1- tehran
Abstract: (8173 Views)
For identifying factors effect Individuals Investment intention in Tehran Stock Exchange, we employed a 28-items questionnaire among 450 persons. Cronbachs alpha was equaled 0.871 and depicted a good reliability. Based on SEM methodology via using LISREL8.7, we found that proposed conceptual model and the entire hypothesis confirmed. Findings indicated that financial-accounting information (FAI) and general information (GNI) directly and indirectly via investor expectation (EXP) effect investing intention (INTENT). Investor need (NEED) directly effects investing intention. The order of total effects of factors effect Individuals Investment intention in Tehran Stock Exchange is (from high to low): GNI (0.5461), FAI (0.4702), EXP (0.31) and NEED (0.24).
Received: 2007/11/4 | Revised: 2010/01/18 | Accepted: 2008/04/27 | Published: 2008/12/22