components of the clean urban transportation system. The paradigm shifts on and clean modes of travel have affected approaches to transportation and traffic engineering and also concepts of modern theories of this urbanism which is needs to scientific study. Furthermore, Despite the high position of the bicycle in the transportation aspects of cities, until now urban studies in the field of bicycles have been more practical, and theoretical approaches and theoretical insights have not been studied on the bicycle in a centralized and coherent way among the theories of urban development and urbanism.
Aims: The aim of this research is to read theoretically and qualitatively the position and dimensions of the bicycle in modern theories of urban planning as a form of range on new concepts and approaches, movements, intellectual movements; With the help of two angles, the general knowledge of the theories and the specific knowledge of the theories from the perspective of the position and place of the bicycle in the theories.
Methodology: The research approach of this study is qualitatively, based on documentary research and library studies and for Theoretical recognition of the position and dimensions of the bicycle in new theories of urbanism; it has used fourteen theories as a form of concepts, approach, movements, or intellectual movement in two formats of general reading and special readings.
Findings: The findings of the research indicate the perceptible cognitive capacities in the direction of positioning the bicycle directly or indirectly under the desired patterns of bicycle deployment in each of these fourteen theories. Furthermore, there are complementary polygonal tools supporting bicycle deployment and different dominant scientific views have been applied in each one.
Conclusion: Positioning the bicycle among a wide range of concepts, charters and modern intellectual movements of urbanism is possible and, in this way, some of the noticeable theoretical gaps in this field have been filled.
Volume 5, Issue 4 ( Fall 2023)
Diplomacy is interaction with societies for securing benefits, increasing influence and reducing vulnerability through the least cost and efforts to prevent hostilities and increase political and economic cooperation and exchange of knowledge, art and preparation of foreign relations. Management diplomacy is a non-violent method with the aim of achieving interests and values and improving the political and economic position of a country in the world. Through official and unofficial representatives, diplomacy helps the government collect, coordinate and secures the public interests of the country. After the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 and the emergence of nation-based government, the principles of diplomacy were established, though their history goes back to before Westphalia. Since the traditional diplomacy is only concerned with affairs between governments, the management of relations between countries, and the search for national interests, it is unable to respond to the current complexities of the world. Because after the Cold War, power has spread on a wider level [5], and the national sovereignty and the monopoly of the governments are weakening. At the beginning of the 21st century, NGOs and multinational companies played an increasing role in diplomacy. On this same basis, public diplomacy is the establishment and review of interaction between new players in the international arena beside the governments.
Cities and urban institutions are international actors that have created the new concept of urban diplomacy. Relying on the increasing attention to the economy and economic activities and aligning with the process of globalization and with proper use of diplomacy, cities are trying to protect their interests against the challenges of the global economy and the expansion of the security field in the appropriate and specific area of relations, i.e., the global network of cities, to increase opportunities in the fields of Foreign capital attraction, technology transfer, export of services and expansion of foreign trade. In this way, cities want to find a superior position in the field of global decision-making. Therefore, to reduce and monitor conflicts along with peace, interaction and sustainable income for local and global citizens, urban diplomacy is a set of urban policy tools and processes, institutions and economic, political, social and cultural arrangements of urban management in the form of local governments.
Urbanization is directly tied to modernization, industrialization and the wisdom-based sociological process. Today in the world, cities are more important than any issue, and as a political-social unit, they are growing in terms of power in the age of globalization. Cities are the driving force behind the development and economic growth of countries and more income, better health, and a better life; all indications of the reasons for urbanization's growth.
research method
The method of this research is mixed in that, according to the qualitative and quantitative data, the analysis tools and methods are inevitably qualitative and quantitative as well. The present article tried to use different tools, such as document and library fields, interviews and websites. The research is theoretical-applied and descriptive-analytical according to its nature and method. In accordance with the library data, four main components of the research were identified, and corresponding to them, indicators that can act as effective factors of sisterhood relationships in urban development were extracted.
Research findings
Based on the library sources and data and the background of the research conducted in the first step on the establishment of sisterhood relations between metropolises and urban development, twenty-six important indicators were identified. In the second step, these twenty-six indicators were placed into four main components, including: 1) political and sustainable security; 2) economic development; 3) development of human resources; and 4) socio-cultural development. The political component, sustainable security and human resources development have six indicators each, and the economic development and socio-cultural development components have seven indicators each.
In establishing sisterhood relations, urban diplomacy and its impact on the urban development of Shiraz metropolis, the results obtained from two categories of library and field sources show some effective factors. According to the amount of research, a variety of indicators were identified in this field, which are placed and analyzed in four basic components: 1) political and sustainable security; 2) economic development; 3) human resources development; and 4) socio-cultural development. The findings showed that, compared to the past, sister city ties have had a great impact on the development of Shiraz metropolis.
Expansion of the globalization process of metropolises in bilateral and multilateral arenas and in the political, economic, social and cultural fields has a significant impact on strengthening the growing international interactions, realizing foreign policy goals and securing the interests of governmental and non-governmental actors in the international arena. The communication of cities in the process of multilateral interactions of economy and global politics and bilateral political and economic cooperation emphasizes the role of local officials as vital elements in order to strengthen friendly relations, resolve international conflicts, improve inter-nation and inter-city relations, and make appropriate use of diplomacy to increase opportunities in the fields of attracting foreign capital, transferring new technologies, exporting services, expanding foreign trade, strengthening the tourism industry, getting access to global markets, and protecting human interests against global problems and challenges. Shiraz metropolis also seeks to develop diplomacy with a number of cities in other countries through the conclusion of sisterhood agreements and various memoranda of understanding. Despite the opportunities and necessities that Shiraz has for the presence and promotion of productivity in the field of urban diplomacy, due to numerous obstacles, it does not have a suitable position in the field of urban diplomacy. Considering the obstacles of foreign relations and sanctions at the international level, paying attention to Shiraz's active role in the field of urban diplomacy is a double necessity. In this regard, goal-setting and macro-policy, as well as institution-building, planning and capacity-building with the aim of Shiraz cooperation in the field of urban diplomacy and playing an active role on international scientific, professional and specialized forums, are accessible due to its high capacity. The urban management complex, i.e., councils and municipalities and other service organizations, can benefit from seeking participation and maximum Participation by using the tools of active urban diplomacy in international urban organizations and, through each other's successful experiences, actively participating in global and local governance.
Volume 5, Issue 7 (9-2020)
Applying Gideon's Theory of Norms in Qualitative Assessment of Translation of Feridoun Moshiri’s Poems in Arabic. Translation acts as one of the agents of thought change as a bridge for the transmission of thoughts from different languages to one another. Translation has long attracted the attention of translators, and its translation or non-translation has always been the subject of controversy among translation theorists. Poetry is in its most succinct form a language whose language is often not explicit but implicit and moving all of its semantic layers to the target language is very difficult. In translating poetry into Arabic, Iranian poets have moved on to other literary works. In this era, we are seeing more translators trying to translate contemporary Persian poetry. Many of these poems have been translated into Arabic by translators. This method deals with the translation process or the act of translation itself. His theory points to the literary formats that exist in any particular culture and one of its main achievements was that Attention to the relationship between the individual texts of origin and the destination focused on the relationships that exist between the destination texts themselves. the main result of the qualitative evaluation of Abdul Moneim's translation to Arabic Indicates that his work It has an acceptance in the destination culture but it is far from sufficient in the Farsi.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)
Aims: In the present work, carbon sequestration in different organs of 3 dominant of (A. , H. , and S. ) soil carbon sequestration of the corresponding habitats were examined.
Materials and Methods: The aboveground and belowground organs of 3 species were randomly sampled and oven dried. Three soil samples were taken from 0-0.15 and 0.15-0.3 m soil depths (SD). From these, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil texture (sand, silt, and clay), bulk density (BD), moisture content (MC), electrical conductivity (EC), and soil acidity (pH) were measured.
Findings: All of the tested had more carbon sequestration in the aboveground rather than organs. The highest value of carbon sequestration was observed in S. , which was about 18% and 90% more than the reported values of H. A. , respectively. Soil with S. greater content of organic carbon (1.5%) compared with H. 0.64%) and A. 0.63%), respectively. The results confirmed that soil top layer (0-0.15m) of patch area had more capability to sequester carbon (1.81%) in S. with the other species.
Conclusion: All the tested plants had higher carbon sequestration in the aboveground organs compared with the parts. The leaves had presented the lowest value compared with shoots and roots. The soil organic carbon of the species habitat varied from 0.63 (A. ) 1.5% (H. ). Moreover, with increasing the soil depth, carbon sequestration of the underlying soil layers decreased.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (6-2019)
Five fungicides, with active ingredients azoxystrobin, imazalil, thiabendazole, azoxystrobin + difenoconazole and fludioxonil + difenoconazole, were tested against two isolates of Fusarium solani and two isolates of F. oxysporum, causing potato dry rot in Mashhad region. PDA media amended with the fungicides significantly inhibited the mycelia growth of all Fusarium isolates incubated at 25 °C for 7 days; however only Imazalil and Thiabendazole completely stopped the mycelia growth of all fungal isolates even at their lower concentration (40 and 5ppm respectively). The mean penetration of F. solani FPO-67 and F. oxysporum FPO-39, the more virulent of the four isolates, after 21 days of incubation at 25-27 °C indicated that imazalil and thiabendazole at concentrations of 1.5 and 2/1000, completely inhibited the penetration of F. oxysporum FPO-39 into potato tubers, but in the case of F. solani FPO-67 all treatments (1, 1.5 and 2/1000) significantly reduced the development of dry rot compared to untreated control. In natural condition, tuber treatment with Imazalil and Thiabendazole (2/1000), prior storage, reduced F. solani FPO-67 development by 68 and 71.69% respectively. According to the results, these fungicides could play a role in integrated pest management against tuber-borne fungal pathogens.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
Aims: Breakfast as the most important course meal is often neglected by children and adolescents. The present study aimed to determine the effect of the educational program based on the theory of planned behavior on breakfast consumption among the high school students of Fasa.
Materials & Methods: The present study is a quasi-experimental study consisting of 120 students selected by the simple random sampling method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire including the demographic questions and the constructs of the theories of planned behavior theory that were completed self-reportedly before and three months after the educational intervention by the intervention and control groups. The intervention group received 10 educational sessions based on the constructs of the theory of planned behavior. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software version 22 and using chi-square, independent t-test, paired t-test, and Wilcoxon tests.
Findings: Mean scores of attitudes (46.92±6.26), intention (11.24±2.53), perceived behavioral control (22.50±4.25), subjective norms (40.84±7.12) in the experimental group significantly increased after the education compared to the control group. The mean area of attitude after the intervention showed a more significant increase compared to other areas.
Conclusion: The results showed the effect of the educational program based on the theory of planned behavior on the constructs of attitude, behavior, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, and behavioral intention related to increased breakfast consumption among the first-grade high school students. Therefore, considering the appropriate context of education in schools, the low cost, and effectiveness of educational interventions, theory-based design, and implementation of educational interventions based on the mentioned structures can be suggested to increase breakfast consumption.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (1-2022)
The current study evaluated Pseudomonas fluorescens VUPf5 and three isolates of Bacillus subtilis (GB32, GB12, and VRU1) for induction of resistance against Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in cucumber Cucumis sativus L. (cultivar Sultan) plants. Seed treatment with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains significantly reduced the number of symptomatic plants when CMV was mechanically inoculated. Serological analysis using double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) also showed a significant reduction in the CMV accumulation in plants treated with PGPR strains. In every treatment, growth indices, leaf chlorophyll content, leaf carotenoid content, leaf, and root Iron, Zinc, Copper, and Manganese concentration of virus-infected plants were significantly increased. The highest reduction in CMV concentration was observed in plants treated with VRU1. The maximum chlorophyll concentration, leaf Iron, copper, and manganese were observed in plants treated with GB32.
Nevertheless, the highest carotenoid content was measured in the VUPf5 treatment. In the case of growth indices, the best results were obtained by VUPf5 compared to untreated control. In addition, the production of lipase, siderophore, protease, cellulase, HCN, auxin, and phosphate carbonate was determined under in vitro conditions. All four strains were positive for siderophore and auxin production. These results suggest that P. fluorescens and B. subtilis should be further evaluated for their potential to contribute to CMV management under in vivo and in situ conditions.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)
رمان آینههای دردار اثر هوشنگ گلشیری یکی از آثار ادبیات معاصر فارسی است که عناصر فرهنگی بسیاری در خود جای دارد. این رمان در سال 2004 م به قلم سلیم عبدالأمیر حمدان با نام «مرایا الذات» به عربی ترجمه شد. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی انتقال عناصر فرهنگی این رمان از فارسی به عربی بر پایه الگوی ولادیمیر ایویر (1987) و راهبردهای ترجمه این گونه واژهها و عبارتها و نیز بررسی میزان بسامد هر یک از راهبردها و میزان موفقیت مترجم است. روش پژوهش، توصیفی-تحلیلی است، برای این کار از طبقهبندی پنجگانۀ نیومارک (1988) و نیز نمونهکار هاشمی و غضنفریمقدم (1393) در تکمیل طبقهبندی آن بهره بردیم. یافتههای پژوهش بیانگر آن است که در این رمان، مؤلفه اصطلاحات با 95 مورد، پربسامدترین و مؤلفههای لعن و نفرین، دشنام و ناسزا با هیچ مورد کمبسامدترین است. نیز نتایج آماری راهکارهای ترجمه عناصر فرهنگی این رمان نشان میدهد که جایگزینی با بسامد 50 و 57% و وامگیری با 20 و % 23 بیشترین راهکار به کاررفته مترجم است و این نشان از آن دارد که حمدان از روش تلفیقی وامگیری به همراه تعریف بهره نبرده و عبارتها را برای خواننده در درون متن یا پاورقی تعریف نکرده است، ولی نکته مثبت ترجمه او کاربرد اندک ترجمه تحتاللفظی و حذف و بهکارنبردن مؤلفه افزودهسازی است.
Volume 11, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2009)
An extended octagonal ring (EOR) transducer was designed and developed to measure forces inside the compression chamber of a large square baler in different directions. The transducer was calibrated by applying forces in three directions simultaneously and independently. The sensor revealed excellent linearity along with small cross sensitivities. Horizontal and vertical primary sensitivities of the sensor were 1,479.7 and 1387.8 μVkN-1V-1, while horizontal and vertical cross sensitivities were 0.64 and 2.85% of the sensor primary sensitivities, respectively. The sensor was used to measure the forces inside the compression chamber of a large square baler in different directions.
Amir Reza Soori, Hassan Heydari, Hossien Afzali,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2012)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between bank loan rate and housing prices in Iran. For this purpose, some VAR models have been applied, using the following variables: real loan rate, money supply (including the high powered money and the liquidity), GDP, housing services index, and the number of licenses for new houses. The results show that a reduction in the loan interest rate will increase the demand for housing sector because of reduction in cost of borrowing from banking system in order to invest in this sector. In other word, the research findings have implied a negative relationship between bank loan interest rates and housing prices. The results have also revealed that financial repression in the form of bank loan rates control policy induces more investment in housing sector and results into resource depletion of banking system.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (spring 2024)
Cultural and linguistic differences in audio-visual texts has been always presenting a great deal of difficulties to translators in terms of word selection and transferring the cultural elements, and the issue of translatability or untranslatability of these elements challenges them. The purpose of this research is to explore how to transfer cultural elements in audio-visual texts in the form of subtitles, relying on the descriptive-analytical method. Therefore, far from the feasibility or impossibility of transferring cultural components to non-native audiences, we analyzed the movie "The Book of Law" based on the cultural morphology of Wojtasie Wicz, Then, relying on the seven techniques of Vinay and Darbelneh, we will examine and analyze the Arabic subtitles of the collection of oral statements of this film. And we are looking to show which group of cultural elements is more visible and which one of the tricks of these two theorists has the translator used more in the selection of words and the structural arrangement of phrases. The results show that linguistic terms and purely cultural references to literature, followed by names and terms related to lifestyle, have the highest frequency. And the descriptive and linguistic analyzes resulting from the translation of cultural oral statements in this corpus show that that the translator has mostly used the indirect translation and balance strategy (equalization) with a frequency of 14 and 40% and then the replication strategy (adaptation) with a frequency of 12 and 35%.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (Winter 2025)
Aims: The environmental crisis in today's world is one of the biggest challenges facing modern man, which requires urgent attention. With the power of wide influence and in-depth analysis, the media can play an important role in raising awareness and shaping the public attitude and behavior about this crisis.. This research aims to represent the relationship between modern humans and the environment in cinema.
Materials & Methods: By reviewing the Iranian films related to the environment, the film “So Far, So Close" was examined as a case study. In this research, Roland Barthes' semiotics method has been used to analyze the complexity and depth of hidden meaning in the film.
Findings: Two types of relationship between humans and environment can be considered. In the first type, the relationship should be depicted through the display of scenes where humans are enchanted by technology and only look at nature as a source of profit and pleasure. In the second type, the relationship is through the display of scenes where humans understand the weaknesses of technology against the power of nature. Human salvation should be depicted in harmonious and sustainable interactions with nature. The film effectively shows the importance of the relationship with nature, while nature is represented as a source that gives meaning to his life.
Conclusion: Knowledge and technology, the two tools of modern human dominance, are powerless against the power of nature. Therefore, an effective relationship with environment can be salvific for both.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2013)
In the course of this study, empirical models were developed for the pressure-density relationship in a large cubic baler for baling alfalfa and barley straw. Least squares regression analysis was employed to develop the empirical model and estimate the model coefficients by minimizing the summation of the squared differences between data resulting from the developed empirical model and the corresponding experimental data for a certain distance from the plunger. The effect of the flake size and load setting on the plunger pressure (pressure exerted on the bale via the plunger) as well as bale density were also determined for bailing alfalfa and barley straw. Results showed that the developed empirical model for either one of alfalfa or barley straw was a combination of a quadratic and an exponential equation which exhibited a good correlation with the experimental data (R2 of 0.89 for alfalfa and R2 of 0.94 for barley straw). Results also revealed that load setting significantly affected the plunger pressure and as well the bale density so that plunger pressure and bale density increased with increase in load setting (up to 70% for alfalfa and 100% for barley straw) in both of the forage materials. Flake size (position of the pre-compression sensitivity lever) had also a slight effect on the plunger pressure and on the bale density.
Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)
Hartmann-Sprenger tube is a device in which an under-expanded jet enters a closed-end tube which is placed in a specific distance from the nozzle. Because the tube is closed at its end and the jet flow continues, the oscillating flow could produce an intensive heat in the taped gas inside the tube. The present study focuses on the numerical analysis of the flow in various phases of the oscillatory process in a sample resonance tube. First, the numerical model is generated with respect to the physical knowledge of the problem. Then, the problem is solved numerically and the results will be discussed in various steps of the process. Numerical results are in good agreement with the experiments. The analysis shows that the process consists of two major phases; the transient flow and semi-steady flow. In the transient phase, the changes are more violent than the second phase. On the other hand, the amount of heat generation and dissipation is different in these two phases. In Fact, the most important factor in the heat generation process is the compression waves passing through the points inside the tube; which is repeated periodically. Also, the main mechanisms for heat dissipation in the tube are the mass displacement and the heat transfer from the walls. Finally, the flow analysis will lead to increasing the insight for the flow and heat generation mechanism in a Hartmann-Sprenger tube and decreasing the uncertainties.