1- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Isfahan
2- Professor, Department of Economics, University of Isfahan
3- M.A. Student of Economics, University of Isfahan
Abstract: (8266 Views)
Tourism plays a growing role in developing countries and is considered as a way of government deficit reduction, gaining foreign exchange and creating jobs. In addition, it is viewed as a channel of getting away from single product economies. In fact, tourism is an industry with multi-dimensional impacts on different sectors of economy. Therefore, it can also be viewed as an important development factor in Isfahan province. In this study, the impacts of international tourist expenditures on income generation, allocation, distribution, consumption and savings in different economic sectors of Isfahan province has been analyzed using Social Account Matrix (SAM) technique, supported by input-output matrix. The results show that financial sector has a very poor performance in this regard in terms of generating revenues coming from international tourists. Although the government sector has the highest share regarding the initial allocation of income, but due to the transactions happening among structural sectors, households have been the main gainers of this income generation. In fact, almost 84% of the generated revenues in this way have been consumed.
Received: 2010/06/24 | Revised: 2013/06/10 | Accepted: 2012/02/26 | Published: 2013/04/21