Volume 11, Issue 1 (2011)                   QJER 2011, 11(1): 1-18 | Back to browse issues page

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Hasani Sadrabadi M H, Moshfegh S. A Survey on Causality Relations between the Factors Affecting the Demand for Urban Housing in Tehran Province. QJER 2011; 11 (1) :1-18
URL: http://ecor.modares.ac.ir/article-18-8520-en.html
1- Azzahra University
2- MS. Student of Economics, Azzahra University
Abstract:   (11289 Views)
Nowadays, the effect and importance of housing and its role in Iran’s economy cannot be underestimated. Housing as a fundamental and basic need for Iranian households is not just a shelter, but is considered as a crucial asset. It has a superior financial value as well. Expansion in urbanization, especially in Tehran, regarding its financial and political importance has contributed to this situation. In this paper, using time interval data between the years 1981 to 2005, the casual relation between variables which affect housing in urban districts through analyzing and monitoring Granger-Hissao, Simes causality test, have been utilized and its impacts are examined in self-regression model. The results indicate that there was a causality relation between price of house, bank loans, number of households and their incomes. Nevertheless, house price had the most impact on instabilities of housing during this period.
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Received: 2009/10/3 | Revised: 2011/05/30 | Accepted: 2010/11/7 | Published: 2011/04/30

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